
the broken cycle

"We the human race committed a crime , that desroyed everything , now we are punshed to live under the ground accepting our fate that we dont deserve to live like others " ITS a story that I heard when i was a child , but I refuse to beleive it By the way I'm sora and this is my story

DaoistiubGgy · Fantasie
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3 Chs


"It was only the paths of the earth and the coldness of that place that brought us together.

In the depth of the earth we lived , we, who have no right to live, we have never saw the sunlight , we dont even know the feeling of the rain touching our faces , or the softness of what they call snow, the view of the rainbow, the fresh air that does not smell like soil, the look of the tall mountains .. all these things were nothing but terms that we read in books , those books that did not contain a single drawing , so we dont desire to live that life .

The irony is that we know that all of this exist but we cant have it or see it .

Our homes were nothing but caves,a  small ones, the children play in the dark halls, the older kids listen to some lectures about our history , and the eldest await their death .

We are provided with food every once in a while by the inhabitants of the earth or the kings i guess.

We know nothing ..

We the human race .."

Emma looked out of the corner of her eye at what was written by ed , the boy who was sitting next to her , in the class hall

Emma the girl with long gray hair , pale white skin and blue eyes.

Emma said to ed : I dont think what u are writing will make the old man happy

And she continued her preoccupation with drawing

Ed : will its not like i'm lying here , its what i feel

Then he stopped talking , he knew in his heart , that in this place the people who live here dont care what the truth is or how  unbearable life is and ofcourse they dont care how u feel about it , all they care about is that these things are not said in public , because then u will be the evil one and people will ignore you.

Ed is a skinny twelve years old with shoulder- lenghtg blond hair , he looks like a poor girl ..

Ed saw what emma was drawing and he smiled and without feeling he shouted excitdly : you really think that the sky looks like this??

His smile soon disappeared when he heared the footsteps of the old man are heading towards them

Emma whispered : just hide what u wrote , i will handle the rest

The old man held the drawing of emma , and the whole class fell silent , it felt like a crime had occurred

And the old man with the long beard shouted on emma while ripping her drawing : Im almost bored with all those drawings that  full of nonsense

But emma did not care , her face features remained cold as usual, she bent down to the ground to collect those pieces that the old man tore.

Ed bent to help her and asked : why did u help me?

Emma : I'm from sector zero , u are not , u have a chance to have a life here

The old man got furious that emma didnt care , he trampled on the pieces smiled to the class and saied : she is a unmature

Ed felt angry and he said : and now u call this mature behavior

The old man looked at ed : what did you say ?

Ed: she did nothing wrong, she was just drawing!

The old man: she is trying to imagne the outside world that dont belong to us

Ed : so? Its her imagination ? Whats wrong with that ? Its not like she is saying that she want to , and even if she sa..

But before he continued his sentense emma held his hand

He looked at her like he wanted to complain about all of this

Emma felt the pain of her friend but she knew that if he did not stop he will suffer a lot , she knew that there is no point to shout the truth to people who closed their ears long time ago .. so she She squeezed her friend hand and said firmly : DONT

All the kids who were in the class looked at ed like he is an idoit and they whispered between each other

The old man rised his voice to make everyone calm down and said : silnet everyone , we only have to understand some of your friends who did not listen to me during all those hours in which i explained about our history and the truth that must be accepted by everyone.

He put his hand on ed's shoulder and patted , saying : who does not know his history does not know anything about him self , and i guess u dont want to be called ignorant right ?

Silence reigned in the room , the old man :

The story begins 1000 years ago..