
Chapter 34

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Approximately seven minutes later, Jim searched me out on the deck and cuddled up at my right side. He was always skillful about learning my whereabouts. It was not uncommon for him to have discovered me at Macy’s in the city, walking inside Shane Park, or bicycling along the Monongahela River. Jim had a secret radar regarding my location, a type of mechanical device that maybe beeped when I just happened to fall out of his range. I was always bemused how he had accidentally bumped into me in the city. Never was I out of his reach, always found, and linked to his side like a very faithful fiancé.

“Judy sent me to find you,” he said after applying a kiss on my left cheek.

“Sniveling bitch.” I took a sip of my strong drink, swallowed, and added, “The woman is from hell.”

“Hush now,” he said, applying two fingertips to my lips. “You’re mother isn’t the monster you make her out to be.”