
The Bond of the Fox

Tell the story of an alternate world where Naruto and Anko are members of two rival clans: the Uzumaki Clan and the Orochimaru Clan, respectively. Despite their differences, Naruto and Anko fall in love and struggle to overcome the obstacles that stand in their way. As their relationship deepens, they both realize that their rival clans will not accept their romance, and they will have to face opposition from their respective families. However, Naruto and Anko are determined to fight for their love, no matter the consequences.

Shihao777 · Anime und Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 19…

"The dobe is right. You can't help us if you're so weak." Sasuke said. Hearing it from him, Sakura nodded and began to eat. That's when the skies darken and lightning streaked from the sky. Kakashi appeared and he was not happy with what he saw.

"What did I say? How dare you disobey my orders?" Kakashi demanded loudly. They were all scared but Naruto manned up and stepped forward.

"Screw you Kakashi! I wasn't about to allow my teammate to starve. You don't like it, then you know where you can put it." Naruto said bravely.

"I-I stand by Naruto. We won't follow your ridiculous rules anymore." Sakura stated.

"We are a team and we will stand as a team." Sasuke said.

"Is that so? Well then you all… pass." Kakashi said with an eye smile. His genin looked at him before falling down on their faces. Kakashi just kept smiling.


The jōnin were waiting for Kakashi to arrive like always. When he finally arrived, everyone gave him a stern glare. He just rubbed the back of his head.

"Sorry I'm late but…" Kakashi began.

"Spare us your lies Kakashi." Hiruzen said. Kakashi pouted but he shook it off quickly. "So, have you finally passed a team?"

"I'm happy to say that team seven has passed." Kakashi said. This surprised everyone in the room.

"It's about time Kakashi. I thought you would never pass a team." Said Asuma.

"Well, they surprised a lot, especially Naruto." Kakashi said.

"Is that so? Would you care to explain?" Hiruzen asked.

"Well, Sakura is a typical fan girl. She doesn't care much about training and being on the same team as the object of her affection might be a problem. However, she's shown great resolve and will improve over time. Sasuke is indeed skilled and put me on the ropes for a while but he is arrogant and thinks that his teammates are beneath him. His superiority complex might be a problem but I'm not too worried about it. Naruto is not what I expected. He's skilled and smart. It was he who figured out the test I gave them. Even though he does not respect his teammates or me, he is willing to put it aside to work with the team. I do worry that Anko may have put some destructive ideas in his head but he is a team player." Kakashi reported.

"So that explosion was him wasn't it?" Kurenai asked. Kakashi nodded at her and she just chuckled. "I told Anko not to put the idea in his head."

"Anyway, I wish you all luck with your teams. You are all dismissed." Hiruzen said.


Naruto entered his apartment after having a celebratory ramen feast at Ichirakus. He was just happy that he was finally a genin. As he made his way to his room for some sleep, he stopped and looked around his place. Something was off, he could feel it. He was suddenly tackled from behind by someone. They tumbled around for a while before Naruto managed to pin his assailant. He pulled out a kunai and put it in front of their face. He had a small smirk.

"Ha, that's my win." Naruto cheered. That was before the assailant turned into a cushion. "Son of a bitch!" he exclaimed and was suddenly put in a sleeper hold. He felt the light dim before tapping out. The person released him and Naruto turned to glance at the person, who turned out to be Anko.

"Whose win was it?" Anko said.

"Shouldn't you be stalking Iruka-sensei around this time?" Naruto asked irritably.

"I'm not stalking him. I am merrily taking an interest." Anko said.

"How is breaking into his apartment while he slept to get a piece of is hair an interest?" Naruto asked.

"Anyway, I heard you passed your exam. Congratulations are in order." Anko said.

"Thanks but I just wish that it wasn't with the teme and his fan-girl." Naruto said.

"Stop your bitchin' and just deal with it. You'll need them later on."

"I guess. I can't wait to do missions though." Naruto said with excitement.

"Just don't be too disappointed in the missions. They might be boring but they serve a purpose." Anko said.

"What are you talking about? How can taking out bandits, saving daimyo's daughters and protecting the ninja way, be in any way boring?" Naruto asked with confusion. Anko looked at Naruto before laughing loudly. She was on the ground holding her sides. Naruto didn't have a good feeling about this.







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