

        Gianna’s P.o.v

  “Okay,what about this one?” I asked Ashley as I stepped out of the bathroom.

   “Woah,when Jayden sees you in this,he is going to drool on himself” She said and I giggled.

   I was twirling infront of the mirror,while Ashley was busy smirking at me.

   “Why are you staring at me like that?”I asked.

   “It’s been so long since I last saw you this happy”

   “Come on,I have always been happy”

   “No,like see you giggle so much,smile so wide”

   “I think it’s because of this vacation”

   “Tell me something,Do you have feelings for Jayden?”

   Do I really have feelings for Jayden?

   He makes me so happy and I always want to spend time with him.

   “I..i don’t know”

   “Well,I can tell that he has feelings for you, it’s so clear”

   “I have also noticed,i.. I just don’t want to ruin this beautiful relationship we have”

   “Then if you have finally decided on your feelings,I think you should tell him”