
Happily Ever After?

Argentina: (stutters) I... Samuel... I don't...

Samuel: I'm sorry. This was a mistake, I don't know what I was thinking.

Argentina: Yes!!

Samuel: Yes?

Argentina: Yes, I want to be your girlfriend.

Samuel: Really?!

Argentina: Yes.

(They embrace in joy and they continue the rest of their evening talking, laughing and gazing at the stars.

The very next morning, Samuel and Argentina are on a flight back to the city. They arrive in time for work and they both head to their offices.)

Tracy: Good morning Mrs Cruise, I believe you had a lovely weekend.

Argentina: Well hello Stacy. How are you?

Tracy: Just fine...

Argentina: Update.

Tracy: Yes ma'am. You have a meeting with the guy in charge of your project in about 12 minutes.

Argentina: (sighs) Cristian.

(She prepares her desk and Cristian walks in, with the blueprints... they discuss thoroughly about the project and Argentina hands him all the details. He stops and stares at her.)

Cristian: Is that a promise ring on your finger?

Argentina: Is that question part of your reason being here?

Cristian: (sitting on the desk) Come on, you can tell me. Wait don't tell me you've gotten yourself a little boyfriend here. (laughs)

Argentina: I still don't see how my personal life is any of your business. Now as I was saying... you have to make sure the advertising team is on board with you or this whole circus you're running will fail.

Cristian: So you do have a boyfriend, huh... I wonder who my new replacement is.

Argentina: There you go again making this about you. The world doesn't revolve around you Cristian. I've found happiness and apparently the idea is eating you from behind.

Cristian: Oh please, I don't care who you choose to flip your skirt for, believe me I've had plenty enough of...

Argentina: Get out!!

Cristian: I wasn't finished.

Argentina: I won't stand here and watch you disrespect me Cristian! I've already had enough of that from you.

Cristian: Oh come on, you're still holding on to that night?

Argentina: Trust me, I let that go a long time ago. Now, leave my office!

Cristian: You can't mix business with pleasure.

Argentina: Trust me there's nothing pleasing about seeing your face every day. My assistant will finish off here. Get out.

Cristian: Fine, but you better get used to this unpleasant face because I'll be sticking around Arge.

(Cristian walks out of the office and Argentina holds back her anger, Samuel walks in and closes the door.)

Samuel: Hey, are you... okay?

Argentina: (pants over towards him) Just hold me.

(They embrace intimately and both sit across each other)

Samuel: I'm getting the impression things didn't end well between you too.

Argentina: I don't even want to talk about it.

Samuel: I understand.

Argentina: What are you doing here?

Samuel: I wasn't eavesdropping, but I heard you too arguing and I didn't want to interfere until he left. I apologise.

Argentina: It's okay. You don't need to apologise.

Samuel: Well, looks like you handled everything. I better get back to work.

Argentina: I was thinking, lunch maybe?

Samuel: Sounds good with me.

(Later that afternoon, Cristian goes to Mr Cruise's office and reveals Argentina's new found love)

Cristian: Your daughter is seeing someone else.

Mr Cruise: That's impossible.

Cristian: She told me herself.

Mr Cruise: She's bluffing.

Cristian: What if it's true, then my coming here was all for nothing.

Mr Cruise: No! I'll handle whatever this is. Just focus on winning her back.

Cristian: It's not just that, she even looks at me with some sort of- I don't know- disgust.

Mr Cruise: She is still in love with you! Use that to your advantage.

Cristian: Yes sir.

(He leaves and Argentina drives to meet Samuel at a fast food restaurant. They meet at the parking lot and walk inside.)

Samuel: I love it here, you smell that?

Argentina: Uhm, no.

Samuel: Grease.

Argentina: (laughs) Grease?

Samuel: Yeah, down in the gutter.

Argentina: Okay and how do you know all this?

Samuel: I learned to focus on different things, like smells, sounds and girlfriends that aren't listening.

Argentina: (looking at the menu) They have a triple cheese burger! No, way!

Samuel: (smiles) Yeah.

Argentina: I am always listening Samuel.

Samuel: Don't worry about it.

Argentina: You've learned to focus on things like smells and sounds, although the grease idea was way too specific.

Samuel: Well I also used to work here when I needed to save up money for college.

Waiter: Good afternoon, what would you like to have?

Argentina: I'll have the triple cheese burger and a Coke please.

Waiter: Great and for you sir?

Samuel: I'll have the Mega-Monday-Meal and a diet soda. Thanks.

Argentina: Oh you worked here, don't tell me you were the chef.

Samuel: Yes, yes I was. Chef, Janitor, Dishwasher, I did it all.

Argentina: No, way.

Samuel: Yeah, the more jobs I threw in, the more the pay.

Argentina: That's really amazing.

Samuel: Nah, it's really nothing.

Argentina: What? No, you're not going to belittle your capabilities.

Samuel: I wouldn't call them capabilities, anybody can work a little bit of overtime now and then.

Argentina: I know I can't.

Samuel: You would, if you really wanted to.

Argentina: So what is a "Monday mega meal"?

Samuel: You're about to find out.

(The waiter brings the triple cheese burger and a large seafood boil, with two sodas.)

Argentina: (with excitement) Seafood! You're going to all of this in the 30 minutes we have left?

Samuel: Of course not, you are.

Argentina: What?

Samuel: This is for you.

Argentina: But I already have so much on my plate.

Samuel: We're not going to waste food now, are we?

Argentina: I can't eat this all by myself, you'll have to help me.

Samuel: I actually had breakfast this morning, it wasn't light.

Argentina: Oh, very funny.

Samuel: I'm serious, go ahead.

(She digs in and goes halfway through with the meal.)

Argentina: That was great. You should've ate with me.

Samuel: Nah, they don't make as good as I used to.

Argentina: (laughs) I'm sure they make them better. I'll get the waiter.

Waiter: Yes ma'am?

Argentina: We'll take this to go. Bill please.

Waiter: Here you go.

Samuel: Here, use my credit card.

Argentina: Yeah, that's not happening.

Samuel: You'll have to let me pay. I brought you here. It's only fair.

Argentina: I'm the only one that ate anything. It's only fair.

Samuel: Here ma'am, use my credit card.

Waiter: Yes sir (she swipes and completes the transaction.)

Argentina: Okay, you win this time.

(They drive back to the office and Tracy rushes into Argentina's office.)

Tracy: Ms Cruise, your father was here looking for you.

Argentina: My father, came down here?

Tracy: Yes and it didn't sound good.

Argentina: (sighs) Oh whatever did Cristian do this time.

Tracy: He said for you to meet him as soon as you get back.

Argentina: I better go then.

(She takes the elevator up to his office and knocks before she enters.)

Argentina: You wanted to see me father?

Mr Cruise: Have a seat.