
The broken thrown. A storm rises. book 2

BushThorn has ran away from her mothers mountain, she now has to earn the trust of the dragons that plot against her mother. Can she gain there trust or can she trust them? BushThorn is friends with QuiverWing but not all dragons believed so. BushThorn has to learn how to stand on her feet and eventually have to face her mothers furious wrath. With the first few days BushThorn finds all sort of drama and secrets that these dragons holds.

FunPup · Fantasie
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27 Chs

Chapter 11

Wrath finished up the meeting and a different ice thang walked up to her, "you know a little bird said to me that Father likes you" she said smiling.

"Umm hello?" BushThorn tilted her head.

"Not the reaction that most dragons give me when I tell them that someone has a crush on them, I'm Vella" Vella sat down.

"Oh QuiverWing told me about you" BushThorn nodded.

"I can tell that you don't like him" Vella guessed.

"Oh so you can see how dragons are by looking at there eyes, very impressive" BushThorn smiled as she never saw a dragon with this skill.

"Well I can't tell you my secrets if you wanted to know, and I also get it clarified with other dragons who would know, someone like Volo" Vella said.

"Well, what kind of information would you like to get clarified then?" BushThorn asked seeing her expression.

"I don't have any" she shook her head, "I didn't see Petles eyes".

"Oh anything you want to know just ask" BushThorn listened for a question.

"What would she do now? now that she knows that you're immortal and a general location of our home" Vella had a startled look.

"I honestly don't know, I've been asking that myself" BushThorn sighed. Vella sighed to.

"So we have no idea what she's going to do" Vella waved her head in distress.

"But what I do know is that Petle always finds a way around her problems meaning it is her weakness" BushThorn put her wing on hers, "if we find out her first plan we stop it then when she moves to a different one we change our defence so only that one plan can work, she never goes to old plans".

"That could work" Wrath said as he sat down to join there conversation.

"We need a spy to do so though" BushThorn bit her lip, "Storm".

"Who?" Vella tilted her head, "Needle! you're awake" she jumped to his side.

"Barley" he coughed.

"No don't talk, you need rest" Scorch layed his head back down, "Vella you should keep him steady, anyway fit could kill him".

"Right, what if he does?" Vella asked with a desperate look.

"Call me immediately, do not delay" he advised and he went to the garden.

"Storm will help, but how to get in contact with him?" Wrath asked but keeping his eye on Needle.

"Leave that to me, you're obviously needed here" BushThorn suggested.

"Yes" he nodded, "but hury" he ordered.

"I'll return quickly" BushThorn promised, she then headed out the cave and dashed to the closest gard tower that she knows of. It didn't take her long to get there but the sun was already setting, she dove in the entrance and all the gards that were there bowed as they didn't get the news yet.

"Princess BushThorn what can we do for you?" a gard asked in respect.

"I need gard Storm, I don't know where he is but I do know that he did gard QuiverWings pit" BushThorn ordered.

"Yes your majesty, right away" he signalled his tail to a gard they flew of immediately.

"I'll wait here" she declared.

"We will make you a bed for you to wait and get you something to eat" the gard bowed and he set everything up very quickly.

"Would you like us to get your mother?" a different gard asked.

"No" she shook her head violently, "she knows I'm here".

"Alright let me know if you need anything" she bowed and went back to her little group. BushThorn had a bit of cow for dinner and had a very comfy moss bed, 'I will miss this' she had to admit to herself. Soon the gard came back and a very angry storm herder was hissing, "so what do you want now?" he growed.

"I need you to follow me" BushThorn stood infront of him and she saw how big he was.

"Grate anuther mission" he rolled his eyes. BushThorn waved her wings in good by to the other gards, "there is no need to tell my mother" and she lead him to the island. "What are we doing here? I think it's pointless now" he hissed.

"I'm taking you to Wrath" she declared moving to his side.

"Wrath is dead" he growed.

"Funny he said the same thing about you" But smiled.

"And the princess goes crazy" he mumbled.

"I'm not crazy, he needs tou right now" she said.

"Alright but you're taking me to a wall I just know it" he sighed. BushThorn directed him to the cave entrance, she turned to see a bored storm herder in armor. "Storm!" Wrath flew over her head and hugged him.

"Wrath you're alive! I can't believe it" Storm went from a angry tone to a pleased one.

"Storm I have so much to tell you" Wrath took of his helmet and rest his chin on his head.

BushThorn saw tears come down his cheek as Storm hugged Wrath. "You may not know it but you just reconnected a flock" Scorch said to her.

"It's a good feeling accomplishment" she agreed.

"You know if I met you today and someone told me that you're Petles daughter I wouldn't of believed them" Scorch muttered.

"Thanks, may I ask, why is your eyes red?" BushThorn has only seen red eyes on blood grippers.

"Don't know but when I first hatched my old king thought I was a blood gripper" he shrugged.

"Just a mystery then" BushThorn guessed.

"Wrath, if I knew you were alive I would of left a long ago" Storm promised.

"You're safe here, don't worry" Wrath stroked Storms head with is claws.

"Hey, Scorch can I ask you something else?" BushThorn asked.

"Sure what is it?" Scorch nodded his head up.

"Who's Lakarr?" she asked, Scorch had a serious look on his face.

"Where did you learn that name? and don't say it's from a book because he has been erased" he narrowed his eyes.

"What did he do?" BushThorn asked curiously.

"That's not the question, where did you learn that name?" he almost snarled.

"Well when I died I was sent to a viod and Lakarr was there, he introduced himself as Lakarr and he explained how he was the first dragon to exist. Lakarr did say he made mistakes but they were fixed, he mentions that he wanted to share his power with others and he said that he was trapped there, oh also he kept calling me his daughter" BushThorn explained everything she could explain.

"So all these years and he's been there" Scorch growled deep in his throat, "Lakarr does share his powers but gave it a couple of wrong dragons, he is right when he said that he fixed them but not all".

"So what happened?" BushThorn asked.

"There is a pure void chameleon dragon with bright red eyes, his name is Nightmare but that isn't his birth name" Scorch explained, "he had a cerupted heart and inslaved any dragon he incoutered. Unable to die Lakarr made a new dragon to take him down, her name is Silver scale but she was also defeated. Lakarr then put a spell on him that every time an immortal dragon kills him he turns back into an egg and loses his memory.

"This was flawed how ever, if he grows the way he did he gets his memory back and the world is doomed until an immortal dragon can kill him again. Lakarr fixes is mistakes by 'gifting' other dragons and making them do his dirty work, Silver scale realised this and now lives in the antarctic oceans" Scorch finished.

"So he is a lire?" BushThorn asked, "he makes dragons think they are important then makes them do his job".

"Exactly, now do not talk about him" Scorch demanded.

"I understand, I'll keep it to myself" BushThorn nodded but she remembered Lakarr and how calm he made her feel, it was like how Frostbite made her feel.