
The Breaking of Fate [High Quality]

Follow the journey of a different Neji Hyuga, with a different soul, trying to break free of his miserable, chained fate, instead of succumbing to it like in that different, original universe. What changes would that bring to the Hyuga clan, Konoha, and even the whole Ninja World, in the end? See a different version of the same story, but with a properly explored and fleshed-out Hyuga clan and Hamura Otsutsuki's side of the equation. . . . . . . . . . . * Amoral and very goal-oriented MC. Multiple female leads, one of them an OC, but logical for the story. * The story will definitely deviate from the original plot and events mainly due to the Butterfly Effect. * More fleshed-out, complete, logical, and realistic (dark) version of the Naruto world. * Will include some elements from Naruto's light novels, manga, anime fillers, movies, and data books mixed together so as to create the most logical, real-like world in the end. * Might not include some Boruto explanations, excessive cosmic, Godly elements, or technological stuff and a few characters. So, a bit AU. I will decide what to include and what not at my own discretion and preferences. So, don't complain. . . . . . . . . A/N: I wrote a new high-quality Bleach Fanfiction, go check it from my profile page or the link below if you are interested! . . https://www.scribblehub.com/series/809201/arrancar-ascension-apex-predator-of-hueco-mundo/

Hanma_Jack · Anime und Comics
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69 Chs

A Batch Of Endless Fights Near Konoha (2)

After Obito escaped from that endless woodland around the village, Konoha's shinobi on the scene got more assertive and promptly came really close to Neji and his group in a way of narrowing the barrier. Jiraiya's three giant toads already cut off nearly all directions of escaping. Kakashi and Might Guy were on top of the two of them as well as Jiraiya, who was on the third, and who was also now in his imperfect Sage Mode, full of toad physical characteristics, and with two Toad Elders also on his shoulders. That's how he got the abnormal amount of chakra required to summon those three in the first place.

Their names were Gamabunta, Gamaken, and Gamahiro. Each of these strongest toads had its own set of appearance, personality, weapons, and fighting styles. Additionally, Tsunade suddenly bit her own finger and summoned another colossal creature beneath her feet as well. It was a giant Slug Katsuyu. Neji, and the two, therefore quickly found themselves in a sandwich of giant beasts inside the erected blue barrier. This barrier even had a bottom layer to it manifested and it was hidden underground. Above them currently also circled Sai's painting birds, carrying a group of ten people.

"Neji, I can also break get us out of that barrier, I just need some time. I need to figure out its chakra characteristics up close and then penetrate and subvert it with my own chakra...", Karin suddenly interjected while looking at the large blue barrier in front of them and the four massive creatures.

She was also now proficient in barrier ninjutsu and knew how to counter it, "Those people up above flying on those strange birds also give me a very eerie feeling...", Karin added while still having energy left. It was Sai on top of his art-like creations alongside ten more people from the Konoha's Root. Karin looked the least drawn out of the three due to her Uzumaki constitution. Kiyomi's eyes were red and overexerted while Neji experienced a little mental fatigue and his body also got weary.

"There is no need Karin, I have a better way. Kiyomi, on my signal, I'm entering my Tenseigan Chakra Mode again, you're increasing my speed, and then we're breaking through the barrier's bottom layer underground of us, thus leaving them all in the dust outside of it. I'm worried that Toneri also sensed something already. I'll carry you two and we're going to those coordinates of the Hyuga Tenseigan the faster we can...", Kiyomi and Karin both suddenly noticed Neji's face telepathically communicating with them even though he was right beside them because enemies got even closer by this time. Kiyomi and Karin nodded in understanding while Neji suddenly glanced at the arrivals.

'More people are coming this way from the village's direction... That Yamato guy, Naruto, Hinata, Lee... And, Tenten...', Neji suddenly noticed them, with a bitter taste in his mouth, while looking over with his ocular vision and sensing ability. Today he additionally planned to take Tenten with them. However, he couldn't gamble like that anymore in this situation. Previously he left her inside the Konoha because he thought that it would be much safer for her to be there than to follow along, because he knew the plot and that Konoha would be a safe place, at least until a certain point later.

Nevertheless, once more, he stupidly forgot to include the Butterfly Effect, which he brought into this world, during that calculation. Toneri, when he invaded Konoha previously, could've easily murdered Tenten or at least taken her out as a hostage to deal with himself later. Thankfully, he didn't realize their romantic connection, at that time, didn't even think of that, or simply rejected that possibility due to his pride, 'Tenten, I will be back soon...', Neji made a mental promise to her.

"Neji Hyuga, and two unknown accomplices beside, better surrender yourself to Konoha now the easy way!", Tsunade, on top of one of her own mountain-sized summon, Katsuyu, shouted in a firm manner. However inwardly, she was shocked to find that the black-haired in front really had the Mangekyo Sharingan while the other girl, who could also use the nearly extinct Wood Release, also had long red hair like her own grandmother, 'This spells trouble...', She was now so close to them that she could directly see it. Tsunade's forehead started glowing from its center and her Yin Seal.

