
The broken thrown. A storm rises. book 2

BushThorn has ran away from her mothers mountain, she now has to earn the trust of the dragons that plot against her mother. Can she gain there trust or can she trust them? BushThorn is friends with QuiverWing but not all dragons believed so. BushThorn has to learn how to stand on her feet and eventually have to face her mothers furious wrath. With the first few days BushThorn finds all sort of drama and secrets that these dragons holds.

FunPup · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Chapter 26

A bright light shone and BushThorn had to cover her eyes, but laying infront of her is QuiverWing. She had a deep slash on her throat that began to rapidly heal and she didn't move, just layed there resting. BushThorn nudged QuiverWings head with her claws and she shot up and snarled but stopped and hugged BushThorn. "BushThorn! so good to see you well" QuiverWing hugged her so tight that she can't breath properly.

"So good to see you too" BushThorn tugged back.

"Where were you?" QuiverWing asked tilting her head.

"I died a little while ago... Petle strangled me" BushThorn pointed to the dent on her throat.

"Are you alright? is there any pain?" QuiverWing asked with concern.

"No pain just a little uncomfortable" BushThorn shook her head then looker over at Lakarr. "You alright?" BushThorn asked when she saw his strange expression.

"Yes... but I don't think she can see me" Lakarr answered and BushThorn herd QuiverWings voice.

"Who are you talking to?" QuiverWings expression was a mix of curiosity and concern for her sanity.

"You can't see him?" BushThorn asked.

"No who is 'he'?" QuiverWing tilted her head.

"Lakarr" BushThorn answered with one word.

"Who?" QuiverWing tilted her head then moved over to rufflie to where BushThorn was looking. BushThorn saw her move her claws trying to find him and Ben almost laughed when she saw Lakarr moving just out the way to mess around with her.

"Lakarr stop moving" BushThorn ordered with a giggle.

"What?" QuiverWing growled slightly. Lakarr then moved infront of her allowing her to know where he is. "There is some els here" QuiverWings frills jumped a little. Lakarr twitched his frills in a pattern and then QuiverWings frills twitched a little soon after. "What in the" QuiverWing itched her frills. "Can you hear me?" Lakarr spoke. QuiverWing clearly didn't hear anything and just touched her frills trying to figure out what happened.

"Can you tell her that chameleon dragons have the ability to communicate long distances, like across the world, with there frills that pattern that I did was to say hello?" Lakarr asked BushThorn, she nodded then said everything word for word. "Really?" QuiverWing tilted her head and she moved her frills around trying... something. "That's not how it works" Lakarr let out an amused laugh.

"I don't think it works that way" BushThorn said and they all jumped when they heard a loud cracking and a light appeared but it doesn't look like the light that she saw. It wasn't all bright to the point there is no couler at all instead it has a mix of reds and blues. "It has been too long since I've seen this" Lakarr smiled and BushThorn began to wonder if it's his.

"What us it?" BushThorn asked with her jaw half dropped.

"I've been summoned back to home" Lakarr stepped towards it, put his lens on the ground and turned towards her "I'll join your fight". He spoke and then jumped in and it looked as if the light swallowed him hole.

"What happened" QuiverWing asked and her eyes showed her emotions, mixes of concern and aww.

"Lakarr will join us" BushThorn announced.

"We do need the help" QuiverWing sighed with impatient as they have not been able to rejoin the fight. They both decided to rest as the wait and after a long, long while they were both sent back at the same time. BushThorn blinked as the sound of dragons howling in rage flooded her nerves, the moon was at its peak and most dragons were clearly exhausted on both sides.

BushThorn jumped up and saw the mess of dead tulons and cloud slashers and a blood gripper here and there. Her heart was beating with rage, fear and engineering. All dragons froze as something large splashed out of the ocean just past the valley and large, invisible wings slowly came into shape as light grey scales emerged from the moons light. A chameleon dragon almost the half the size of the mountain hissed one name, "Petle!".

"I challenge you!" Lakarr declared and a hissing, blood sooked Queen flew out to the clearing.

"NO!" Scorches voice snarled and everyone was shocked to hear such a tone of hatred come from a dragon as soft as Scorch. "There is no way a dragon like you will take the thrown! not after the suffering you corsed us! YOU WORSE THEN PETLE!" Scorch had smoke porirua out of nose holes and jaw.

"Scorch nice to see you to" Lakarr said in an annoyed tone but he kept a straight face.

"You really think that you can just dissappear for centuries, course mayhem and then take the thrown!?" Scorch shot a blast of fire but it didn't do anything at all to Lakarr.

"I didn't mean any of it! and I'm not taking the thrown" Lakarr growled deep in his throat and the ground vibrated.

"Yes yes anuff chit chat come on then I killed more then anuff chameleon dragons to take you down!" Petles then let out lightning onto Lakarrs back and in only left one scale out of place. Lakarr then grabbed hold of Petle and used only one set of claws to pin her down. "I'm an ordinal chameleon dragon, idiot it's gonna take a hole lot more then a little bit of lightning to take me down" Lakarr snarled. BushThorn saw Petle bite down harder on his claws that made him fling his claws up and Petle dashed of with her gards.