

Xavier's POV My name is Xavier kion sigit I am 41 and also a successful business man but this is my back story that would actually lead me to the love of my life Mia biker but I'll start from when I was 18 years old. Being a rich kid was no big deal for me nor my brothers we never experienced lack nor the need for anything we could provide all we could ever want nor need but we couldn't provide love,peace nor a mother. This was the one thing we lacked our father was immensely in love with mum,she was the love of his life she changed everything about Dad and his family she made the family lively as I can clearly remember the burning love in our family was intense and we were the envy of the entire world but Dad lost the dearest person to him in a car accident and perhaps himself too. After the burial Dad locked himself in a room and wept for a whole month without food till he became thin and his eyeballs were now red from weeping too much and at one he tries to commit suicide by falling from the balcony but Stevenson my elder brother and Adonis tried taking him away but to no avail so Kyle quickly called in the guards for assistance and he was saved. I was just four years old at the time and watching my father suffer I vowed never to love anyone nor get married. Stevenson and my brothers were also called into dad's office and the door was slammed so hard that it's echoes could be heard from every corner of the house. I hurried to the door and watched through the peep hole on the door and behold dad had a cane in his hand of which he used to hit them with I couldn't hesitate the urge to cry while watching the scene instantly the door flung open and it was my brother's who were watching me with a smile as they all tried to cover up the pain they were undergoing but I wasn't buying any of It so I ran inside and bit Dad as hard as I could on his tarsals and it caused him to flinch in pain. You're a monster Dad! You're so heartless and this I promise you I'll never be like you who's mourning over a dead lover. I screamed as tears gushed from my eyes trailing down my cheek. Wow you Little brat! Because I didn't scold you if you're mum hadn't left the house to get you a Chinese dumpling and some carvier she wouldn't have died so you killed your mother. He screamed raising the cane to hit me but kyle took the hit and Stevenson carried me to my room alongside my brothers escorting him to my room. 14 YEARS LATER(KION'S MANSION ) The morning at our home was never quiet at all it was all about noise, arguments, destruction, door slamming and the likes of it. My eyes darted open wide as I heard a huge smash of what sounded like a glass and angrily I covered the bedsheets above my head because I knew it was Adonis like father like son they both won a world record for argument,anger and smashing things deliberately to show how annoyed they were. I stood up from the bed and turned to the door because I was hearing loud footsteps still contemplating on who's it was I was in for a shock when he spoke and it was dad but he was intercepted by Stevenson who happened to be my life saviour every time. Get out of the way I'd love to have a word with that brat! He demands angrily and his loud voice can be heard even in my room sometimes I wonder where he borrowed the loud voice from. He's sleeping Dad and you're not allowed inside his room not now nor ever. Stevenson replied boldly. Oh interesting! Now that's how you're raising that asshole did you know he's the most notorious and talk more of a big cyber bully who only wastes my money on party and Oscars event. Dad complained angrily and I could tell Stevenson was in for a surprise since I hadn't told him about anything from school but he still manages to defend me. You better tell that imp that if only I come across his lousy face again I'd smash his face for bringing so much shame to the family name. He warns walking away from the door. I was just about wearing my shirt when Stevenson open

acetech124 · Urban
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Xavier's POV

My name is Xavier kion sigit I am 41 and also a successful business man but this is my back story that would actually lead me to the love of my life Mia biker but I'll start from when I was 18 years old.

Being a rich kid was no big deal for me nor my brothers we never experienced lack nor the need for anything we could provide all we could ever want nor need but we couldn't provide love,peace nor a mother. This was the one thing we lacked our father was immensely in love with mum,she was the love of his life she changed everything about Dad and his family she made the family lively as I can clearly remember the burning love in our family was intense and we were the envy of the entire world but Dad lost the dearest person to him in a car accident and perhaps himself too. After the burial Dad locked himself in a room and wept for a whole month without food till he became thin and his eyeballs were now red from weeping too much and at one he tries to commit suicide by falling from the balcony but Stevenson my elder brother and Adonis tried taking him away but to no avail so Kyle quickly called in the guards for assistance and he was saved. I was just four years old at the time and watching my father suffer I vowed never to love anyone nor get married.

Stevenson and my brothers were also called into dad's office and the door was slammed so hard that it's echoes could be heard from every corner of the house. I hurried to the door and watched through the peep hole on the door and behold dad had a cane in his hand of which he used to hit them with I couldn't hesitate the urge to cry while watching the scene instantly the door flung open and it was my brother's who were watching me with a smile as they all tried to cover up the pain they were undergoing but I wasn't buying any of It so I ran inside and bit Dad as hard as I could on his tarsals and it caused him to flinch in pain.

You're a monster Dad! You're so heartless and this I promise you I'll never be like you who's mourning over a dead lover. I screamed as tears gushed from my eyes trailing down my cheek.

Wow you Little brat! Because I didn't scold you if you're mum hadn't left the house to get you a Chinese dumpling and some carvier she wouldn't have died so you killed your mother. He screamed raising the cane to hit me but kyle took the hit and Stevenson carried me to my room alongside my brothers escorting him to my room.


