
How Could you I Trusted You

I am Lynx and I am 18 my boyfriend is 20 and his name is Nick. It was a rainy night and I was sitting in my room with Nick. That night Nick started saying something to me. He said, "Lynx, I have something to tell you and it is really important." After he said this I naturally started getting nervous. The reason I was nervous was because I thought he was going to break up with me. I said, "What is it babe?" What he said after that would change my life for the better, or so I thought. After I asked him what he wanted to say he got down on one knee and said, "Lynx will you marry me." Being me, who is an idiot, I said yes. He was so happy when I said yes that he instantly stood up and wrapped me in a hug. That night he had to go to work so when we said goodbye I told him I would see him when he got home. He said that he was going to be at work for a while so I said I would wait and he said ok. In the end I ended up falling asleep and he knew I would so when he got home he went straight to the guest room with a little guest he brought home. Since I was a light sleeper and the guest bedroom was right next to mine I heard the bed squeaking and I was really confused. I got up and went over to the door and realized it was someone having s*x. After a couple minutes I opened the door a little bit, just enough so I could see who it was, but what I saw made me speechless. Since the lamp was on I could clearly see who it was. After I recovered from the shock I pushed the door open and screamed at the two, "HOW COULD YOU I TRUSTED YOU!!!!" After screaming at them I ran out the front door into the road crying.

I wonder who got screamed at. It had to be someone that she didn't expect

LynxTheDoggocreators' thoughts