
The Book of Unlimited Knowledge

Have you ever thought that undead are shown to be too weak? Have you ever wanted to see them so strong and powerful, that every living creature starts shaking in fear after hearing the word "undead"? Then this book and all of my future books are a must-read to you. --- Vito was an ordinary human boy, the son of a merchant who wished to become a wizard. One day, he found the knowledge he dreamed of in the face of a mysterious book. But nothing is given for free, it's just that you don't always pay with money. Watch this young lad get affected and corrupted by the book and the life itself in his attempt to gain more knowledge and power. A beloved disciple, an escapee son, a runaway criminal, a powerful and a little crazy necromancer. All those words describe the very same man. --- Thank you ai.art.miner@gmail.com for the book covers.

Zekart · Fantasie
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16 Chs

Chapter 5

Soon his expectations were confirmed. Vito saw that those people were guards and they were obviously chasing him. He sprinted in the opposite direction without any exact destination. He was running for a while, but even despite wearing armor, he was not able to run faster than the guards.

"Fine, it is a perfect opportunity to test out necromancy." Vito said and headed to a graveyard, which was located inside of the city walls in order to protect it from necromancers.

As soon as he reached it, he started reviving dead bodies. Guided by the fact that he needed as much soldiers as possible, he tried to summon lots of undead, reducing the cost of mana by making their life span shorter. After depleting all his mana, Vito was surrounded by a big crowd of skeletons and zombies.

"What a terrible smell." Vito had an urge to vomit which he couldn't resist.

The guards finally caught up with him and they were shocked by this disgusting and horrible sight.

"Young killer is calling upon dead!" One of the guards screamed out of fear and rage at the same time.

"Oh god, a necromancer got his hands on our dead relatives! For the god of life's sake, call reinforcements and kill him!" The man who seemed to be their leader shouted.

"Fuck" Vito cursed

'How should i call my undead by the way? I guess they will understand whom am I talking to no matter what.' "My faithful servants, kill everyone who stands in our path out of the city, protect me at all costs and charge at men in armor!" Vito shouted at the top of his lungs in order to let everyone hear his words. 'Those who are smart enough won't try to stop me' that was his reasoning.

Guards got pale after hearing those words, but they didn't run away. They got into a fighting stance and mentally prepared for the awaiting battle.

Weak undead didn't care about not having weapon nor armor. They got an order and nothing would stop them from obeying it. They had no strengths, but no weaknesses either. Undead had charged at guards and started attacking them with their tooth and nails.

Man can easily defeat a zombie or skeleton, but he is nothing but a weakling in battle against a horde of undead. Sixty was barely a horde, but it was fifty too many against a five-men unit.

Guards stabbed zombies with their swords, but to no avail. Dead felt no fear, no pain, no hesitation. They threw themselves at the edges of swords and gouged out guards' eyes with their rotting nails. Several guards tried pushing them away with their shields, but what can a mere human do against a bunch of zombies who weighted a little alone, but they were together and it made a big difference in physical prowess.

A couple of seconds later all guards died without killing even one skeleton or zombie.

"Take their equipment and use it as your own."

All undead rushed towards dead bodies of guards and tried to take their armor and weapon.

'I completely forgot how stupid they actually are. How should I put my order better, I wonder.'

"Stop taking away their equipment. Now you, you... and finally you take equipment of the closest to you guard and use it as your own." When Vito was done explaining his order, undead have done what he wanted exactly as he wanted.

"Now continue completing your first order." Thankfully, they had a great memory, so he was not forced to explain everything again.

On their way out of the town Vito and his servants met a couple more squads of guards, but all of them were completely destroyed. He was marching proudly with uplifted chin, along with his little army. After seeing the armor of their fallen comrades on the bodies of undead, no one dared to stop this fearsome parade.

'It feels so good to finally be mighty and powerful. Finally I decide my own destiny!' He was so happy that he could not stop smiling. Later he even began to laugh seeing everyone running away from him.

One minute, he saw the face of Raul. He looked sad and it was obvious that he disapproved Vito's actions. 'Sorry old man, that's what they deserve.' He thought.

Soon Vito left his hometown and continued walking until he lost the sight of human buildings and roads. He stopped when his stomach growled.

"I need something to eat, but I didn't meet any animals on my way here. I wonder why..."

"It would be surprising if I met anyone. Horde of undead scares animals even more than humans." He face slapped himself a couple of seconds later and said.

"Okay, then I should tell my servants to build me a temporary hut, while I go hunting alone."

"My faithful servants-" 'I forgot about their stupidity again... okay, plan-b. I will command this process real-time and go hunting later.'

"My faithful servants-" 'Fuck, I don't know how to build houses too. I should ask the book.' He focused and opened the Treatise. 'The Great Scripture does not answers foolish questions...' That was the book's answer.

"Argh, useless piece of shit. How dare you call yourself a book that knows all answers." He growled and threw the book at one of his zombies.

After calming down, he picked his book up from the ground and was surprised by the fact that it was completely clean after hitting a rotting corpse and falling on the ground.

"Okay, let's start with small things. I want to eat, to eat I need food. Zombie will surely fail at catching anyone because of its smell. Skeletons are better, but still no good. Anyone will notice the clatter of their bones. Hmmm, what should I do..." He was thinking hard, but hunger was clouding his mind.

"Oh I know! I can ambush a big predator. Someone like a bear." After a couple of second, he finally had an idea.

"My faithful servants..." he started his speech again "...lay on the ground and play dead..." 'which won't be hard' he giggled "...but be ready to attack when I tell you to." Vito finished giving an order.

'Okay, now let's find a bear.' he thought and went deeper into the forest.

After half an hour of fruitless searching, he returned to his undead. Thankfully, it was easy due to his bond with them. But his stomach was rumbling louder and louder overtime.

'Fine, I don't care what to eat now.'

After explaining to his little army what did words "insect", "fruit" and "berry" meant, he told them "Bring me all insects, fruits and berries that you can find in this forest. You are allowed to go as far as you need to do that."

A couple of hours later in front of him was laying a small pile of the previously listed items. All berries and insects were squeezed, so the pile was resembling a porridge with fruits instead of separate dishes.

"Cereals with vegetables were actually such a good meal..." Vito said and started eating fruits, leaving the most disgusting part for later.

After finishing his long-awaited meal he noticed that instead of faithful servants, he had corpses scattered around him and a bunch of vultures flying around and eating flesh of those, who were his zombies earlier.

I don't want to beg, but I'll be grateful if you give my book some power stones.

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