The morning at our home was never quiet at all it was all about noise, arguments, destruction, door slamming and the likes of it. My eyes darted open wide as I heard a huge smash of what sounded like a glass and angrily I covered the bedsheets above my head because I knew it was Adonis like father like son they both won a world record for argument,anger and smashing things deliberately to show how annoyed they were. I stood up from the bed and turned to the door because I was hearing loud footsteps still contemplating on who's it was I was in for a shock when he spoke and it was dad but he was intercepted by Stevenson who happened to be my life saviour every time.

Get out of the way I'd love to have a word with that brat! He demands angrily and his loud voice can be heard even in my room sometimes I wonder where he borrowed the loud voice from.

He's sleeping Dad and you're not allowed inside his room not now nor ever. Stevenson replied boldly.

Oh interesting! Now that's how you're raising that asshole did you know he's the most notorious and talk more of a big cyber bully who only wastes my money on party and Oscars event. Dad complained angrily and I could tell Stevenson was in for a surprise since I hadn't told him about anything from school but he still manages to defend me.

You better tell that imp that if only I come across his lousy face again I'd smash his face for bringing so much shame to the family name. He warns walking away from the door.

I was just about wearing my shirt when Stevenson opens the door angrily.

Watch it bro I'm half naked! I screamed at the top of my voice covering the sheets.

Woah you've got some nerve to say that young man! Why didn't you tell me what your principal had said? He snapped angrily as he lightly smacked my cheek.

I'm sorry Stevie I'm a grown man I can't bug you with everything. I replied folding my arm across my chest.

I'm a grown man. He air quotes mockingly now young man Dad has heard about it so what's on your mind or what are you gonna do?

He can go to hell for all I care. I answered with a quick hiss but he didn't look like he was gonna let Me get past him so he twirls my hand and slids me down.

Ouch that hurts bro. I cried scowling in pain what'd you do that for bro that hurts badly.

And don't you dare scowl at me young man now you're going to school with me and you'll apologize to your headmaster. He said pulling me up to my feet.

I watched Stevenson walking out of my room and I could only wonder how he was holding up after Dad had announced he'll be getting married soon.

Stop slouching Xavier you're 18 and not 2 years old hurry up and stop trying to impress the girl's they don't like bullies be a changed man. Stevenson said opening the door again and I couldn't help but to laugh out as loud as my voice could be heard.

I'm not looking for the girl's they always come for me but after joking with their feelings I toss them aside and move on to my next target. I smirked proudly tilting my head backwards.

At least that makes me a better man than some scums who can't get their acts together. I growled angrily packing my books as we head out.

Don't you ever speak to your father in such demoralized manner I've never trained you all these years to speak like him so that's our differences. He said smacking my head lightly and I also imitates his every speech and movement.


We were driven to school in our luxurious limousine by the older chauffeur, Mr Young who we treated more like our dad and as we walked into the school building I checked my watch and this was the very first time I was in school this early because it was just 7:00am and I'm normally at school by 10:am after being flown to school my private helicopter. I watched in the waiting room through the transparent glass door as the entire students were talking about us and my brother really got all the girls smiling and giggling although he didn't do much other than having a handsome body and face which he didn't maintain unlike some of us.

He just sat down silently reading the school magazine which had my face on it while I Paced back and forth impatiently.

Hey chill bro sit down right now! He commands signaling me over to sit down besides him.

No bro you're embarrassing me in public and it's the while school you're behaving like an overprotective Dad. I stammered as my feet wobbled in fear.

Stevenson face folds in shock and I could only tilt backwards because he was more like an African mother thanks to his college Bestie Nadia, who actually taught him that a good slap with your back palm was the best way to resolve a matter with kids.

No don't tilt backwards I'm not doing what's on your mind I'm glad you asked. He smiles removing his eyeglass before cleaning it and putting it back on. I'm glad you asked why I'm here I'm your mother,your father and all you've got left no one apart from I and Adolph no one's gonna come to your rescue. He flicks his finger on my forehead.

His flicks were darn painful and I couldn't scream nor cry but take it like a man because I was watched by the entire students who were all taking our pictures. The wait was quite long and at 8:00am the bell was rung and everyone left for class and only we were left. Mrs Roosevelt the principal walked in sarcastically and behold she greeted my brother in the most courteous manner before inviting us into her magnificent office where we were all seated silently sipping the coffee her secretary had brought over.

Good morning ma'am I'm pleased to have you meet with is regardless of your busy schedule. My brother complements in the most courteous way possible and at that instant I sunk in the chair.

No it's not a problem at all I should be thanking you the CEO of skynetics for making out such an auspicious time to meet despite your own work schedule. She smiles setting the cup on the table. So Mr Xavier you've got such a nice brother and you chose to be rebellious and chilvarious at the same time.

No ma'am you know it's the teens trauma age and we can't really stop it unless we discipline them more or discover what makes him happy. Stevenson added smiling every time he speaks.

I couldn't help but wonder what had this boy eaten or sipped in from the coffee so I put mine down not wanting to behave in a manner so eerie that I couldn't see my actions. Although he was such a bright soul and a philander he was out of the ordinary like he was in love with a Lady ten years older than him and her first son twins Blake and Jake were my age mate and classmates.

