
Entrails School

Kurokon then prepared and thought for a second. 'What if I fuse some elements to make magma?' Kurokon didn't think too much and directly used Earth and fire, He then fused the two of it and created a magma spear.

The magma spear was 20 meters tall and 3 meter wide. It contained some destructive Power, Enough to destroy 1/4 of a kingdom.

But before that, I will have to explain Where Kurokon was Studying.

Entrails School, This School is actually one of the top 10 Schools in the world, The Entrails was the 10th, The Entrails Was one of the Top 10 because Of it's unique Evaluation and Recording every student, Every minute, They check what their doing.

If some students are slacking off, Their percentage in attitude will be deducted, All bad attitude and habits are recorded and will be reported to the Principal, Which is Alena,

She will then decide whether that Student is eligible to graduate or not.

The Entrails is popular Because of this system, Students from other schools believe that only Responsible stidents with good habits can only Graduate, But it's just a rumour, Alena will be the one to decide.

Each year the School will have 125 to 176 students. But the passing rate in Succeeding is Below 54%, Because of that the newcomers are reduced by half. The school is Strict for the Entrance Exams. Because they believe, Children must at least experience hardships before Becoming a Professional.

Each Evaluation test is a Good benefits for the students by the time they graduate, Recording the bad habits of the students may be stripped off because of these, Especially the ones with bad habit, Like Cheating, Blaming, Arrogance, Sabotaging, Overconfident, Etc.

Entrails is a Large Campus with 1.5k Students per school year, Some students are talented while few are average and Students that come from noble families with Scholarship. I'm pretty sure I don't need to explain what Scholarship is.

Now, Back to Kurokon holding a large magma Spear with Condensed destructive Power inside. Kurokon held back after thinking about the casualties, He then threw the spear, Upon contact with the ground, It Created a huge explosion almost attracting the attention of 200 students and created a Huge crater.

Everyone was stunned, Especially Tamaru, He didn't Expect this, It was beyond than a ordinary first year student can handle such mana. Even the students were thinking they were a different league from Kurokon, The gap was huge. Tamaru then Said something.

"Kurokon, You will be Exempted from every activities except for lessons and evaluation test, Don't let this get in your mind" Said Seriously.

Why did Tamaru said this?, Well because Alena witnessed what happened and Relayed the message to Tamaru and told Kurokon. Why?, Because....; Well I'm not gonna tell what's the reason, Teacher Alena said not to include the reason while I'm Writing this book.

You may wonder, I'm actually narrating my own story since I've pretty much become Stronger and became a Warlock, But that's a story for another time, Now back to the story.

( Author's note: Don't be confused everyone, When I tell you guys something, There will be a "Author's note" in the chapter , So Please don't be confused which is which.)

The students Were dumbfounded, They didn't expect that there's a Talented student This year, The Seniors Were Confused What happened to have such Explosion occur in the Gym. If you guys are wondering, The gym is Actually a large one, With a capacity of 350 students, 420 if the students squeeze through.

And since the Gym is that large, The campus is also a large one, Just walking from the entrance to the very back of the school will take 15 to 20 minutes walk, Depending on speed.

Tamaru Then Concluded the Test and Announced Who was in the top 3 and 10.

10 below were doing their best to pass so that's why everyone didn't fail. The students had Motivation, From where?.

Well they had a determination in passing a monster like Kurokon, Well this only happened before Kurokon was up next, They had self motivation. You guys know what I mean.

Then the School bell rang, And message magic was casted throughout the campus saying.

"Everyone!, It's time for lunch, Please come to the Cafeteria"

Tamaru then Leaded the Newcomers to the Cafeteria, Including his class of course, The Cafeteria was tall as a 5 story Building with 3 floors, Each floor had a menu of Delicious meals. Oh and I forgot to mention, The tuition of the students are reduced depending on the attitude of the students and the achievements they've Accomplished to reduce the burden of the family.

Each School have the same kind of system, Since it's a effective way to gain students and tech them to become professionals before going to a academy. It also has a purpose, Its to boost the morale of the students and motivation since it will help their parents.

Kurokon then lined up in the menu, He picked Just picked the simplest meal, Which is Sliced Cow meat and a healthy drink. He was already satisfied with this.

As for the gym, It doesn't look like a modern gym it's just a vast wide field with 12ft metal Fences. On the Corners and side, There are Audience Benches like a Normal gym and as for the center is where the Evaluation takes place.

The campus have 5 Buildings, Surrounded with Smaller ones which Is the building of the Principal in the Center and a yard of Plants on the front, While the sides are buildings that are medium size, and these are actually the Students lounge where they study and rest.

And at the back is Where the Gym is, And the sides are The Cafeterias, Yes the Campus have 2 Cafeteria that big. The campus is surrounded by a 25 Feet walls and only the 5 Buildings were visible.

There are also Dormitories, 3 Dorms that have 7 floor each, Enough to hold almost all of the students, Luckily Kurokon got one and Mayley, And Their classmates, Because they are planning for tomorrow's Test, Which is Combination magic. They're Discussing on what to do with their pairs.

(Author's note: I was having a break everyone, Here's chapter 7.)