
The broken thrown. A storm rises. book 2

BushThorn has ran away from her mothers mountain, she now has to earn the trust of the dragons that plot against her mother. Can she gain there trust or can she trust them? BushThorn is friends with QuiverWing but not all dragons believed so. BushThorn has to learn how to stand on her feet and eventually have to face her mothers furious wrath. With the first few days BushThorn finds all sort of drama and secrets that these dragons holds.

FunPup · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Chapter 2

BushThorn took some of the fish and she saw Tusile take some of the goats. "So what's it like in the mountain?" BushThorn was surprised by the question.

"Do you mean my mothers mountain or any mountain?" BushThorn asked.

"Any mountain" Tusile leand in.

"Aren't you mountain dragon?" BushThorn asked.

"Yes but I don't remember much it, we was kicked out when I was only a one year old hatchling" Tusile explained.

"Oh I see" BushThorn felt a little awkward that this dragon was kicked out of there home by her mother.

"Don't worry I don't blame you" Tusile reinsurered.

"My mother dose deserve whatever you all plan against her" BushThorn agreed.

"Tell me about it, you know most dragons assumed that you were exactly like Petle but I always thought that you wouldn't" Tusile mentioned.

"Why? In the mountain I'm nothing like her, Frostbite always pushing me around can prove that" BushThorn was now curious of the views the dragons here have on her.

"Petle aloud someone to push you around?" Tusile had a gigglely confused face.

"Yep, that's probably because he is an undead sky keeper and she knows that if he snaps he can kill her" BushThorn shrugged.

"Wait there is another undead sky keeper other then Scorch?" Tusile looked interested now.

"I can say the same for Scorch" BushThorn said.

"Far enough, but what is the mountains like?" Tusile leand in.

"Well they get a bit cold, plenty of wind so you can glide everywhere and plenty of goats" BushThorn explained, kind of missing her home now that she's talking about it.

"You ok?" Tusile asked.

"Yeah I'm fine" BushThorn smiled, "so what do you do for fun around her?".

"You could bug Scorch or bug Wrath" Tusile shrugged, "not muck you could do and if you tell any one that you're bored they'll tell you to help out with the library".

"You seem to be the only dueviniel or hatchling in the matter" BushThorn noticed.

"Yeah that's why I'm so excited that you're here" Tusile wagged her tail.

"Are we aloud to go hunting?" BushThorn asked, she always wanted to but her mother never lets her.

"We can but we have to have someone with us, it's a new rule Wrath put" Tusile nodded.

"Well let's go" BushThorn ran towards the library hoping that he would be there.

"Wrath!" Tusile called out, she ran passed her and stopped perfectly infrared of him.

"You alright? you usually crash into me" Wrath sat down.

BushThorn caught up and she saw Wraths expression change from calm to irritated, "so what is it then?" Wrath asked.

"We were wondering if we could go hunting" Tusile had a grin but nothing like she has seen before.

"Oh I see, nice try BushThorn but I can see that you are getting her into a trap" Wrath snapped.

"I don't work for my mother!" BushThorn felt a fended and shook her head.

"Right, but I'm smart enough to see a threat infront of me" Wrath squinted his eyes and growled.

"Hey, what's happening here?" BushThorn turned around and saw a large frildon barring his teeth.

"Petles daughter trying to get your daughter into a trap" Wrath answered.

"No I'm not- agu" BushThorn just to the lake, swimming always makes her calm down.

She just jumped in and sank to the bottom, she looked up and saw an ice thang tilting there head, then Wrath stopping at the edge. BushThorn couldn't hear anything but she did see a dark dragon talk to Wrath and then jump in. It was Scorch, he walked over to her then pointed to a cave under the waterfall. BushThorn went to it, she could hold her breath for a long time but under stress not as much. They emerged and it was rather comfy in there, "you alright?, conzies don't do well under water" Scorch asked.

"I've always like to swim" she corrected.

"Ok, but want to explain that?, all I saw is you dashing in and sinking" Scorch had a friendly look, a look that she only gets from Frostbite.

"Wrath thinks I'm still loyal to my mother" But complained.

"I see but he is the kind of dragon to suspicious of every dragon he doesn't know, like when he met QuiverWing he looked like he wanted to kill her but then they became friends" Scorch explain.

"It's just annoying that dragons can only see me as my mother, she never wanted me she just needed me" BushThorn hissed, it hurt her throat as she never hissed before.

"I don't, you look too soft to be like your mother" Scorch mentioned.

"Frostfire was the only one who saw me as who I am, all the other gards and nobles saw me as if I'm clone of her" BushThorn flicked her tail.

"Well looks like I'm exactly like my brother then, almost" Scorch sighed and looked as if he is deep in his mind.

"I just want to help you all, I have information and know that mountain of by heart" BushThorn cried.

"You know were QuiverWing is exactly and how to free her" Scorch had a flicker of hope in her eyes.

"Yes but the best way if you want to avoid the gards is throgh the blood grippers cages, they are connected to her pit" BushThorn stopped when Scorch stared laughing.

"You aren't helping yourself here" he chuckled.

"What! it's iver you fight a bunch of armed and highly trained gards or fight some lazy chaned up blood grippers" BushThorn mentioned.

"Blood grippers has an instinct to kill, they will kill anything that moves and if you piss one of you have a flock of hungry killers on your wing" Scorch explained.

"They are chaind" BushThorn repeted herself, "and muzzled".

"You haven't met a blood gripper, can I tell you a secret?" Scorch asked.

"Yeah you can" BushThorn sat down.

"When I hatched my old king thought that I was a blood gripper due to my eyes, he sent maneged to meet up with one as they are able to smell hatchlings as others can't. But because he didn't know what species I am he said that I was and I lived with then for a year" Scorch said awkwardly.

"You lived with them" BushThorn heard her own shocked tone.

"Yep but they did tell me that I'm not a blood gripper and fed me fish, but when I began to grow into nothing like a blood gripper they gave me back and then I learned to be a healer" Scorch nodded.

"Do you feel abandoned about that?" BushThorn asked.

"No" Scorch shook his head, "not at all actually I'm kinda glad because now I know that blood grippers have there own traditions and teachings. They believe that they are in the right".

"Really so killing for sport is right to them, wait that actually makes sence" BushThorn thought for a moment.

"And that's why I don't judge a dragon for anything until I know the truth" Scorch said.

"You see me as a different dragon" BushThorn smiled.

"Yep and I want to know you" Scorch gestured to go back out. She followed him out and she stayed at the herb station for the rest of the day.