
The broken thrown. A storm rises. book 2

BushThorn has ran away from her mothers mountain, she now has to earn the trust of the dragons that plot against her mother. Can she gain there trust or can she trust them? BushThorn is friends with QuiverWing but not all dragons believed so. BushThorn has to learn how to stand on her feet and eventually have to face her mothers furious wrath. With the first few days BushThorn finds all sort of drama and secrets that these dragons holds.

FunPup · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Chapter 1

BushThorn was flying to an island were dragons are plotting against her mother, 'I'm I sure I want to go with them? yes mother deserves it" BushThorn gritted her teeth and one of the cloud slashers looked at her. "You ok?" he asked, he had vines wrapped around his wing and the tip of his tail is chiped.

"Yes" she sounded annoyed still.

"Ok but if you want to turn back you can" he reinsured her.

"I know, but I never left the mountain before mother always told me to stay put" BushThorn took a deep breath.

"I see but you'll like it thair, Wrath is a good dragon" he nodded.

"Wrath, Storms uncle?" BushThorn asked.

"Storm, who's Storm?" he tilted his head.

"Storm is the storm herder my mother had imprisoned he would talk about his uncle, Wrath" she explained.

"Well we'll ask Wrath about Storm when we'll get there" he nodded again and went into a dive, the island was mostly rainforest.

The cloud slashers went to the middle of island and they walked to a cave were the entrance is covered in moss and vines, making it look like a bolder. "Smart, keep it hidden" BushThorn approved.

"It was Wraths idea to come here" the cloud slasher she talked to said, "my name is Slayer".

"BushThorn" she responded. When she walked in she saw a beautiful waterfall with a lake, ledges on her left, on her right a herb station and a large rock that sits in the middle. "Aa Slayer your patrol is back, and who is this?" a large cloud slasher asked, when he looked at her.

"Needle this is BushThorn" Slayer answered.

"BushThorn, wait isn't that Petles daughter?" Needle snift her.

"I am" she answered.

"Oh, your not here to spy on up, if you are you are not leaving this cave" Needle had a sturn voice.

"I'm not, actually Slayer invited me here, sorry I can't control who my partner are!" BushThorn was even angrya now that she was accused as a spy.

"I see, let me tell Wrath then and you can stay here" Needle headed up a wide tunnel and dissaperd around the corner.

"Sorry I died know he would react that way" Slayer apologies.

"It's ok I've just had a bad night" she layed down and hid her nose in her claws, 'father just had to go there, didn't her! he thinks he knows what's good for me, like he ever cared about me' she growled in her throat.

"What happened?" Slayer asked.

"Father" she looked up at him.

"Did you have an argument with him, or" he asked.

"I guessed, he just thinks that I shouldn't be on the mountain and thinks that I should move to the desert with him, it would've been ok if he didn't add, 'she clearly isn't growing any taller or smarter in the mountain and she clearly isn't betting the shiny scales if she's looked up in her room" BushThorn snarled.

"Ouch" Slayer said.

"Then Frostbite had to not look were he's going and trip up on me, then say, how are you this small for a dueviniel" she slashed her tail.

"So you're insecure about your hight?" Slayer asked.

"Always have been" she responded.

"But why, being tall is the worst you can't see were your going, you can trip on anything and you can't fit in most caves" Slayer objected.

"I didn't say I want to be tall I said I don't want to be short" BushThorn corrected.

"Oh well then I'm sure that Scorch would have something" Slayer pointed his claws to herb station were a black skeleton it handling herbs.

"He's Frostbites brother isn't he?" BushThorn asked.

"Yep I believe so" Slayer nodded. She then heard a dragon call for Slayer, "coming Wrath" he responded. Slayer then signalled for her to follow, they walked up the wide tunnel and around the corner were a deep cave sat.

It looked like a library, with all the book shelves and slabs. BushThorn followed Slayer down the ramp to a storm herder who was waiting patiently, "Slayer so I here that you brought Petles daughter here, any reason?" Wrath asked.

"Yes she wanted to leave her mother, she seems to want to help" Slayer moved to let her talk.

"So, is this true?" Wrath looked hopeful.

"Yes" BushThorn nodded, "my mother needs to stop, especially what she has done to QuiverWing". BushThorn saw Wrath wrinkle his nose and twitch his tail, "umm you ok?" she asked.

"What exactly did she do to QuiverWing?" Wrath asked.

"Well she had a pit made for her and about 50 gards watching, blood grippers for when she fights back and lots of chains" BushThorn informed.

"So our patrols were right" Wrath looked even more annoyed now.

"But the gards are friendly, just don't try to let QuiverWing escape and you can just walk right up to the pit even go into it if you want" BushThorn nodded.

"Really, this isn't some sort of trick" Wrath squinted his eyes.

"No, just don't show that you're an enemy of my mother then you'll be fine" BushThorn shook her head violently.

"I see, so I'm out of the question, Slayer she is gona need a place to sleep can you make her a bed?" Wrath turned his head to Slayer.

"Yes Wrath right away" Slayer didn't bow like she's use to, he just smiled and walked of.

"You do know that, Storm is still alive, right?" she asked and the working dragons had a confused look.

"Doubt that, Petle would have killed him for sure" Wrath growled and had a non-friendly look.

"No he is alive, he now works for my mother, keeping QuiverWing in her pit" BushThorn taped her thangs together.

"I'm pretty sure he would be brain washed to work for her" Wrath looked his eyes with her, "I don't know what game you're playing but it won't work".

"You don't trust" she flicked her tail.

"No, of course I don't, you're the hair to the thrown not only that but Petles daughter" he pronounced Petles name like an insult, "if I see you harming any dragon here I won't hesitate to kill you, got it" he huffed.

"You think I'm like my mother but I'm not, she's cruel, unfair and deserves betrayal" BushThorn lifted her head, 'I'm nothing like my mother'.

"So you say but over time we'll see" Wrath walked out of the cave and she was free to walk around.

"Would you like to get something to eat?" BushThorn turned around and saw a young frildon, with a burn down her snout.

"Wouldn't mind" she responded.

"I'm Tusile, and you're BushThorn if I can remember correctly" Tusile tilted her head.

"Yep" BushThorn nodded, they went up the tunnel to a room full of food.