She knew that Neji could strike and kill her at any time now due to his abnormal speed, therefore, she was prepared to regenerate any damage in advance. And releasing that seal also gave her an overall big physical boost in strength and speed. Mystical-looking black marks suddenly started spreading out all over her body instantly. That seal was the centerpiece of her attacking abilities as her medical ninjutsu generally wasn't used for fighting, outside of that nerve-tempering technique.

Yin Seal or the Strength of a Hundred Seal was the greatest chakra storage seal in existence. It is formed by using extremely delicate chakra control to continuously amass chakra into that seal for many years. One focuses a portion of their chakra into the shape of a sealing formula on their forehead at regular intervals to store it within the developing seal. Therefore only the shinobi with the highest chakra control could consider ever learning it. It was a great S-class fuinjutsu technique.

Once the seal reaches its full capacity, it appears as a diamond-shaped marking engraved upon the user's forehead as it becomes a permanent part of the bearer's chakra system. The seal's shape was inspired by the markings Tsunade's grandmother wore and was once a symbol of the Uzumaki Clan.

As the culmination of years of gathering chakra, it contains a truly vast amount that surpasses what even the most powerful shinobi could possibly produce at once and its name symbolizes how it contains the chakra of a hundred versions of themselves, metaphorically speaking. Although this chakra is intended for Creation Rebirth, it is not restricted to this and can be used as fuel for any ninjutsu. One can share the seal's chakra with another individual to provide them with chakra far beyond their normal limits or induce Creation Rebirth within their body for life-saving treatment.

Tsunade in fact learned to use the Strength of a Hundred Seal in conjunction with her slug summon, Katsuyu, to create the Immense Healing Network. By channeling her medical chakra through Katsuyu's clones, she is able to transfer it to whoever they are attached to heal their wounds and restore their stamina without being physically present there. It was an extension of her medicine.

Once all of the chakra within the seal has been exhausted, the seal vanishes from sight. It will then automatically draw in chakra from the bearer's body to replenish itself until its diamond marking reappears. However, unlike when the seal is first created, it does not need to be filled to its full capacity to be restored and the bearer can channel as much chakra into the seal as they desire.

The Creation Rebirth is most often used after releasing the Yin Seal. It was another technique that uses a vast amount of chakra in order to stimulate all proteins in the body and accelerate cell division to rebuild them, allowing it to regenerate practically any body part when injured or destroyed. Flesh and muscle are regrown, bones knit back together, nerves are remade and blood is replenished. Even organs can be completely rebuilt and functioning when destroyed and amputated limbs are restored back again.

Unlike ordinary medical ninjutsu which can only repair cells, making cells regenerate is a far superior type of healing. One who wields this ninjutsu in battle was nearly impossible to kill. Tsunade was inspired by her grandfather Senju Hashirama's unique ability to rapidly recover from injuries without needing hand seals. Creation Rebirth itself is intended as a short-lived ninjutsu that is activated to regenerate all of the wounds that Tsunade has suffered in battle and then stops once the body has been restored to its normal state. It was a healing peak.

However, cells are only able to divide a finite number of times in one's lifespan so speeding up cell division allows them to survive immediate lethal injuries while shortening their life in the long term. Thus the more numerous and severe the injuries one suffers while using Creation Rebirth then the closer one ultimately come to death. Moreover, regenerating wounds so quickly strains the body which can render it weak and slow as soon as the ninjutsu ends, potentially leaving the user vulnerable. Unfortunately, the amount of chakra required to activate such an extreme level of healing would exhaust almost anyone to death. To overcome this, Tsunade invented the Yin Seal.

And finally, there was another, the final stage for the Creation Rebirth called the "Creation Rebirth: Strength of a Hundred Technique". By releasing the Strength of a Hundred Seal in its entirety and maintaining its presence, its immense chakra infuses every cell in her body to enact an ongoing regenerative effect which allows her to receive all kinds of injuries in battle without ever needing to slow down or stop as she immediately heals.

Moreover, this constant regeneration allows her to draw out as much of her superhuman strength as possible. She removes all physical restraints to unleash a hundred percent of her strength, magnified by her perfect chakra control, to unleash more force than what should be humanly possible. This comes at the cost of tearing her muscles and breaking her bones with every single blow but these wounds are instantly healed before they can debilitate her. On the other hand, one's chakra and lifespan are used up at a far faster rate than merely using Creation Rebirth so it helps one fight at their highest, but draws them ever closer to death.

Tsunade, however, still wasn't using that final state, as she deemed the situation still not calling for it, "You're from the Uzumaki clan, girl, aren't you? Why are you following this little villain?", Tsunade eventually couldn't hold back her curiosity and asked Karin on the ground. She was greatly attached to her grandmother's clan. Mito raised her after her parents, her grandfather, and her grand-uncle all passed away. She was most connected to her grandmother while she was young as Mito outlived all of her other family She instinctively understood that the red-haired girl, she was looking at, was from that clan. Not only by her hair, but previously they all sensed her use some kind of big chains.

