
The Book of Lilivil: All my wives are witches

"Are you tired of being a mere mortal? Weak with no strength to fight back? Always at the mercy of fate? With this contract, you'll gain the power to bend reality to your will. You'll be a witch, a master of the arcane, feared and respected by all who cross your path. Make your choice… time's wasting". Ethan Blake was transported to another world, unlike the rest who were, he was deemed unfit to be a hero due to his lack of magic. Scorned and bullied by the rest, Ethan was soon labeled the false hero, and brought to the low level of a slave. He was met by danger, at the verge of death, when he was suddenly blessed with a power, one that granted him the ability to turn maidens into witches. With this new power, Ethan will now walk the world, knowing he has the power to change his faith and everything around him. N:B- The synopsis doesn't really do justice to the novel, please give it a go and decide for yourself if it's good or not. The main harem is around 3-5 girls, but be warned, they don't all come at once, as i don't want to to be cliche. There will be some steamy scenes and also heartbreak, thrilling and wholesome ones too, so get ready!.

Kirito_K5 · Fantasie
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268 Chs

Lilivil? Are you there?

"Why aren't you departing with the rest?" Quin's voice resonated through the air, drawing Aiko and Bali's attention. He approached them with deliberate steps, his presence a mixture of curiosity and intrigue.

Aiko and Bali turned their gazes towards Quin, their eyes brimming with surprise and relief. Bali's voice broke the silence, carrying a tinge of disbelief. "Quin? You came here too?" he inquired, his tone a blend of confusion and curiosity.

Quin's response was laced with an air of nonchalance, his expression calm and collected. "Obviously," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of certainty. "I needed to find Ethan. I saw him come this way."

His eyes darted at the bloodstained fabric Aiko was holding and immediately voiced out, "That's unfortunate".

Aiko's eyes widened in both anger and urgency as her attention shifted to Quin. His remark, tinged with an unsettling tone, triggered a surge of fury within her, compelling her to take immediate action.

She stormed over to Quin, her movements fueled by determination, and seized him by the collar, pulling him closer to her.

Her voice, filled with a mixture of anger and desperation, cut through the air like a blade. "What have you done with Ethan?" she demanded, her words laced with an undercurrent of barely contained fury.

A small, infuriating smile played upon Quin's lips as he met Aiko's intense gaze. His response was delivered with a chilling calmness that sent shivers down their spines. "He's dead," he declared, each word dripping with sinister satisfaction.

Aiko's grip tightened even further, her knuckles turning white from the pressure. A surge of rage coursed through her veins, mingling with the profound grief that threatened to consume her. The revelation struck her like a crushing blow, leaving her teetering on the precipice of despair.

"Right there in your hands is proof of that," Quin began, his gaze fixed upon the blood-stained fabric, even as Aiko maintained her grip on his collar. His words carried a chilling weight, their impact reverberating through the air. "As much as I wanted to be the one to kill him... someone already beat me to it."

Quin's revelation jolted Aiko, momentarily causing her grip to slacken as her mind grappled with the gravity of his words. The fabric, once a source of hope, now transformed into a damning testament to Ethan's fate. The truth of his demise struck her like a merciless blow, leaving her stunned and struggling to process the reality before her.

Seizing the opportunity, Quin swiftly broke free from Aiko's grasp, his demeanor composed as he straightened his collar. His voice, detached yet filled with a grim resolve, cut through the heavy silence. "You can try to look for his body," he suggested, his words carrying a touch of skepticism. "But I doubt the killer would leave it lying on the ground... Let's head back to the rest."

With those words, Quin turned away, walking purposefully in the opposite direction. Aiko, her eyes still wide with shock and disbelief, remained rooted to the spot, her thoughts swirling in a tempest of emotions. The weight of Quin's revelation bore down upon her, the loss of her comrade threatening to engulf her in an abyss of sorrow and rage.





With each step, Ethan made his way through the dense woods, his bare chest glistening with a sheen of sweat. Crimson droplets of blood trickled down from the earlier gash inflicted by the ruthless assassin. Determined, he pushed forward, despite the searing agony that clenched at his gut.

The towering trees provided a temporary respite as Ethan leaned against each one, seeking solace and support.

His fingers brushed against the rough bark, his grip tightening with every passing moment. Beads of perspiration formed on his forehead, mingling with the traces of blood that stained his brow.

Yet, the pain threatened to overwhelm him. It was an unwelcome companion, a constant reminder of his vulnerability. Every breath he took was a battle, the sharp stabs of anguish intensifying with each inhalation. Still, he gritted his teeth, refusing to succumb to weakness.

But fate had a different plan. Suddenly, as if the weight of his injuries became too burdensome, Ethan's legs gave way beneath him.

The air was pierced by a resounding thud as his back collided with the brittle leaves carpeting the forest floor. The world around him seemed to slow, his senses dulled by the impact.

Gasping for air, Ethan fought to regain his composure. The pain echoed through his body, radiating from his injured abdomen. His vision swam, his surroundings blurring into a haze of muted colors. He knew he had to press on, to find the strength buried deep within him.

'That cut was deeper than I expected.' Ethan muttered in his mind, "But,... I'm almost there… just.. a bit farther".

Drawing upon his last reserves of energy, Ethan forced himself upright, his muscles protesting with every movement. He braced himself against a nearby tree, the roughness of the bark grounding him in his quest. The taste of blood lingered on his tongue, a bitter reminder of the perilous path he had chosen.

With renewed determination, Ethan pushed forward, his gaze fixed on the horizon. The woods whispered secrets, their ancient voices urging him to continue his journey. He ignored the burning ache in his body, embracing the rhythm of his own heartbeat as he ventured deeper into the unknown.

After what felt like an eternity of slow and laborious steps, Ethan's weary body betrayed him. With a treacherous twist of fate, his foot lost purchase, causing him to lose balance and tumble down the slope. The world spun in a dizzying blur as his back slid along the uneven terrain, and he finally came to a jarring halt, landing flat on his face.

"Ow!" Ethan's pained groan escaped his lips as he mustered the strength to raise his head. As his eyes focused through the haze, a mix of astonishment and wonder replaced the grimace on his face. Before him, like an ethereal apparition emerging from the earth itself, stood the entrance to a cave.

"I... I made it," he muttered, his voice tinged with both exhaustion and disbelief. He gazed intently into the dark recesses of the cavern, its mysterious allure beckoning him deeper into its depths.

The mouth of the cave loomed ominously, a portal into the unknown. Shadows danced within, their secrets concealed by the cloak of darkness. Yet, there was an undeniable magnetism to the cavern's enigmatic presence, as if it held the key to his salvation.

Ethan's breath hitched as he contemplated his next move. The pain throbbed through his battered body, each ache a testament to the arduous journey he had endured. But the fire within him burned brighter than ever, his determination unyielding in the face of adversity.

Summoning the last vestiges of his strength, he pushed himself up, his limbs protesting the effort. His eyes remained fixed upon the cavern entrance, a mix of anticipation and trepidation flooding his senses. The path behind him bore witness to his struggle, yet this new path held the promise of answers, of resolution.

The damp air whispered secrets as Ethan took a tentative step forward, his body a symphony of soreness.

He paused for a moment, taking in a deep breath, steeling himself for what lay ahead. "Lilivil? Are you there?" He whispered into the cavern's embrace, his voice carrying a mix of determination and uncertainty.

And with that, Ethan crossed the threshold, vanishing into the velvety blackness, ready to uncover the mysteries that awaited him within the depths of the unknown.