
The Broken knight

A young boy tortured by his father who is obsessed with strength becomes the personal knight to the 'prince'

Uneverknow204 · Fantasie
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5 Chs

2 years

It's been 2 years since I lost my eyes and I recently turned 14, I've adjusted to a life of being blind and it doesn't hinder my combat ability anymore of course this is due to the torturous training my father put me through making me evade the strikes of a hero class knight just one strike and all the bones in my body would break even if he was holding back, I learned to spread my senses around me allowing me to see everything in a 30-metre radius from the birds in the sky to insects in the ground, I used this ability to get a clear picture of my surroundings and once I mastered it my strength increased by a large margin as I could detect any attack within a 30-metre radius.

About half a year go my father was sent to war against the raven empire and he hasn't contacted us since, I've been praying every night hoping he would die but I dought that, as he's one of the only 3 hero class knights on the continent, despite this I've never slacked off on my training as I know he has people watching me and I don't want to lose my hearing if he finds out.

My training regiment got even more intense as I was required to do 5000 push-ups, squats, sit-ups, overhead swings and then a 35 mile run all in the span of 12 hours, before then practising the breathing technique my father gave to me a year ago and I've already reached Intermediate stage, which normally takes 10 to 20 years if your talented reaching it at the age of 14 is simply monstrous my father thought so as well and so he became extra diligent in my training, sparring with me every day not minding how many bones I broke but at this point, I'm used to it my body is covered in scars and burn marks due to punishments my father gave me to the point where I'm barely fazed by the pain now, my father knows this and so he began to punish my mother in my stead so I became extra dillagent in my training as my mother might actually die or go insane she already sick enough she doesn't need my father's abuse as well.

thanks to 10 years of training, my body is lean and well built if it weren't for the scars and the blindfold over my hollow eye sockets I would be considered quite handsome with my blond hair, lean build and a height of 1.8 metres I could be mistaken for an adult but alas some things aren't meant to be, most people in the mansion avoid me in fear of my father and the people of my father's dukedom believe he is a good and honourable man who is the heart and soul of the Austin empire only the people in the mansion no what he's truly like, in public he a kind and gentle man while indoors he's Satan himself.

My father always has a smile on his face even when in the dungeon his smile never fades, I've only seen him angry one time and it was when I refused to train when I was younger I can still remember the scene, his bloodlust was overwhelming it felt like I was getting crushed at the bottom of the sea as punishment he broke both my arms and legs and forced to do my usual routine it took 1 week to do all of it and by the end pieces of bone where sticking out of my limbs, even my father admitted he went too far and got medical help it was the only time I had medical treatment and 1 week off, I felt like I was in heaven but after a week I returned to the Abyss with my mangled limbs and continued to train to the pint of insanity.