"Don't insult Neji when you Konoha are the biggest villains out there!", Karin fearlessly gazed at the giant slug and Tsunade who stood on top of it. The slug was white in color with three blue streaks that run vertically down the middle and side of its body from its head and tapered off at its odd tail,

"I think that you're the biggest villains today in the Ninja World. You didn't help that same Uzumaki clan, my clan, you mentioned, after everything we did for you in history. You constantly cause trouble everywhere, you even forced the Kusagakure, who was under your control to fight for your interests. That's how my mother died in the first place. I have only disgust for you all!", Karin finished speaking her true feelings. Out of all the big ninja villages, she disliked Konoha today the most. Especially after finding out everything about the destruction of her clan through the patriarch.

Tsunade suddenly opened her eyes wide in shock after hearing her. She was truly caught off guard by those words. She previously always regarded the Uzumaki clan and Konoha as one in her heart. She truly didn't expect today's Uzumaki survivors to have such a hostile viewpoint against Konoha.

She was just a genin when the Uzumaki clan perished, her sensei also withhold such information from her until much later. She remembered how angry she was at him after learning of it. It was one of the reasons why she left Konoha later after realizing Konoha's never-ending hypocritical nature.

But she wasn't like that anymore, she clenched her white fists while thinking, 'Yes, I will make up for all those mistakes of the past. I and Naruto will change the Konoha for the better, in the future, I believe it!', 'Danzo...', This reminded her once again what kind of damage Danzo did to their village. Jiraiya, Kakashi, Might Guy, and all the summons, were also a little surprised while remembering it.

Apparently, the knowledge of circumstances regarding Uzumaki's downfall was previously greatly hidden inside the village. Now that they think of it, it was probably artificially made to be like that, 'Sarutobi Sensei...', Jiraiya was however sure that only Hokage's duties made his teacher turn so apathetic like that and that he wasn't always like it. He still remembered him since his childhood.

"And not only that, Karin. Not to mention helping others, you all even cruelly massacred the entire clan that founded your village. Not even babies were left. I know everything already, Itachi Uchiha carried orders made by you bastards!", Kiyomi's yin powers suddenly increased in the area of her eyes, she was very angry. Kiyomi looked at Tsunade furiously and started cursing before the woman managed to respond to Karin, "This doesn't have to do anything with Neji. Even without him, I vowed to destroy your village in such a way that you never recover again!", Her eyes were ice cold.

"What!?", Kakashi suddenly exclaimed out loud after hearing Kiyomi's words from the top of one of Jiraiya's summoned toads. He previously never had any idea about such information! And seeing how Jiraiya and Tsunade displayed shameful looks, it must've been true!, 'This is crazy...', Kakashi clenched his fists. He was always somehow attached to the Uchiha clan ever since Obito gave him that eye. Not to mention that Itachi, the man in question, even used to work on his team in Anbu when he was young.

Hell, he even met with Itachi just a few years ago and he had no idea that he was such a good guy, 'Exterminating your whole clan on the orders of your village must've been so hard on him.', Kakashi now connected the dots and remembered how there was a talk of Uchihas wanting to rebel right before that happened. It seemed to Kakashi that not only Itachi was not a bad guy, but he was a saint. Might Guy also furrowed his brows after hearing that, still not talking to Neji below. They were currently engaged in a duel of exchanging strange gazes. They were both silent but firm too.

Out of the four shinobi on the scene, from Konoha's side, only Tsunade and Jiraya knew of Itachi's current status as the spy in the Akatsuki and the tragic backstory of the destruction of the Uchiha clan. Tsunade was informed of that fact only just recently after she became the Hokage, by the two elders, while Jiraiya knew it a long time ago. Itachi was his secret informant inside of the Akatsuki. But, he was always monitored and not given complete information therefore his help was limited.

Tsunade suddenly hissed in anger. She cursed her fate because she became the Hokage right at this moment when so many ghosts of Konoha's past mistakes began to haunt them all relentlessly, 'This group is an existential crisis for us! We must end them right here!', Nonetheless, now there was no possibility of going back; helping the Uzumaki clan, saving the Uchiha clan, or forcing Hyuga to change their practices. Tsunade finally sighed and gestured everyone, including the group in the air, to begin acting then.

Jiraiya also sighed as he now prepared to move on Tsunade's signal. He decided to start teaching Naruto the Sage Mode as soon as possible, from this moment onwards, as there was no more time to waste left in this world. He was too old to grow now in any meaningful way now, however, Naruto was not. He showed them all previously that he could even surpass his father. He was sure that the boy could surpass himself in the Sage Mode too and learn the superb Perfect Sage Mode. Users who mastered it perfectly had zero animal characteristics, outside some light pigmentation near their eyes, and got an even bigger boost in senses, speed, durability, strength, reflexes, stamina, and chakra, than imperfect users like Jiraiya. Their techniques get way more powerful too.