
The broken thrown. A storm rises. book 2

BushThorn has ran away from her mothers mountain, she now has to earn the trust of the dragons that plot against her mother. Can she gain there trust or can she trust them? BushThorn is friends with QuiverWing but not all dragons believed so. BushThorn has to learn how to stand on her feet and eventually have to face her mothers furious wrath. With the first few days BushThorn finds all sort of drama and secrets that these dragons holds.

FunPup · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Chapter 15

BushThorn woke up, once again, to Needle pushing her on the floor, "hahaha" he laughed.

"That ain't funny!" she argued back, while getting up.

"I got bored waiting for you to wake up, It's almost midday" he stretched, "where's Scorch?".

"He went out to get herbs" she answered his question.

"He hasn't returned yet" QuiverWing sounded impatient.

"I'll go look for him" BushThorn offered.

"No, you're obviously going to Petle, spy" Needle shot at her.

"Ugh not again" she complained.

"Needle she's not a spy" Slayer promised.

"Fine but you're going with her" he pointed to Slayer.

"Yes well then, BushThorn let's go" Slayer pointed his nose to the entrance. BushThorn walked over to the entrance and she heard Slayers claws scrape on the stony floors.

BushThorn flapped her wings and hovered as she waited for Slayer. "Lets go" he said flying next to her. They flew around the island looking for any sine of Scorch, they flew under the trees of the rainforest and then moved on to the fild. They didn't find anything for a while but then Slayer called out to her, "BushThorn! over here".

She flew over to his location and was an obvious sine of a struggle: there was dirt clawed of the ground, blood staind the last bit of grass there and a snapped chain laying in the middle of the mess. "What in Yutar!" she yelled in shook of the sight.

"Yes and Petals gards sent is here" Slayer sniffed the ground.

BushThorn landed next to him, "we need to inform Wrath and Needle about this" Slayer frowned at the crime scene.

"Yes let's go" BushThorn was already in the air and they both flew as fast as they can. BushThorn saw the shook look from Volo as they stormed in, "What!" Volo yelped.

"Get Wrath" she ordered in a hurry. BushThorn looked over at Needle who was limping over.

"So what did you find out?" he asked.

"Scorch has been captured" Slayer reported.

"What!" Wraths voice called from behind.

"Yes Scorch has been captured, we need to go ASAP!" BushThorn informed. BushThorn heard a pot smash, she saw that QuiverWing's jaw was dropped and smoke rose from her nostrils.

BushThorn went over to her and tried to rest her chin on her for head but only reached her horn that rest on the end of her nose. "Thanks BushThorn but we need to move, NOW!" she roared.

"Wrath?" BushThorn tilted her head at him. Wrath jumped on his rock and called everyone to a meeting. Everyone came to the main cave, "everyone we don't have much time but Scorch got captured and we need to move!" he announced and the hole cave turned into an outrage.

"Everyone! we need to set a party to go" Wrath called out, "Volo, Chaker, Slayer, BushThorn, QuiverWing and I will go as the first party, Needle I will let you set the others".

"Yes you should go now then" Needle nodded. Wrath jumped down and the party left immediately, BushThorn was at the back with Slayer and she was deep in thought. 'What would the others do without a healer? what would Petle do to him?' she frowned.

"Hey don't worry Scorch has been around for a long time, I'm sure he'll be fine" Slayer reinsured.

"He's a big softy he won't last a day" QuiverWing snarled infront of them.

"Wow what a way to over react" BushThorns eyes widen.

"Look he is not the type of dragon who is good in a fight, I can fight so I have to protect him" QuiverWing tried to explain herself.

"You two a very close?" BushThorn asked.

"I guess you could put it that way" Wrath said and QuiverWing gave a wired expression. 'I feel like I'm missing something here' BushThorn tilted her head. "Look I find myself responsible when ever anything to anyone I care about, so all of you" QuiverWing sighed.

"Yep we're all gonna die" BushThorn joked.

"No me and you will live but the others will die" QuiverWing joked back.

"Hey Wrath can we exclude those two?" Volo joined in.

"Right! this is a very serious situation and jokes aren't funny right now" Wrath called out and they flew the rest of the way in silence.

They had to stop on a small island that could barely let all of them fit. QuiverWing dove down into the sea and she raised out with a mouth full of fish, enough for all of them to have a meal. "So I wonder how Scorch is doing" Volo said looking out at the sea.

"We should go now" Wrath leaped up into the air. They all followed him and when the sun started to set is when they finally made it to the mountain.

BushThorn led them to a spot that she knows that Petle doesn't patrol. "So here is where Petle keeps unattended? so close to the entrance" Wrath flicked his tail.

"Yes I found out a while ago and now I go here when I'm feeling down" BushThorn explained.

"Hey it's on the opposite side of my pit" QuiverWing nodded.

"Oh the memories" BushThorn joked.

"We should get camp in those cave systems" Wrath pointed his claws to a cave that obviously hasn't have a dragon tend to it. They all started to clear out the dust and cobwebs, they then got a pole of moss just in case they are there for more then a day.

One they finished, QuiverWing went out to scout the aria as she can't be seen. "Hey Wrath can I ask you something?" BushThorn asked.

"You already did" Wrath turned to her, "go on".

"What was the deal that Needle made with Petle?" BushThorn asked and she saw the serious look on his face.

"You really don't know" Wrath tilted his head slightly, "me and Needle made the same deal. Petle relocated his flock there and if he tries to leave he will be killed.

On the attempts of getting QuiverWing free he got court and that's why Petle tried to kill him. He was lucky to get out the first time but then the second one I'm glad he's strong" Wrath explained.

"How many dragons went through with that?" BushThorn asked.

"Too many, sometimes not the hole flock makes it" he flicked a stone and frowned. BushThorn hugged him, like how the fire spits does.

"Now I thought that you was with Father" Wrath patter her head.

"No, I've decided that I don't want a mate" she hissed.

"I see, but I'll be fine, I don't need your sympathy" he then tugged her away.

"I just want to comfort you, are all storm herders stubborn and refuse to show their emotions?" BushThorn asked genuinely curious.

"What does that mean?" Wrath shoot his head to make eye contact.

"I've noticed that when ever you show a bit of emotion, you immediately hide it" BushThorn explained.

"Oh ummm... urrr" Wrath looked awkward, "I guess it is a storm herder thing" his voice went high pitched.