
The broken thrown. A storm rises. book 2

BushThorn has ran away from her mothers mountain, she now has to earn the trust of the dragons that plot against her mother. Can she gain there trust or can she trust them? BushThorn is friends with QuiverWing but not all dragons believed so. BushThorn has to learn how to stand on her feet and eventually have to face her mothers furious wrath. With the first few days BushThorn finds all sort of drama and secrets that these dragons holds.

FunPup · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Chapter 17

BushThorn waited for QuiverWing to get back from scouting out the situation, she was laying on a moss bed that was placed down for her. "Don't look so worried, BushThorn she'll be fine" Volo reinsured her.

"I know but I can't help it, you should see the conditions the dragons she has looked up are in, it's horrible" BushThorn explained.

"I see but she'll be back" Volo rested her chin on BushThorns head.

"I should go hunting then, I mean we are gonna need food" BushThorn stood up and stretched.

"Alright, try and bring back a goat" Volo said as she walked out.

BushThorn crouched through the bushes and up the mountain. She could here her mothers hisses but BushThorn couldn't tell what is making her so mad. 'I hope she isn't mad about Scorch or some other dragon she had captured' she hoped.

BushThorn claimed up onto a cliff and saw right infront of her snout, a shocked gard. "Princess BushThorns ghost, how can I see you? and why up here?" his voice shuddered.

"What? no I'm very much alive" BushThorn shook her head.

"But Queen Petle said herself that you challenged her and you faild" the gard reached out his claws and poked her nose.

"Yes that happened but I came back" BushThorn tried to explain.

"So you can keep on challenging her until you can take her down!" he gasped, "please let me serve you" he bowed.

"You don't like Petle?" BushThorn always thought that her gards would love her.

"No" he shook his head, "she killed my family and made me work for her".

"You can join me" BushThorn announced, "but can you do something for me?" she asked.

"Sure what do you need?" he looked egure.

"Can you get a bunch of goats from the pry center and meet me down there" she pointed her claws to the entrance of the cave.

"Yes, at once" he nodded and flew to the main entrance.

BushThorn continued to climb the cliff and she saw what the situation was like. It was very calming up there, BushThorn felt as if she could breath and she loved the feel of snow under her claws. She looked around sniffing the air, everything was clam and quite, not filled with the screams of Petle.

She then sneaked down once she saw the gard with a barrel in his claws go down to the spot. "Princess BushThorn nice to see you" he bowed.

"You to but just call me BushThorn and you don't have to bow to me" BushThorn felt a little uncomfortable with him bowing to her.

"Oh of course, sorry forse of habit" he shook his head.

"BushThorn what is this?" Wrath called to her.

"He is with us" she replied.

"Oh so what you got there?" Wrath looked at the barrle.

"Goats, cows and deep sea fish" he opened it and shown it to Wrath, "my name is DustLeaf".

"So DustLeaf, how about you come in and don't leave" Wrath squinted his eyes.

"Oh I get it, you don't trust me" DustLeaf just looked disappointed.

"No and why should I?" Wrath gestured for him to get in the cave.

"Trust takes time, I will stay in the cave if that will help" DustLeaf bowed at Wrath and walked in without any fuss.

"What are doing? inviting one of the gards in" Wrath basically whispered.

"He saw me and made it clear that he hates Petle" BushThorn answered, keeping the hushed tone.

"One wrong move and I won't hesitate to kill him" Wrath warned, he then grabbed the barrle and moved it in.

BushThorn saw that Volo had stopped DustLeaf and was keeping him at bay. "Volo he's with us" Wrath dismissed her aggression.

"Alright but keep in line" Volo hufft and offered to take the barrle.

"Prince- BushThorn, can I have a word?" DustLeaf asked.

"Sure, what is it?" BushThorn nodded.

"Over here" he gestured to the wall, "I recognised her voice, she was talking to Poisonroot about a location of a cave and something about Needle being there. That was a little more then a week ago".

"What!?" BushThorn tilted her head in disbelief.

"Yes, has this affected you lot in any way?" DustLeaf asked.

"Not at all if you don't count Needle almost dying to Petles claws" BushThorn gritted her teeth.

"You could confront her or just tell Wrath he seems to be the leader here" DustLeaf suggested.

"Yes, you should get to know the dragons here and let them get to know you" BushThorn then went to Wrath who was getting everyone's share. Chaker grabbed a goats leg and sat on one of the moss beds.

"We didn't get time to meet" she sat infront of him and he looked up.

"No we didn't, but I wish to eat right now" Chaker dismissed her and he went back to his goat leg. BushThorn then went to Wrath, "BushThorn what would you like?" he asked.

"Not right now, I have something to tell you" BushThorn looked around and saw that no-one was looking at there direction.

"Go on" Wrath nodded his head up.

"Volo gave the location of the cave to Poisonroot and that Needle is there" she gave it straight up.

"Volo? the one who could barely keep a secret?" Wrath tilted his head.

"I know but DustLeaf told me he heard her there" BushThorn explained.

"Volo wouldn't" Wrath reinsured her and went back to the barrle.

"I'll have a deep sea fish" BushThorn answered his first question.

"Here" he put a large fish in her claws and she took it to a moss bed to eat. It didn't take long for her to finish it and she disposed the bones and helped out with cleaning up the other messes that were made.

QuiverWing appeared at the cave entrance, she then walked over to BushThorn. "So who is the gard?" QuiverWing asked.

"He is DustLeaf, he hates Petle so he is with us" BushThorn explained feeling tired.

"Oh well you should rest, I need to inform Wrath of the situation" QuiverWing walked over to Wrath and BushThorn snuggled herself in a ball and fell asleep.