
The broken thrown. A storm rises. book 2

BushThorn has ran away from her mothers mountain, she now has to earn the trust of the dragons that plot against her mother. Can she gain there trust or can she trust them? BushThorn is friends with QuiverWing but not all dragons believed so. BushThorn has to learn how to stand on her feet and eventually have to face her mothers furious wrath. With the first few days BushThorn finds all sort of drama and secrets that these dragons holds.

FunPup · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Chapter 5

BushThorn woke up the next morning, QuiverWing and Scorch were both gone and she felt nice and warm under the heating. A fires spit walked, "Oh, you're awake" she smiled, "I came here earlier but you were asleep and I didn't want to disturb you".

"Why were you hear?" BushThorn tilted her head.

"To keep the heater on, they cool down after a couple of days" she explained, "I didn't think we met, I'm Volo" Volo smile friendly.

"I'm BushThorn but I think you already knew that" BushThorn nodded.

"QuiverWing told me all about you, you do know that you are basically the reason she kept her mind intact?" Volo mentioned.

"I am?" BushThorn felt a little surprised but at the same time proud.

"Yep and she hates the fact that most dragons don't accept you but you seem to the type who avoids trouble and you look nothing like your mother" Volo snift her.

"Thanks I guess" BushThorn shrugged, "I hate it too but it doesn't bring me down too much".

"You're a lot prettier then I imagined" Volo blurded put.

"Oh! thanks... umm" BushThorn tilted her head.

"Sorry, didn't mean to make you uncomfortable it's just that all I've heard is that Petle screaming to her gards that you aren't as pretty as her" Volo explained.

"What! all I've heard is her praising me for getting her look and my fathers!" BushThorn hissed in outrage.

"Well anuther reason to work against her" Volo joked.

"Guess you're right" BushThorn shrugged.

"You haven't got any cold symptoms of the cold? Scorch told me to ask since he heard you having a blocked nose last night" Volo asked.

"No I don't have a blocked nose" BushThorn shook her head, "are you going to sort the heater out?".

"Yeah I just want to know you, QuiverWing said that you're great friend to have, I'll be honest I'm not all that connected with the other fire spits and the ice thangs don't seem all that calm and the all the cloud slashers are sick so I don't want to disturb them" Volo explained.

"Your... shy?" BushThorn found it amusing.

"If you want to put that way, yes I'm shy and I've always lived alone" Volo grind.

"But fire spits live in flocks, who looked after you when you were a hatchling?" BushThorn asked.

"My mother was roge but I was distant with her and when she joined some flock I choose to stay on my own" Volo flicked a stone.

"I can relate to that" BushThorn nodded.

"Doesn't Petle smother you?" Volo tilted her head.

"With protection and no scratches can be found, yes but with love never, she didn't want me in the first place she just needs me" BushThorn explained.

"What do you mean she needs you?" Volo asked a little more alert now.

"She needs a hair to confirm her place on the thrown, as long as I'm alive she gets to keep it" BushThorn explained the very sentence she gets told most days on the mountain.

"So! all we need to do is kill you and she can get pushed of the thrown" Wrath came storming in with a grin, "now that's the information that we need".

"Wrath you can't just kill her" Volo jumped up.

"Sure I can just one slash to throat will do it" Wrath stared to ame.

"No!" BushThorn punded her claws on his head and ran out.

"Oww!" Wraths voice called out. BushThorn ran to QuiverWing and ducked.

"What? are you ok?" QuiverWing asked lifting her back up.

"Wrath tried to kill me!" BushThorn ducked again.

"What!" QuiverWing snarled and screamed out his name.

"Yes" Wrath came to her in seconds holding one of his claws on his head.

"You tried to kill her!" BushThorn never heard a dragon that isn't her mother snarle so loud before.

"No I said it as a joke and she smashed my head into the floor" Wrath gave a sharp look at her.

"Just leave her alone, and if I see her dashing from you because you 'joked' about someone I will not be happy" QuiverWing warned.

"Alright but tell her how to take a joke" Wrath headed to the library that is very close to finishing.

"You should be fine now" QuiverWing reinsured.

"Thanks, can I help you out?" BushThorn offered.

"Yes can you deliver these poppy petals to the third sleeping chamber down?" QuiverWing gave her a very small basket with the poppy petals, she saw Scorch tending to the garden looking very upset. BushThorn went to the sleeping chamber and nocked with her tail, "come in" a voice called.

