

Lesley groaned painfully from the sudden throbbing in her head as soon as she woke up, the effect of the few glasses of alcohol she drank last night.

She doesn't feel like getting up with how heavy her body feels until something suddenly occurs to her.

She sprang up, sharply inhaling while covering her mouth with both hands. Her eyes widened in disbelief, recalling the events of last night.

"No... No, no, no!"

She grabbed her hair and shook her head, wishing it was a dream.

'What have I done?!'

She closed her eyes tightly, biting her lips. She bent until her forehead touched her knees, burying her face in shame. If only the ground would swallow her right now.

How will she deal with Kieran now? She doesn't even know if she still has a face to show him after her actions last night.

"Lesley, are you awake?"

Her breathing hitched when she heard the voice of the last man she wanted to see today. Her face lost its complexion as she looked towards the door.