
The Book of Loki(Discontinued)

In a space that lesser beings could only perceive as darkness, there were several books on podiums and a new one had appeared. In an instant, a dark figure appeared and looked upon the book, instantly perceiving it. "Gather around all who can hear for a fantastical tale is to be revealed!" the dark figure boomed As he said that, many dark figures similar to him appeared before one of them said; "Oh, great one. What is this tale that even you shall call it fantastical?" "This tale is about a young boy not of that world reborn into one of its many gods. His adventures, his relationships, and much more will be told in this tale. This tale that I shall call "The Book of Loki" is going to be one you love my children and remember, the language of lesser beings is quite different compared to ours, so make sure to listen and translate it properly." "Oh, look, look it's about to start." one of the younger-looking dark figures said After they said that, everyone turned their eyes to the book as a small projection began to play as words appeared on the page. There will be some added concepts or characters from other fiction that will work themselves into the story. There will be a harem, but it's a small one with only three wives. If you're a Norse mythology fan, you'd know two of them. I'll try to post once a week This is posted on Webnovel (No images are mine)

Pure_Phoenix · Bücher und Literatur
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16 Chs


Niflheimr, the primordial realm of ice and frost with the frozen rivers of Élivágar and the well of Hvergelmir, from which come all the rivers, an almost barren wasteland. Yet it wasn't always that way .... — Gylfaginning, Prose Edda.


Several years have passed since Loki was born. He was going to be 10 in a week. He was currently asleep in the room that he shared with his brothers; Helblindi and Býleistr, yet it appeared to be just him. Suddenly, a red-haired boy that appeared to be quite young quickly ran in and started to jump on Loki.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up!" the boy shouted.

Loki quickly woke up and pushed his younger brother off of him. The slender young boy got out of bed quickly. His black hair with red streaks appeared messy, and his fiery red and lime green eyes blazed with rage. Helblindi, seeing the look in his eyes, rushed out of the room.

"Helblindi Laufeyson, come back here now!" Loki shouted before rushing after him.

While Helblindi was indeed fast, he was still 5 years of age and Loki trained regularly, so Loki quickly caught up with him. The door outside was so close, 'Býleistr will surely protect me' Helblindi thought yet to his dismay as he quickly came to a stop due to Loki grabbing his shirt.

"Móðir told me to wake you bróðir, please don't hurt me." Helblindi quickly said as tears started to form in his eyes.

"I expected that, but I know she didn't tell you to jump on me. Now apologize before I burn your favourite tygi, you small drengr." as Loki said that, he pulled out the figurine of a strange-looking elk.

In his hand, a circle of fire appeared around the figurine and started to inch close with each annað passing.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Helblindi quickly sobbed.

Loki then dropped his brother and walked back to their room to get properly dressed. He put on a coat made of raven feathers, making sure to fasten it in place. He then put on two golden cuffs and earrings, as well as a ring on his lip, before sliding golden bands on his horns. In the mirror, he looked at himself.

'Looking good, me'

He then felt himself shift into his female form unintentionally once again. He was genderfluid, his genders fluctuating intensely and unlike mortals, due to his magic, he changed genders. His female form was quite different. She lost her horn and her markings became less. In this form, she normally had little clothing, just breast cups and a kind of loincloth. She didn't even react and just left the room, making her way outside to find the rest of her family. As she stepped outside, she saw her father; Farbauti cutting down a tree, and her mother cutting logs for some firewood.


Loki quickly looked to her left and saw her older brother Býleistr walking with his giant hammer on his shoulder and a white stag in his left arm. She ran over to him and started talking.

"Broðir, good morning. Give me the white stag and let me help you."

"Systir, morning to you as well, and I don't need any help. Go find something else to do."

He huffed and walked towards the house as Loki just stood there. Loki knew that neither her father nor mother would need any help. She then went to her secret spot, changing forms as he was walking. It took him a while to get to where he was going. At the edge of Nifleheim, where he had built a small hut to rest in. He sat down on the edge and gazed out at the Ginnungagap. It was peaceful and comforting. It reminded him of when he was sperm or the short time he spent in the womb, but peace was disturbed.


His head snapped in the direction he heard the sound from. He began to look in the forest, trying to find someone. He waited in silence for a minute, and realizing that the person won't come out, he began to shout.

"Come out, I know you're there."

1,2,3,...,10,...30. Thirty seconds had gone by and still no one. He shouted again:

"If you come out, we can solve this peacefully."






Crunch! Crunch!

The sound of someone walking in snow was drawing nearer and nearer with each passing second. Out of the bushes came a boy about the same age as him, but there was one stark difference, he wasn't a jötnar. As the boy drew closer, Loki told him to stop at about 10 feet (3.05 metres) away.

"Do not come any closer, speak your name and I will speak mine."

"I am Odin, son of Borr, son of Búri, Crown Prince of the Aesir. I have spoken my name. Now speak yours."

"I am Loki, son of Laufey, Prince of the Hrímþursar. Well, at least right now, I'm a prince. Now tell me, Borrson, what you are doing here?"

" My father and I are travelling, and I was bored, so I decided to walk around the edge of Nifleheim," Odin said as he came under Loki's scrutinizing eyes.

Having lived several lives, he could tell when someone was lying much easier and Odin did not appear to be lying, plus if he becomes friends with Odin he should become his blood brother just like the myths say.

"You may come and sit, but if you make any wrong moves. I will not hesitate!"

Odin then nodded and slowly came closer and then sat down. They both stared out at Ginnungagap wallowing in its comfort for a while before they started to have a conversation. They talked about many things, and Loki changed gender twice throughout the conversations, shocking Odin greatly. When it was getting late, and it was time for them to leave, Odin asked one last question:

"Why is it that you didn't try to kill me when you first saw I was an Aesir?"

"Why would I? Just because you're Aesir doesn't mean you're bad, even though the other jötnar seems to think that. I think that we could be friends, and maybe we could unite our clans."

"Unite our clans? That's wishful thinking right now, but we shall see what happens. And let us meet here again ."

"I swear on the beard of Ymir, I will be here tomorrow."

They both began walking off in different directions, one of them not knowing the fact that they'd become brothers and the other not knowing how he had changed the future.

Hey guys, Tell me what you think of the meeting between Odin and Loki and the start of their friendship and if you have any ideas for the story comment them. Hope you enjoyed the chapter

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