
The broken thrown. A storm rises. book 2

BushThorn has ran away from her mothers mountain, she now has to earn the trust of the dragons that plot against her mother. Can she gain there trust or can she trust them? BushThorn is friends with QuiverWing but not all dragons believed so. BushThorn has to learn how to stand on her feet and eventually have to face her mothers furious wrath. With the first few days BushThorn finds all sort of drama and secrets that these dragons holds.

FunPup · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Chapter 21

Wrath dashed into the cave and it made BushThorn jump pit of her moss bed and snarle. "What's wrong!?" QuiverWing growed.

"Nothing I have... good news?" Wrath sounded unsure.

"That is?" BushThorn asked.

"Do I kinda rescued the blood grippers from the old pit and now they are helping us with rescuing Scorch" Wrath announced.

"What!" QuiverWing obviously didn't like that plan.

"Yeah I mentioned Scorch and Verlene freaked out and offered to help" Wrath clearly bit his lip.

"They killed me!" QuiverWing is now in an out rage.

"I- wait they killed you?" Wraths eyes widen.

"Yes and they are blood grippers" QuiverWing snarled, camouflaged her scales and BushThorn heard a bump at the entrance.

"So the blood grippers, you set them free?" BushThorn didn't mind that they were set free. She sometimes heard there conversations and the way they kept each other spirits up gave her hope. "Yes they were left starving" Wrath had a pitiful tone.

"I know, once when I was a hatchling I talked to one of them she sounded so strong for her situation. Petle caught me and I was never able to get any information out of them" BushThorn remembered that day.

"I heard them and they looked like they haven't eaten in days" Wraths eyes was full of sympathy.

"Yes everyone at the mountain knows that they only get feed to keep them alive" BushThorn couldn't imagine how much pain they must have been in.

The sound of multiple dragons marched into the cave and BushThorn saw Chaker and what looked like all of the cloud slashers, not including Needle. "Good you all came" Wrath called out.

"So when is the attack?" Chaker asked and BushThorn noticed that Chaker is a lot more battle ready then most dragons.

She then remembered Tusile, the soft, happy and energetic frildon with the burn on her snout. 'Who was Tusiles mother?' BushThorn wondered. "Evening, for now everyone rest, get your strength up and prepare for the attack!" Wrath announced, dragons then got to a spot to relax and talk.

BushThorn went over to Chaker as he was sitting alone, "do you mind if I joined?" BushThorn asked but kept a soft tone.

"Alright, you're not gonna leave me alone until you get a conversation with me" Chaker had a passive aggressive tone.

"So what's your story?" BushThorn asked.

"What do you mean by 'story'?" Chaker hissed softly.

"Well you and Tusile are the only frildon at the cave and I don't know what happened before you joined Wrath" BushThorn explained.

"Well I was go to" Chaker shrugged.

"What happened to your flock?" BushThorn wanted to know what crimes Petle committed.

"Petle happened, she attacked my flock, killed my kin, my mate and my alfa. She realised that it was just me and my daughter left and banished us to that tropical island" Chaker hissed as he explained.

"Why just you two?" BushThorn almost whispered.

"I was go to, I'm not alfa and I'm not a soldier so in here mind I wouldn't try to avenge her" Chaker explained.

"Who was your alfa?" BushThorn was getting dangerously curious.

"She was Arch" Chaker made an expression like she was supposed to know who she was.

"Arch?" BushThorn echoed.

"You don't know Arch?" Chaker looked shocked and discusseded.

"No" BushThorn almost whispered in an awkward tone.

"Well let me explain her to you: she was the best alfa any frildon has ever seen, she had train all of us to be the best if not better and she was the one who controlled this mountain before Petle!" the was he pronounced Petles name it can send fear down any dragons spine.

"She was also my sister" Chaker added.

"Oh well..." BushThorn didn't know what to say.

"Ha did my raised voice scare you?" he had a very pleased look.

"I just didn't know... I thought..." BushThorn was almost speechless.

"Relax, you're a friend not an enemy to me" Chaker reinsured her.

"Thanks, I'm not to sure about most dragons though" BushThorn could feel the cold glares of all the cloud slashers.

"Didn't you save there alfa? so if they doused you as a friend then they have some problems!" Chaker bared his teeth at the dragons behind her. "You can stick close to me if that makes you feel comfortable" Chaker yawned and layed down, "just don't disturb my sleep" he instructed.

"Ok" BushThorn then went over to Wrath who was struggling to control a couple of cloud slashers. "Please just let me explain the blood grippers!" Wrath yelled out.

"Alright if all of you keep on hissing like that Wrath can not speak! Shut up and let him explain!" QuiverWing ordered.

Everyone went silent and waited for Wrath to explain. "Look I freed the blood grippers that Petle keeped looked up, I mentioned that she had Scorch and the leader frecked out and offered to help, we need the help!" Wrath explained the situation.

"But they're blood grippers!" one dragon called out.

"I know but they hate Petle, they would rather kill Petle then kill some dragons who are obviously on there side" Wrath answered.

"But-" anuther dragon was about to speak but QuiverWing stopped them.

"One more word and you'll be of the mission! now how would Needle feel about his warriors being kicked of the mission because you refused to co-operate!".

The hole cave went silent and no one dared to argue back, "now I need to get you all informed about the plan, thank you QuiverWing" Wrath then went on to explain everyone's place. BushThorn noticed that dragons don't mind arguing at Wrath but doesn't dare challenge QuiverWing in any shape or form.

BushThorn heard her name, "BushThorn, Volo and DustLeaf will be on the left side of the cave entrance ready to pounce on any gard" Wrath ordered. She, Volo and DustLeaf all nodded and went back to licensing to the institutions.

Once Wrath was done he dismissed everyone and set a small hunting party and DustLeaf walked over to him. BushThorn noticed that he didn't have his armor on, his scales were not one couler but a bright green on his head to his shoulders, deep blue alone his spine, wight for his under belly scales and one purple spot on his left wing.

She found herself staring at the different coulerd scales, "I thought you were with Father" Volos voice startled BushThorn.

"No I don't want a mate" BushThorn almost snarled.

"Alright calm down" Volo stepped back.

"So what do you wish to do?" BushThorn asked her feeling a bit bored.

"I just want to rest" Volo shrugged.

"Same" BushThorn yawned and they went to there own moss beds.