

This talk about supernatural being which

pass down for generation and ended at the 20th century, but was

resurrected at 21th century.

Human {Mortal Rogue} (Jace Rays)

Hybrid (Rosemary Dave)

vampire (Jack Magna)

Wolf (Chris William)

Warlock (Valentine Frost)

Ghost (Becky West)

Demon (Priscilla Darkwood)

This was the second bloodline brought back by set of people who visited a forest camp in the woods and end up activating the beings.

Each being has there own book (containing law, spells, sacrifice, restoration e.t.c). The word bloodline has been the name of the "first six bloodline" cult (Convoke of conjuring). But the 21th century between themselves lead to war for the first time.

Each symbol represents the "Convoke Clan."

The human [MR] us the most important clan for internal restoration.

The human [MR] spot is for blood transfer to other spot (Convoke Clan). The human [MR] are also hunter, law

maker to all clans. The human [MR] are also known as (Mortal Rogue) with the gifts of supernatural powers and true blood.

During the 21th century war, the five clan vampire, werewolf, demon, ghost, warlock used true blood (Mortal Rogue ; The chosen blood) to restore there first gods.

First gods

Vampire _ Alex Magna

Wolf _ Adam Richard

Warlock _ Feast Creed

Ghost _ Queen West

Demon _ Graham Frank

The first Mortal Rogue Harv Seth.

To restore the beings a royal descended of

Harv Seth is needed for the five clans,

Jace Rays.

    Each beings has there own special power.

Vampire _ control human, run in super speed,

posses some magic powers e.t.c

Werewolf _ transfer to wolf, control any type of animal e.t.c

Warlock _ cast spells and magic, control human, restore human and five clans, teleport supernatural,open gate to hell


Ghost _ control (posses) human and five clans, drag out soul, disappear, restore human, transform to human e.t.c

Demon _ feed on the five clans including hybrid, member of hell and open gate of hell,

transform to humans e.t.c

What result to the creation of hybrid was a mistake which link five clans to one soul.

Hybrid _ posses the power of the five clans.

The first bloodlines (20th century) had the ability to walk in daylight.

If any of the 21th century (vampire, ghost, demon) drink from a true blood (Jace Rays)

he/she will have the ability to walk in daylight.

As a chosen bloodline true blood Jace  Rays,

he must take secure from evil minded beings to be safe and must stay safe. The other Mortal Rogue have to protect him. Jace Rays who thought he had a normal life never knew he was a chosen one.

     Jace Rays mother is a related bloodline to Harv Seth which lead to Jace Rays as a bloodline.

        Jace Rays has his first paranormal experience at highschool. He looked at his history teacher, Mr Philip he explain more about ancient creators, he mention some set of humans are chosen to defend the humans from the beings.

         Jace Rays open one of his textbook

which was titled ancient beings, on the first page he see nothing, but stared at it, suddenly the page with no writing write something, the bloodline of beings, this frightened Jace Rays as he took his race. After his experience with the book he had more paranormal experiences.

        Jace Rays secretly left the house without informing his mother, he hag out with his Jack Magna, Chris William, Valentine Frost, Becky West, Priscilla Darkwood, Rosemary Dave all together there travel for forest camp.

         There all arrived at the forest camp, first of all Jace Rays felt uncomfortable around the environment, but the remaining of them found it comfortable

since he had no choice, he stayed.

     Becky West suggest there all walk around the forest before there return home. As usual there all walk together, Rosemary Dave spotted a dark hole, Jace Rays suggest there don't go in, but Valentine Frost refused Jace Rays opinion.

         So there all walk in together switching there touch light. Jace Rays was breathing heavily he could not stand the strange energy.

        Suddenly, there all fall into separate holes.

        Jace Rays regain his conscious but was pinned down by hook so has all his friends, except Rosemary Dave who stand close to rocks.

         There all scream for help but no result.

Suddenly, the hook of his friends released damage smoke structure which rushed into Jace Rays friends except, Rosemary Dave who was screaming for help.

        Slowly, the skin of Jace Rays hook friends change to dark colour and they where transforming into another beings.

        The transform friends break their hook and four if them rushed to Rosemary Dave and bite her, suck out her blood except Valentine Frost who sucked out her soul and memories.

        Jace Rays could not believe his eye his childhood friend died that spot, the four transform being transfer back to humans. After that, the hook freed Jace Rays.

        Jace Rays run to Rosemary Dave, he tried to bring her back to life but no result.

        The remaining friends regain there conscious and remember what there did to Rosemary Dave.

        Jace Rays confess in tears, saying he never like the environment from the beginning.

        The remaining friends was paining on what to do. Priscilla Darkwood tried to calm Jace Rays, but refused saying he cause all this, his ignorance to avoid this place caused everything.

         Jace Rays tears fall on Rosemary Dave eye and her body begin to heal, slowly she completely healed.

         Rosemary Dave cough as she regain her self, Jace Ray could not believe his eyes and so as the remaining friends.

         Jace Rays look at Rosemary Dave eyes and notice her eyes changed colours, it represent the colour eyes of his transform friends, later change to normal eye colour.

        Jace Rays and his friends rushed out of the hole and run fast as there could, there all stop as there spot several tigers starring at them.

        Valentine Frost, looked at one if the tiger eyes and the tiger burned. The rest of his friends was frightened.

        Second, Chris William transform to a wolf and devour on one of the tigers.

        third, Becky West transform to a ghost and fly to one of the tiger and drag out it soul and feed on it flesh.

       Fourth, Priscilla Darkwood transform to a hell demon with wings, she just devour the tiger into ashes.

       Fifth, Rosemary Dave first bite the tiger with long canine teeth, then transform to wolf, transform to ghost, and later demon and merciless devour the tigers.

        Jace Rays and Valentine Frost was just watching with there mouth wide open.

        Later, there all transform to human. Jace Rays look at them and said Jack Magna you are a vampire, Valentine Frost you are a warlock, Chris William you are a wolf, Priscilla Darkwood you are a demonic beast, while you Rosemary Dave you are just a hybrid you have all the beings.

       Jack Magna interrupted, saying then what are you made of Jace Rays.

       Rosemary Dave reply to Jack Magna saying, he is the key which mean he active us and also deactivate us.

       There all stare at Jace Rays. Later there all return home.

      Jace Rays gently walk into the house, but his mother catch him.

     His mother yelled where have you been, it 12:00am at midnight.

     Jace Rays reply saying mom am sorry but mom is there anything you are hiding from me.

     He walked to his room and shut the door.

   Now Each of them must face their fate.