
The Boy I Bumped Into

A girl, goes to a new college, and bumps into this cute boy. They like each other, but something gets in the way.

Dela_Rivera · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
14 Chs


Finally, it was lunch time, and I couldn't find Vicky anywhere. I searched the whole cafeteria. I noticed she was probably using the bathroom. I see Vicky coming from the lockers, holding hands with most likely her boyfriend. Then, all of a sudden she walks up to me.

"Hey," She says. I become relieved. It was another dude, it wasn't my Eric.

"This is my... friend,"

I start to panic again, "hi nice to meet you,"

"Hello," He replies. We end up talking hours! Well, an hour since it was our lunch break. Then, another boy walks up. I couldn't see his face, but I am guessing this was Vicky's boyfriend.

"Oh hey.... wait what you guys know each other," The guys says. You wouldn't believe who it was!!!!!!!!