
The broken thrown. A storm rises. book 2

BushThorn has ran away from her mothers mountain, she now has to earn the trust of the dragons that plot against her mother. Can she gain there trust or can she trust them? BushThorn is friends with QuiverWing but not all dragons believed so. BushThorn has to learn how to stand on her feet and eventually have to face her mothers furious wrath. With the first few days BushThorn finds all sort of drama and secrets that these dragons holds.

FunPup · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Chapter 22

The feeling of something softly nudging BushThorns shoulder soothed her. "Come on BushThorn you can't keep sleeping" Tusiles voice startled her.

"Alright I'm up" she stretched and saw a pare of blue eyes, a burnt snout and half of the horn at the end of her nose was gone.

"I got in the mission" she had a goofy smile and she wagged her tail.

"I see, so why were you waking me up?" BushThorn felt her eyes drooping.

"QuiverWing told me to wake you up to get something to eat before we start" Tusile explained.

"Oh what's there?" BushThorn asked looking at the barrle that had some fresh fish sticking out.

"Fish, that's all" Tusile shrugged.

"Do you like fish?" BushThorn asked as she saw the disappointed expression.

"I don't mind it too much but I prefer not to eat it" Tusile wrinkled up her snout.

'And this is the niece of the most powerful frildon' BushThorn doesn't know why but something about Tusile sets of something in her. BushThorn grabbed a couple of fish and passed half to Tusile, "thanks". They ate quicker then normal, "so who do you like?" Tusile asked with a grin.

"I decided that I don't want a mate, so no one" BushThorn answered, she felt as if she said that to every dragon she met.

"Really? a dragon as pretty as you?" Tusile tilted her head.

"Well who do you like?" BushThorn honestly didn't care but she wanted to change the subject.

"Well I kinda like Wrath" Tusile almost whispered.

"Wrath, the leader who had me chaind?" BushThorn wanted to confirm, 'she does know that he is a little too old for her, right? at least Father is still young anuff to have feelings for me'.

"Yes, but I thought you forgave him for that?" Tusile had a look on her face.

"I do, but you like Wrath?" BushThorn echoed.

"Yeah, he's different and I like him" Tusile had a grin, "I know he's older but I like him and nothing is gonna change that".

"Well if you want, I can help you tell him" BushThorn offered.

"Really? thank you" Tusile rested her chin on BushThorns head.

BushThorn wasn't too sure how she felt about Tusile, on one claw she was the first dragon (that isn't QuiverWing) to accept her but on the other claw she has an energy that BushThorn doesn't know too well. "Well we are about to start the attack, are you ready?" Tusile had a look in her eye.

"Is something on your mind?" BushThorn squinted her eyes.

"Just that most of the cloud slashers here don't like the fact that you're here and think that you will betray us" Tusile bit her lip. "I don't, I see the real you, but it's not just the cloud slashers and I'm a little worried that they might try to chase you out" Tusile confessed her emotions.

"I'll be fine, I got you, QuiverWing, Wrath, Needle and even Chaker at my side" BushThorn reinsured.

"My dad is at your side?" Tusile looked unconvinced.

"Yes he said it himself that he views me as a friend" BushThorn informed.

"Oh it's just that my dad hates Petle like most dragons and I assumed that he would blame you for her crimes" Tusile had a soft tone.

"Your dad is a reasonable dragon" BushThorn observed.

"True" Tusile smiled, Wrath called everyone to a meeting.

"Now, tonight we will save our healer, we could stop Petle for once and fore all and most importantly we can strike back!" Wrath called out a speech to pump up everyone for the fight to come.

Wrath then retold everyone's positions. Then he lead every dragon to the fight. BushThorn, DustLeaf, Volo and Tusile went to the lower ledge that sits out of view of the gards and they waited for there sine. BushThorn saw that DustLeaf has his armor on but the little symbol that shows that you are Petles gard was clawed off.

Volo kept twitching her tail and fiddling with her claws whilst humming so quietly that BushThorn thought that it was the wind at first. "Volo relax, you got a lot of dragons at your side" Tusile whispered to her.

"I know... I just need to breathe" Volos voice sounded a little shaky as she whispered.

They all heard a cherp that was one of Wraths signals but not there's. They heard 2 more then a 3rd, that was there's. DustLeaf shot up and signalled for them to follow, BushThorn saw double the usual gard ready and alert. BushThorn didn't wast any time, she shot a blast at one of the gards engaging a fight.

The gard got up in the air with her and BushThorn let out a "humf" when the gard crashed into her side. They struggled in each others claws and BushThorn fell to the ground when a slash conceded with her chest. Blood splattered out of the deep wound and BushThorn couldn't get up in time.

The gard landed ontop of her and BushThorn struggled to get him off and she managed to wiggle away. BushThorn turned back to her own fight once she saw the mess of angry dragons in the main cave. BushThorn slasher her claws on the gards shoulder, the armor got in the way and she only scratched the shoulder peace.

BushThorn felt the jaws of the gard bit down at her wings joint and he ripped it out. "RAAA!!!" she yelled out in pain and she then wacked the gards eye with her own thangs. The gard jumped back and roaed, blood dripped from his new wound and a low snarle warned her to back off.

"Leave! Now!" BushThorn ordered and he dashed of to the back side of the mountain. BushThorn ran into the mountain and saw tulons and blood grippers mainly, with cloud slashers and other dragons that is with Wrath. Tusiles high pitched screech us what caught her attention, Tusile had 3 gards pinning her down.

BushThorn leaped over and clawed one of, Tusile was then able to get herself free. "Thanks BushThorn!" Tusile called and then slashed a gard on the snout causing her to snap her neck on the corner of the wall. "Since when was you this strong!?" BushThorn called out but then a gard pushed her to the ground, pinning her.

BushThorn got her back claws slashing the gards stomach, blood downed her legs and the guts of the gard was slashed out of the gard. The gard layed limp, falling to the side. BushThorn got back up and ran the help Slayer who was crying out in pain. BushThorn jumped on the side of one of the gards causing the gard to lose there footing.

BushThorn bit down on the gards neck and blood flowed in her mouth, the thick, metallic liquid sparked something deep in her. BushThorn then began to bite down harder, "aagh" the gard tried to dash but BushThorn had her claws dug in the gards back leg. BushThorn then let go as she was dragged of the gard, she saw that Slayer was dragging her off. "What happened to you?" he sounded horrified.

"Nothing what do you mean?" BushThorn was ready to strike at the next gard who looks at her.

"The bloody legs, strong grip bite and the horrible bite on your wing" Slayer was staring at her jaw.

"I'll explain later but right now Wrath needs us" she pointed her claws at Wrath with 8 gards tearing into him. Slayer nodded and they dashed to help Wrath, they both pulled off the gards and claws slashed at each other.

BushThorn froze when she heard Poisonroots voice. "I'm giving you one more chance to leave those pathetic weaklings and join me!" Poisonroot snarled loud enough that every dragon stopped fighting and looked over to her location. BushThorn snarled back, "never!, I will not join you!".

"Fine you made your choice" he had a meh expression, like always. "But I want to let you know, it's too late Petle has Scorch at the valley" Poisonroot said so calmly that he must be planning something, 'but what is his plan?'.