

Lesley was speechless at his sudden outburst as she tried to remember what had happened earlier. Her mouth formed a big 'O' when she realized what he was referring to. A few seconds later, she laughed and sat on the bed, not too far away from him but not close enough.

"Wh-Why are you?— What's so funny?!"

She calmed herself and covered her mouth to contain her laughter. "We didn't kiss! You're thinking about it wrong!" she exclaimed.

"Then what does he mean by that?!"

"It's just Rio being playful. Earlier, we drank from the same bottle, and then he called it a kiss," she explained, and then he scooted closer to him. "Don't be angry about it. He was just joking. I swear that doesn't mean anything. He is a bit childish, you see."

He folded his arms, still looking at her angrily. "What kind of excuse is that?"

"I'm not making excuses. It's true! He said it was an indirect kiss. It's not a big deal to me."