
The Boy Obsessed With Space

Alfred_zion · Fantasie
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8 Chs

First Knowing Space

A young boy of 5 grew up in a local town with his parents and grandparents they were watching a movie on a normal sunny day in the living room everyone having fun.

Mom and dad sitting down together on the couch Grandma was carrying the 5 year old child on her lap while his siblings sat down close their parents Grandpa was sitting on his rocking chair.

The movie was all about space and war it was a really interesting movie Mom said.... everyone agreed including the little 5 year old boy everyone was so caught up with the movie.

The boy saw this movie and said I want to travel to space everyone laughed Haha, Son that's good Dad said.. His siblings were still laughing because it sounded dumb to them because they lived in a local town with no way of getting a space ship.

The boy really didn't pay attention to them he was still concentrated on the movie.

The movie ended everyone wished it never ended same with the boy Who wants some crunchy tacos said Mom... the kids all said me me me with smiling faces mom went to bring the tacos everyone dipped into it the parents all laughed and said take it easy.

The little boy was still thinking about space every night he would come out and stare at the sky and the stars saying they are beautiful I want to go there he believed that he would be there one day.