
The broken thrown. A storm rises. book 2

BushThorn has ran away from her mothers mountain, she now has to earn the trust of the dragons that plot against her mother. Can she gain there trust or can she trust them? BushThorn is friends with QuiverWing but not all dragons believed so. BushThorn has to learn how to stand on her feet and eventually have to face her mothers furious wrath. With the first few days BushThorn finds all sort of drama and secrets that these dragons holds.

FunPup · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Chapter 19

BushThorn woke up to the sound of dragons bickering. "So he's in a cage in the middle of the thrown room!" Wrath growed in frustration.

"Yes and by the looks of it lots of gards" QuiverWing reported.

"The thrown room always has at least 10 gards in it" BushThorn got up and stretched.

"Oh that's just lovely" Wrath flicked his tail.

"But they don't know that DustLeaf is with us" BushThorn got an idea.

"Right, I'm an outer gard, I can pull the 'I want to show Petle that I'm a committed gard' card and do a patrol in the thrown room" DustLeaf agreed to BushThorns plan.

"That could work" Volo nodded.

"Yes all the gards do it and I do a lot since... history" he growed.

"History?" Wrath questioned.

"Yeah dragons like me are a regular, she killed many tulons and got those who can fight, her gards, it's only that or death" DustLeaf explained.

Wrath sat down thinking for a bit, "fine you can go, but any sine of betral and I'll kill you".

"Sounds fare" DustLeaf nodded.

"In my opinion I should keep an eye on things whilst camouflaged, so I can report what he finds out so he won't have to come over here and risk getting found" QuiverWing suggested.

"I agree, if I get caught she can fly away easily and I can take the blame" DustLeaf mentioned.

"Petle would kill you" BushThorn heard her own worried filled voice.

"I won't get caught" DustLeaf reinsured.

"It's a good plan to get information" Wrath agreed, "you should go tonight, some dragons might figure out your absence".

"Yes I can tell you what happened in the mountain from the past week or so" DustLeaf offered.

DustLeaf and Wrath took a seat on the side and BushThorn sat over with QuiverWing. "Hey I want to tell you something" QuiverWing said as soon as she came over.

"What is it?" BushThorn sat down next to her friend who was staring out of the cave.

"When I was having a look at the situation, I saw a dragon with loots of jewelry and a little hatchling that was shaking" QuiverWing looked at BushThorn waiting an answer.

"Oh uncle Chestnut and cousin Cob. We don't know why Cob is always shaking" BushThorn flicked a stone remembering the tiny hatchling who she always caught crying when he's alone.

"I just wondering about them, so what are they like?" QuiverWing asked.

"Well Chestnut never truly hang out with me, he always has some sort of job to do and little Cob, he is the sweetest hatchling I've ever seen" BushThorn explained them.

"So they friend?" QuiverWing tilted her head.

"Umm Cob yes, he loves me but... Chestnut is the most loyal noble to Petle" BushThorn twitched her tail.

"Doesn't surprise me much, so Cob will listen to your every command then?" QuiverWing narrowed her eyes in deep thought.

"Yes but he is too young and sometimes unable to walk to help us" BushThorn pointed out.

"Well I had a thought, anyway I would like to know, how do you feel about all this?" QuiverWing took her by surprise.

"You know that I'm loyal you you and Wrath" BushThorn felt a little pind.

"Yes I know, but how do you feel sneaking in your old home?" QuiverWing continued to question here.

"A little like when I was a hatchling, I would get bored and sneak up to Petle for fun" BushThorn answered honestly.

"Oh I see" QuiverWing nodded slowly.

"Can I ask you something?" BushThorn said suddenly.

"Yes of course you can" QuiverWing kept her gaze on her.

"What do you remember of your old flock, I mean you clearly remember some old facts" BushThorn remember the first time they met and QuiverWing made it clear that she couldn't remember anything.

"I... I don't... no I can't even remember any sents, voices or territory placement" QuiverWing stared out of the cave longingly.

"Oh so what does Scorch remember?" BushThorn wondered.

"He said that he rembers a lot but he said that a chunk was missing" QuiverWing answered.

"So I guess your past life is just a mystery" BushThorn joked.

"Yeah I guess so" QuiverWing looked back at BushThorn.

"You know this is gonna sound wired but, I'm glad you got caught by Petle" BushThorn saw the look on QuiverWing. "I mean I wouldn't of been able to meet you and accept Slayers invitation".

"We should get some rest" QuiverWing nodded her head with a grin.

"I just woke up" BushThorn flicked a stone out of boardom.

"Oh well I guess you can do a night watch, make sure we don't get discovered" QuiverWing suggested, she then yawned and layed on a moss bed, curled up in a ball.

'I might as well' BushThorn thought, she sat in a position at the entrance so she is hidden but can see is anyone is approaching. She sat there for hours and the only sound came from owls and crickets. 'This boring! I just want to do something... something other then this' BushThorn complained on her own head.

The main movement was DustLeaf leaving to go and spy on the thrown room. "BushThorn" Slayer whispered her name out to her.

"Yes" she whispered, crouching.

"It's my turn to patrol" he announced. BushThorn just nodded and head back into the cave were everyone was sleeping except Wrath.

He was sitting in the corner clearly deep in thought. "Something bothering you?" she whispered to him as to not to wake any of the others.

"Yeah" Wrath shrugged, "but don't worry yourself over it".

"I don't know what's on your mind?" she asked.

"Just that if we fail and Petle keeps the thrown, then what?" Wrath flicked his tail.

"If we can't stop her then who?" BushThorn saw the worry in his eyes and tone.

"We will, I mean me, QuiverWing and Scorch can't die so you have an advantage" tried to reinsurer him.

"I know but how many more dragons have to die before she gets put down?" Wrath asked but his gaze was drifted.

"If things go wrong them the three of us can take her on at once" BushThorn suggested.

"Ha that would be funny to watch" Wrath joked but kept his voice down. "We should sleep then, we gave a big day tomorrow" Wrath dismissed her and she layed on the moss bed she was on earlier and drifted asleep.