"I got your poppy petals" BushThorn handed them to a male fire spit.

"I'm Father and you're BushThorn?" Father asked, he had a deep slash went from his shoulder to his tail.

"Yes" BushThorn nodded, "who did that?" she asked.

"One of Petles gards" he hissed, "came out of nowhere and attacked me for breathing".

"If they don't they get killed so..." she stopped when she saw his look.

"I'm the victim here" Father reminded.

"Yes of course but there's just facts that flot in my head" she shook her thoughts of.

"Right, you aren't like your mother, right?" he narrowed his eyes and leaned in observing her expression.

"No! I'm the complete opposite of her" BushThorn almost snapped.

"Good" he leand back with a pleased smile, "that means you won't hurt any of these dragons" he nodded.

"No they'll kill me if I wanted to" BushThorn insured.

"So all the others have things to do and I'm a little lonely, can you stay for a little bit?" he asked then took the poppy petals.

"Sure" BushThorn layed infront of him, "you seem to be very social".

"Yep I was hatched and raised in a large flock, I've never really been alone or in a small group until Petle chased us out of our territory and split us up" he growed.

"I bet you can't wait the day she is chased of the thrown" BushThorn observed.

"Chased of the thrown, most dragons want her dead" he laughed.

"Fair enough" BushThorn shrugged, honestly not caring.

"You seem to be taking it easy, I mean wouldn't you want to keep your mother alive?" he tilted his head.

"She only cares that I'm alive for her own selfish reasons" BushThorn hissed softly.

"Not close to her then huh" Father shrugged.

"No she never keeped me close and now I've never felt more alive" BushThorn expressed.

"Well what did you do for fun? since you wasn't close, your a dueviniel and from what I know we get friends from our mother's introducing each other" he asked.

"I didn't really get bored, I have enough chores to keep me busy" BushThorn nodded.

"Oh well what kind of chores?" Father asked.

"Tend to her exsortic pets, clean up old moss and thing like that" BushThorn answered.

"What kind of pets?" he asked and waited for an answer.

"Well the main one is her prize king cheeter then there's her elephant and other svanan animals" BushThorn listed.

"Oh, well the kind is pets my alfa had was desert animals like snakes and camels" he nodded.

"Tell me about yourself, I told you about me" Button nodded her head up.

"We I know a lot about other dragons, I can't stand being alone and hate the cold" he shivered.

"Didn't you get your heater sorted out?" BushThorn asked.

"No and I can't" he shook his head.

"Do you want me to get Volo?" she offered.

"Volo! I don't quit get that one but yes I would like that" he nodded. BushThorn walked out and sniffed but in a rather small cave compered to the mountain. BushThorn went to QuiverWing, "hey do you know were Volo is?" she asked.

"Yeah she would be getting lunch" QuiverWing answered.

"Lunch but I just woke up" BushThorn tilted her head.

"Yeah you should wake up a bit more" QuiverWing nodded, "why do you need her?"

"Fathers heater isn't working" she explained.

"Aaaaah I see" QuiverWing went back to her duties as a healer. BushThorn went to the pry center and saw her munching on a sheeps leg, "Volo!" she called out.

"Yeah" Volo answered.

"Father needs his heater to be fixed" she explained.

"I'll be there after I eat" Volo said then finished her food rather quickly.

She stretched and headed to his sleeping chamber, BushThorn saw him huffing the moss into the air "Volo nice to see sister" he smiled. Volo just nodded and sorted the heater out and stayed quiet. "So no 'hey brother'?" Father tried.

"No afence but I don't really get it, we aren't kin" she shrugged slightly.

"It's not that we're kin it's that we are the same species, I see you as a little sister" he explained.

"Thanks" Volo said when she got the heating started.

"Aaaaah nice and welcoming warmth" he smiled, "Volo how about you stay for a bit I haven't gotten to know and it's kinda killing me" he suggested.

"Alright" she shrugged, "but there isn't much about me".

"BushThorn you don't have anywhere to go do you?" Father asked.

"No I can stay" she shook her head.

"Great I would like to some company" he wagged his tail then flinched.

"How about you tell us what happened" Volo pointed to the slash he has.

"Yes ylu two would love to hear this story" he then went on about how he was walking around and the gard came.out of nowhere.