

"So what do you think?" Said a member of the BVPD, the Bearsville Police Department, throwing a folder with photos onto the desk of another officer. 

"Hmm, they don't look professional at all. Leaving their markings wherever they solve a crime. Seems they don't even handle the evidence well. You sure they shouldn't be taken in, George?" Said the 2nd officer, addressing the first officer. The second officer spoke with a heavy country accent.

"I don't know Mike, they somehow get to the crime scenes before we do, so maybe they're better than us, they still get the crime solved, despite doing stuff we wouldn't do." George said, addressing the second officer.

"Well I don't think they should get away with this shit." Mike said, aggressively getting out of his chair and putting out his cigarette. 

Mike was an older man, mid 50s. He's been with the BVPD for around 3 decades. He was really old fashioned. As soon as he heard about this group of people stealing his job, he wanted to get to the bottom of it and throw the people in prison. Mike has thrown many vigilantes into prison. George on the other hand was a newer member of the for. He was quite young, one of the youngest on the force, he was only 23. He believed that this group was innocent due to them looking younger, he thinks what they're doing is just some young teenager fun. He did similar things when he was younger, he used to try and solve mysteries with his friends, but they were just simple neighbourhood mysteries like where the crazy cat lady's 20th orange cat ran off to today, but one day he stopped doing mysteries. 

Him and his friends took on a new case, the post they took up was "There are noises in my walls and my basement, but my walls are too thin and my basement is too packed". Him and his friends thought nothing of this, just a simple investigation, but the simple investigation turned out to be anything but simple. Him and his friend's couldn't even make it to the house by car all the way, due to their car breaking down 2 miles away. They had to walk the rest of the way, which wasn't too bad, a tree almost fell on them though. They got to the house but no one was there, which they knew was gonna happen, the person who put up the post mentioned that she was going on holiday. They started to hear the noises. They didn't sound like noises you'd hear in your everyday life, no these were different, more demonic and gurgling noises. All of George's friends went missing in the house. A few minutes later he entered the basement and saw red liquid on the ground. He walked further in and saw his friends, mutilated on the ground, he was in pure shock and couldn't move. He heard more movement, it came out of the shadows, it was a tall skinny black creature with a deformed face, almost looking like a monster, probably because it was one. He sprinted out of the house, the monster chasing after him. The monster caught up to him and slashed his leg, George let out a big scream, scaring the monster off. He pulled out his phone and called 911. He went to the hospital and had to have his leg amputated. Now he helps out the BVPD with a metal leg and walks around with a cane. Ever since that day, supernatural activities have been on the rise.

"Look Mike, give them a chance they know what they're doing, they may not be doing it right, but they sure as hell are getting it done." George said.

"Fine, I won't be so harsh on bringing them in… YET." Mike said.