
The Boy Who Fought Back: A Story of Revenge and Redemption

read it. you may find it very interesting!. (failed project) Synopsis: Liu Feng was a normal high school student who had a peaceful and happy life. However, everything changed when he witnessed his parents being killed by a mysterious assassin. He swore to avenge them and find out the truth behind their deaths. He was then approached by a mysterious voice that claimed to be a system, offering him a chance to gain power and skills by completing tasks. Liu Feng accepted the deal, hoping to use the system to achieve his revenge. However, he soon realized that the system had its own agenda and secrets, and that his revenge was not as simple as he thought.

ex_berfect · Urban
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16 Chs

The Revelation

Liu Feng opened the file named "Project Phoenix - Overview" and read the contents. He saw:

"Project Phoenix is a secret and revolutionary project that aims to create a new and clean source of energy based on the principle of nuclear fusion, the same process that powers the sun and the stars. Nuclear fusion is the reaction in which two or more atomic nuclei fuse together to form a heavier nucleus, releasing a huge amount of energy in the process. Unlike nuclear fission, which is the splitting of atoms and the current source of nuclear power, nuclear fusion does not produce any radioactive waste or greenhouse gases. It also uses abundant and cheap fuels, such as hydrogen and helium, which can be extracted from water and air. Nuclear fusion has the potential to provide unlimited and sustainable energy for humanity, solving the problems of energy crisis, climate change, and pollution.

However, nuclear fusion is also extremely difficult and dangerous to achieve and control. It requires extremely high temperatures and pressures, which are beyond the capabilities of conventional materials and technologies. It also requires precise and stable conditions, which are easily disrupted by external factors and internal instabilities. It also poses serious risks of explosions, meltdowns, and radiation leaks, which can cause catastrophic consequences for the environment and human health.

Project Phoenix is an attempt to overcome these challenges and harness the power of nuclear fusion. It is led by a team of scientists and engineers from various fields and backgrounds, who have dedicated their lives and careers to this noble and ambitious goal. They have developed a novel and innovative device, called the Phoenix Reactor, which can create and sustain a nuclear fusion reaction in a safe and efficient way. The Phoenix Reactor is a spherical chamber, made of a special alloy that can withstand high temperatures and pressures. It is surrounded by a complex system of magnets, lasers, and sensors, which can manipulate and monitor the plasma inside the chamber. The plasma is a state of matter in which the atoms are ionized, meaning that they have lost or gained electrons, forming a mixture of positively charged nuclei and negatively charged electrons. The plasma is heated and compressed by the lasers, until it reaches the conditions for nuclear fusion. The nuclei then fuse together, releasing energy and neutrons. The energy is converted into electricity by a turbine, while the neutrons are absorbed by a blanket of lithium, which produces more fuel for the reaction.

Project Phoenix has been in development for over a decade, and has received funding and support from various sources, both public and private. It has been kept secret from the public and the media, due to its sensitive and controversial nature. It has also faced many difficulties and setbacks, such as technical problems, budget cuts, and sabotage attempts. However, the project has also made significant progress and breakthroughs, such as achieving the first plasma ignition, reaching the breakeven point, and surpassing the fusion gain factor. The project is now in its final stage, and is ready to conduct the ultimate test: the full-scale operation of the Phoenix Reactor, which will demonstrate the feasibility and viability of nuclear fusion as a source of energy."

Liu Feng finished reading the document and felt a shock and awe. He couldn't believe what he had just read. He couldn't believe that his parents were part of such a project. He couldn't believe that they were working on something so amazing and important. He couldn't believe that they were trying to create a new and clean source of energy for humanity.

He felt a surge of admiration and respect for his parents. He felt proud and honored to be their son. He felt inspired and motivated by their vision and mission.

He heard the system's voice in his head.

[Host, this is the overview of Project Phoenix. It explains what your parents were working on and why they were killed. They were part of a secret and revolutionary project that aimed to create a new and clean source of energy based on the principle of nuclear fusion. They were killed by the killers who wanted to stop the project and steal the technology. Do you understand?]

[Yes, I understand. This is amazing. My parents were amazing. They were heroes.]

[Yes, they were. They were brave and brilliant. They were noble and altruistic. They were your parents.]

[Yes, they were. They were my parents. And I love them.]

[And they loved you too, host. They loved you very much.]

[Thank you, system. Thank you for telling me this. Thank you for showing me this.]

[You're welcome, host. I'm glad you appreciate it. But this is not all. There is more to see and learn. Do you want to continue?]

[Yes, I want to continue. Show me more.]