
The Boy Who Fought Back: A Story of Revenge and Redemption

read it. you may find it very interesting!. (failed project) Synopsis: Liu Feng was a normal high school student who had a peaceful and happy life. However, everything changed when he witnessed his parents being killed by a mysterious assassin. He swore to avenge them and find out the truth behind their deaths. He was then approached by a mysterious voice that claimed to be a system, offering him a chance to gain power and skills by completing tasks. Liu Feng accepted the deal, hoping to use the system to achieve his revenge. However, he soon realized that the system had its own agenda and secrets, and that his revenge was not as simple as he thought.

ex_berfect · Urban
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16 Chs

The Discovery

Liu Feng arrived at the motel after an hour of bus ride. He got off the bus and looked around. He saw a shabby and dilapidated building with a neon sign that read "Motel 6". He saw some trash and graffiti on the walls. He saw some shady and suspicious people hanging around the entrance. He felt a sense of dread and disgust.

He heard the system's voice in his head.

[Host, this is the place. It is not very nice, but it is cheap and secluded. You can rent a room for 50 yuan per night. You have to pay in cash and show your ID. Do you have those?]

Liu Feng checked his pockets and found a wallet. He opened it and saw some bills and cards. He counted the money and saw that he had 200 yuan. He felt relieved.

[Yes, I have enough money. I have 200 yuan.]

[That's good. You have enough money for four nights. But you have to be careful. The motel may be dirty and unsafe. You have to avoid any trouble and stay low. You never know who may be staying here or what they may be doing. Do you understand?]

[Yes, I understand. I will be careful.]

[Good. Now, go to the reception and get a room. I will tell you which room to choose. Good luck, host.]

[Thank you, system.]

Liu Feng made his way to the reception and saw a bored and sleepy man behind the counter. He approached him and greeted him.

[Hello, I would like to rent a room for the night.]

The man looked at him and nodded.

[Okay, that will be 50 yuan. Do you have your ID?]

Liu Feng nodded and handed him his ID card. He hoped that the man would not notice anything wrong with it. He had used his father's ID card, which he had found in his wallet. He had changed the photo and the name on it, using a simple editing software on his phone. He had made himself look older and different. He had also changed his name to Li Wei, a common and generic name. He hoped that the man would not check the validity of the card or the information on it.

The man took the card and glanced at it. He didn't seem to care or notice anything. He typed something on his computer and gave him a key.

[Here you go. Room 12. Second floor. On the left. Enjoy your stay.]

Liu Feng took the key and thanked him. He felt relieved.

[Thank you.]

He heard the system's voice in his head.

[Good job, host. You have successfully rented a room. Room 12 is a good choice. It is far from the stairs and the elevator. It is also near the fire escape. It is easy to enter and exit. It is also quiet and private. You can rest and work there. Do you want to go there now?]

Liu Feng nodded, feeling eager and anxious.

[Yes, I want to go there now. I want to see what you have found on the laptop, the USB flash drive, and the notebook.]

[Okay, host. Let's go. Follow me.]

Liu Feng followed the system's instructions and went to his room. He opened the door and entered. He saw a small and simple room with a bed, a table, a chair, a TV, and a bathroom. He saw some stains and cracks on the walls and the floor. He saw some dust and cobwebs on the ceiling and the corners. He saw some bugs and rodents on the bed and the table. He felt a wave of nausea and repulsion.

He heard the system's voice in his head.

[Host, this is your room. It is not very clean or comfortable, but it is better than nothing. You can use the bed to sleep and the table to work. You can also use the TV to watch some channels and the bathroom to wash yourself. You have to be careful and lock the door and the windows. You never know who may try to enter or spy on you. Do you understand?]

[Yes, I understand. I will be careful.]

[Good. Now, let's get to work. I have some good news and some bad news for you. Do you want to hear them?]

[Yes, I want to hear them. What are they?]

[The good news is that I have hacked the laptop and decrypted the USB flash drive. I have found some interesting and important information on them. Do you want to see them?]

[Yes, I want to see them. What did you find?]

[I found some files and folders that belong to your parents. They contain some documents, photos, videos, and audio recordings. They reveal some secrets and clues about your parents' lives and deaths. They also reveal some secrets and clues about the killers and their organization. They are very valuable and useful for your revenge. Do you want to open them?]

[Yes, I want to open them. Show me.]

[Okay, host. I will show you. Please look at the laptop screen.]

Liu Feng looked at the laptop screen and saw some icons and names. He saw some files and folders that caught his attention. He saw:

- folder named "Project Phoenix".

- file named "The List".

- file named "The Video".

- file named "The Audio".

He felt a surge of curiosity and anticipation. He wondered what they were and what they contained.

He heard the system's voice in his head.

[Host, these are some of the most important and relevant files and folders that I have found. They are related to your parents' deaths and your revenge. I suggest you start with the folder named "Project Phoenix". It contains some documents that explain what your parents were working on and why they were killed. Do you want to open it?]

[Yes, I want to open it. Open it.]

[Okay, host. I will open it. Please read carefully.]

Liu Feng clicked on the folder and saw some files. He saw:

A file named "Project Phoenix - Overview".

A file named "Project Phoenix - Progress".

A file named "Project Phoenix - Results".

A file named "Project Phoenix - Risks".

He felt a mix of emotions. He felt proud and amazed by his parents' work. He felt sad and angry by their deaths. He felt determined and motivated by their legacy.

He heard the system's voice in his head.

[Host, these are some of the documents that describe the project that your parents were working on. It was a secret and revolutionary project that aimed to create a new and clean source of energy. It was based on the principle of nuclear fusion, the same process that powers the sun and the stars. It was called Project Phoenix, because it was supposed to bring a new dawn to humanity. Do you want to read more?]

[Yes, I want to read more. Read me the overview.]