Yeah his attitude in school makes me bewildered I've never seen him so quite like he is now and he's totally an air head in his education like he literally knows nothing at all and right now the first term exams are right besides the corner. She said pouring coffee in the empty cups while using the other hand to Tuck her hair behind her ear.

Right that's what I'm here to solve because we've gotten some topnotch teachers to educate him but they didn't last a day with him. Stevenson complained with a saddened face.

Could you excuse us for a bit Xavier you've got to wait at the waiting room. She pleads staring at me.

I dared to refuse but the glare my brother gave me was death stricken and I wouldn't dare protest so I head outside where I waited patiently for the conversation to be over.


The door was opened and the principal and Stevenson walked outside of the office smiling and discussing about his job rather than the punishment I was to face for punching a classmate's face until his nose bled. He suddenly winks at me and I glared back at him surprisingly then they exchanged their number and we left her presence instantly.

We were halfway outside the corridor when we heard mrs Roosevelt's voice while she was disciplining some students who were loitering during class period.

I love her spirit honestly there's no pretence in her attitude. He compliment patting my head.

Wow you just met her she's called iron fist for a reason and you only met her in her pretentious mode. I snickered a dry laughter.

That's a lie it's her good mood and you shouldn't have a foul mindset it won't get you anywhere. He protested while I stared at him placing my ha d on his head for signs of fever. What man?!

Duh whatever her marriage is on a verge of splitting and it's in court but please what were you guys discussing while I was away? I asked expectantly.

Well nothing much I managed to get her lift your ban and suspension but detention is inevitable so you can't really do much about it. He smiled and I couldn't help but sneer at him.

He walked me to class as a baby brother I was and already some girl were blowing air kisses at him and so were some boys drooling at him and I could tell our family were irresistible but I glared at them because my brother wasn't gay nor was he on the marriage market for minors he was 33 and is to be married during the festivals of light.

The admiring crowd left and the maddening crowd died down in a splint of seconds. My attention in class was always divided and I couldn't capture much in class at all but I wasn't bothered as far as the teacher didn't ask me any question.


The school hallway clustered with students who were clamouring at each other but the instant I set my foot on the hallway the crowd parted like the red sea and while I was walking through the crowd someone came sprinting across the hall and we jammed heads together this was more painful than the belt Stevenson used on me during disciplining session what's more awkward was the threatening position we found ourselves in. The Girl was right atop me and her head was sunken deep into my neck while her breathing tickled my skin. Bryan the school basketball champion helped her up but when an turned to face me she was crying non stop from the pain she felt she was extremely beautiful but a little bit chubby she had a deep blue eyes unlike mine which was silvery green and her hair was Hazel brown,she was fall but I was taller and her dressing was too average for her looks with her big eyeglass that was hanging halfway down her nose.

Can't you apologize? She asked wiping her eyes with the back of her palm.

What the hell who'd let such a cry baby in school?! you're kinda people belongs to the kindergarten. I said as the feeling if irritation washed over me.

You're such a big bad bully and please watch your way. She advised wiping her tears.

I wondered why such a cute and adorable girl was crying non stop my heart couldn't stop pounding I'm my chest and I could tell it was love at first sight no denial she captivated my mind in the unimaginable way. I walked majestically into the cafeteria and soon afterwards everyone did the same but just like before I sat alone because no one would dare speak to me because they called me a bully and I was more richer than any kid in school besides my Dad's money I was a famous celebrity, a model for Adidas,Gucci,Valencia and Dior fashion company and I was the world most famous tiktoker but none of these made me happy in life.

The entire cafeteria bubbled with students and the entire students had seat mates but I was left alone observing the crowd from a distance. Immediately my eyes diverted to three female students of which were vanellope Catalina Royce,Hailey Austin and Nancy Windsor and these three girls rule the boys of the school and the girls they're popularity were over the stats and radars but nothing compared to mine and I wasn't bothered about them.

Hey handsome you're out here sitting all alone we can help to keep you company. Vanellope giggled willing her fingers at her friends.

I don't need your help I like my quiet time now run along like the little girls you really are. I smirked. Some boys are probably drooling over you so let me be

Hold your horses xave I'm not here for them but I'm here for you,you've got my undivided attention. Vanellope smiled sitting down on the chair.

Did I ask you to sit down on my chair. I asked savagely staring at her you gotta get outta here or you're not gonna like it.

I wouldn't do that if I were you because you'll be expelled and your reputation will be worst than it is. She threatened gazing at my face.

Yeah babe we did it and you Better calm down dude. Hailey Austin giggled chewing her bubble gum.

I was so angry that I felt like slapping her face unto the thick wall but that was suddenly covered by the reality that she was a weaker vessel and I'd never wanna commit anything that'd get me a whooping from Stevenson,so I stepped out of the cafeteria and headed for the roof top where I listened to a Celine Dion music titled "near or far" this always kept me close to my mum as she was a big fan of this song.

Hello I'm a new writer please read enjoy it and please share your thought and views in the comment.

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