
The broken thrown. A storm rises. book 2

BushThorn has ran away from her mothers mountain, she now has to earn the trust of the dragons that plot against her mother. Can she gain there trust or can she trust them? BushThorn is friends with QuiverWing but not all dragons believed so. BushThorn has to learn how to stand on her feet and eventually have to face her mothers furious wrath. With the first few days BushThorn finds all sort of drama and secrets that these dragons holds.

FunPup · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Chapter 13

BushThorn opened her eyes and saw QuiverWing having a relieved look, "oh thank goodness that you're alright!" she wrapped her wings around her.

"Yes and I found out a couple of things" BushThorn tugged away.

"What is it? can he be saved?" QuiverWing asked.

"He will be fine, he won't go into a fit and he'll survive" BushThorn declared.

"And the others?" QuiverWing tilted her head.

"Petle doesn't have a plan and doesn't look like she would have one in a while" BushThorn reported, she won't tell her about Lakarr as she promised Scorch.

"Thank goodness, finally some good news" QuiverWing sighed in relief and sat down to relax.

"I guess life hasn't been so sweet to you when you woke up" BushThorn guessed.

"No" she shook her head, "the first moments where threatened by Petle and then just flying over the sea".

"Well you're ok now, right?" BushThorn sat infront of her.

"Yes, I'm very safe and happy here" QuiverWing smiled, she then walked out waving her tail in good bye.

BushThorn walked over to the pry center, she was feeling a bit hungry and hasn't eaten in a while. She walked in and saw that there was only Wrath and Storm sharing a cows leg. "Aa BushThorn nice to see you" Storm welcomed.

"You to" BushThorn nodded her head up in greeting. 'Why so friendly?, especially since I know that you hate it here' BushThorn thought but didn't let it show.

BushThorn got herself a couple of deep sea fish and ate her meal in peace. She saw that Wrath was taking Storm to the training cave and he invited her with them. "Sure I have nothing else doing" BushThorn agreed and once she walked in she was a large cage with 5 of Petles gards and Frostfire are kept chained. "I didn't know that they were chaind that way" BushThorn tilted her head and looked at the lose chains and the room to move freely.

"What do you mean?" Wrath asked in confusion.

"They're... so free to move" BushThorn pointed to the muzzles.

"Of course it would be cruel over wise" Wrath answered then began to explain the room to Storm.

"I can't blame you for seeing it too lose, after all my chains were so tight that I could bearley breath" Storm patted her back with his wing.

'Don't just be nice to me because you feel like you have to, if you hate it here just leave or sort it out' BushThorn thought bitterly but was carful not to show it. BushThorn walked over to the cage and looked at Frostbite who was deep asleep. "So princess how long are we staying here? I mean I understand that you're doing this to keep us safe but I would rather work with you all" a gard was twitching his claws.

"I'm not in charge here and I don't think that dragons would except dragons who... work..." BushThorn looked over at Storm.

"Umm... let Wrath decide" BushThorn bit her lip.

"I hope you're not playing favourites" the gard said calmly.

"I'll see how the others feel, but you're all staying there until then" Wrath promised.

"I'm sure most of them will be fine with it as long as you keep your loyalty here and not there" BushThorn reinsured.

"They won't and they never will" Frostbite stood up. "No dragon would trust dragons who worked for a monster" he chuckled in his throat.

"You're awake" BushThorn sounded a little to happy to see him.

"Yes and I would like it if you could take these of me" he snarled at the chain and muzzle.

"Sorry but I'm not in control here" BushThorn shook her head.

"Huff" cold and icy smoke rose from the muzzle as he turned around and curled up in the corner.

"Don't worry about him" Storm said, "how about you show me around the island and we can go out hunting" he suggested.

"Sure" BushThorn began to walk put the cave and she heard chains rattling.

"Hey! you cheeky storm herder! I know that going out hunting means you fancy her!" Frostbite hissed as loud as the wind from way up at the clouds.

BushThorn froze, 'why does he like me? I thought I was told he hates me'.

"Relax Frostbite I don't like her like that, and I only invited her so I can get to know her" Storm spoke calmly.

"Yeah right, I know what your kind is like!" Frostbite then bashed his muzzle on the bars and it broke. He then shot a blast of ice at Storm. He ducked and then the ice hit BushThorn, "OW!" she cried.

BushThorn rubbed her cheeks, they were cold and sore. She crouched down as the sound of dragons running rang in her ear. "What! who did that!?" QuiverWing sounded pissed.

"I didn't mean to! that little storm herder moved and it hit her!" Frostbite spat.

"Frostbite! how did you even brake the muzzle!?" QuiverWing hissed with her thangs showing.

"I could ask the same about you" Frostbite stomped his claws.

"Now I know why Petle hated me" QuiverWing flicked her tail. Wrath already had a new muzzle and put it on Frostbite, who didn't fight back but only hissed. "Don't give me that look, I'm not the one who hurt BushThorn" Wrath snarled.

"Just keep an eye on your back tonight, you might find an unwelcome visiter" Frostbite warned.

"Oh I will, in fact Chaker you don't mind keeping watch tonight" Wrath turned to the large frildon.

"Of course not, I would love to keep an eye on this one" he smiled but it wasn't phycotic, it was sycastic.

"He won't be a mach to me" Frostfire lifted his head up high.

"You were easy to kill" QuiverWing butted in.

"I went easy on you" Frostbite snapped.

QuiverWing just shrugged and went back down the tunnel, signalling for her to follow. "Don't worry if I were you, he asks tuff but he can't harm much" BushThorn reinsured her.

"Good" QuiverWing had an amused look.