
The broken thrown. A storm rises. book 2

BushThorn has ran away from her mothers mountain, she now has to earn the trust of the dragons that plot against her mother. Can she gain there trust or can she trust them? BushThorn is friends with QuiverWing but not all dragons believed so. BushThorn has to learn how to stand on her feet and eventually have to face her mothers furious wrath. With the first few days BushThorn finds all sort of drama and secrets that these dragons holds.

FunPup · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Chapter 20

Wrath layed on his moss bed looking at everyone around him. The warm light of the rising sun crawled into the cave and Wrath felt numb all over. 'I don't think I informed BushThorn of the plan, she was asleep when we made it' he thought calmly to himself.

One look at him and any dragon would think that he is calm and happy but deep down stress flooded his heart. 'Today we can take Petle down or we can fail and parish' he took a deep breath trying not to think about it much. He didn't get much sleep last night so that was also digging in him.

Wrath shot up as he heard someone walk in, it was Slayer so Wrath calmed down a bit. "Wrath you're awake?" Slayer whispered.

"Yes I didn't sleep much" he whispered back, it would be no use to tell him he had a good night sleep.

"Well how are you feeling then?" Slayer sat down infront of him.

"Alright, a little stressed then anything" he answered honestly.

"Well I don't blame you, to attack Petles mountain... it ain't easy thing to do" Slayer twitched his tail.

"You nervous?" Wrath asked.

"A little, the last time I had a fight with one of those gards, it was tough" Slayer looked Wrath, "let's hope that Chaker can make back quickly with reinforcements".

"Yes speed is everything here, but I think we can at least get Scorch free" Wrath rested his head in his front claws.

"I hope most of us make it out alive" Slayer admitted.

"We are planning a sneak attack, if anything goes wrong most of us will be able to escape" Wrath mentioned.

"True" Slayer shrugged, Slayer then walked over to his moss bed and fell asleep. They were gonna plan a sneak attack on the thrown room at dusk, the plan is to sneak in take out as many gards as possible and then free Scorch. If they still have a lot of strength they can attack Petle and hope that they can take her down.

Wrath shot his head up once more as movement was at the entrance of the cave. Wrath took a sigh of relief when he saw DustLeaf. "Good morning Wrath" DustLeaf whispered.

"Back so soon?" Wrath questioned, he can see in the dragons eyes that he can be trusted but there is no harm in suspicion.

"Yes I was told by Poisonroot that I have to return to my usual duties" DustLeaf answered.

"Does he do that a lot?" Wrath was a little worried.

"Yes as a lot of gards do so" DustLeaf nodded, "should I tell the report later or now?" DustLeaf asked clearly wanting to sleep.

"You can tell me later" Wrath dismissed him. DustLeaf took the first empty moss bed he can see.

Wrath walked over to him and whispered, "I'm going out for a walk".

"What? but all the gards" he had a worried expression.

"I'll be back by midday latest, if I'm not back by then you can worry" Wrath instructed and DustLeaf nodded. Wrath dove for the bushes so he won't get seen.

He crawled under the cover of the forest and he reached a pit. It wasn't a normal pit and he recognised it as the pit he saw the sweet and innocent QuiverWing chaind and flooded. He hated the sight, he couldn't bare it but now a sent that is different came from the pit.

Wrath began to snif around the abandoned pit and realised that blood grippers was what he was smelling. Usually he would run and fly as far away as possible but curiosity got the best of him.

Wrath jumped down into the pit with a splash as ice cold water surrounded his claws. "Hush someone is here!" a female voice with a rather heavy accent shouted out.

"What where are you!?" Wrath called out not knowing where the voice came from.

"Now who are you!?" the female voice called out him, "I don't recognise your voice".

"No who are you!?" Wrath doesn't like the sound of the situation.

"Open the wall and find out, we are what you say... lonely" she had a mocking tone.

"What is your name!?" Wrath demanded.

"I am Verlene, now what is your name?!" she had a polite tone.

"Wrath!" he answered making sure he had a sharp voice.

"Oh well Wrath can you be a dear and open the door?!" Verlene still had the polite voice.

"I don't know who!" Wrath answered.

"There is a leaver on the big tree!" Verlene directed. Wrath flew up the tree and saw the leaver, he was about to push it but stoped. 'What am I doing? these are blood grippers' he shook his head.

"Umm you can't find it!?" Verlene called out as he hesitated.

"Why should I?!" Wrath called back.

"What do you mean? we have been stuck in these tunnels and haven't eaten in days! you can't leave us suffering!" Verlene had a desperate tone. Wrath pulled the leaver and hoped that it won't bite him in the tail later.

A dragon landed behind him and he spun around, a pale scaled, bright red eyes blood gripper stood there. She was really skinny and he could see her ribs but he had a great full smile. Verlene licked the top of his head, "thank you, you are now blood gripper ally if you need anything just look for me".

"Umm thanks" Wrath moved his head away from her as the liking felt uncomfortable.

"All blood grippers will be informed that you are friend" Verlenes tusks, that at first look looks like teeth, was the only thing on her that looked well cared for. Wrath looked at the other dragons and saw how dark there scales were compared to Verlene and all of there tusks looked well cared for.

"So what are you doing here?" Verlene asked tilting her head.

"Trying to rescue Scorch" Wraths heart sank when he saw the furious look on her face.

"Scorch is stuck with that phycho!" Verlene had smoke rising from her nose.

"Yes why do you care so much?" Wrath has never been so confused.

"I raised that boy for the first year of his life and he is now is stuck in that disaster mountain!" she hissed and as she turned around the end of her tail shown the sharp tip.

"Wait!" he grabbed her shoulder to get her attention, "I have a plan and you could help, it would make it a lot easier for the both of us".

"Yes, well what is it?" she sat down and signalled with her tail to the others.

"We were planning to sneak in the thrown room take put the gards there and realise Scorch from the cage that is located in the middle hanging" Wrath explained the basics.

"So you want us to help you with the gards and a sneak attack I love it" Verlene purred.

"Yes but I need to inform the others about you so they won't attack you, we will start the attack at evening I will send you a single of a loud bird call" Wrath informed her of the information.

"Yes see you tonight" Verlene nodded and then glided off. Wrath ran as fast as he can whilst making sure he didn't get caught.