
The Blood Sisters

Blood Sisters is a riventing account of two sisters rose and ellen, who are in wrath of culture as they go to new home.

ezra_imili · Teenager
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The Journey

ellen stood in the shadows by the window,her back to the room.from her vantage on third floor of the building where their flat was located she had a bird's eye view of the sprawling town. Beneath her down at the courtyard, she could see her father moving and fusing .He was organising and directing, with obvious temper the loading of two ten-lories . He was gesticulating violently apparently repremandin loaders for being slow and inept in carrying out the task before them.

Ellen knew her father well .He was not always happy.It reminde her of her own recent battle with him when her permission to travell to chicago with othe young men and women who had been selected by an fm radio station to attend a competition. she had stubornly put up a spirited strugleto make him allow her to attend but he refused. Also, her trust that her father woul give her whatever she requested for had been badly shaken.

Steaming the thoughts out of her mind, she did not hear her young sister rose approach.she leaned forward and lifted her face to look into her sisters brown eyes.ˋˋellen, what do tou think the life is going to be in India?ˋ

ˋˋfor heavens sake rose,ˋèllen said turning round to face her sister.ˋˋhow i'm i supposed to know?ˋ

ˋÌ suppose it is going to be different from the kind of life we are used to here, isn't itˋ

ˋˋmost likely so, yesˋˋˋit seems so srange to be leaving new yorkˋˋRose said relentesly,ˋẀe have always known that it was our fathers plan to end up in indiaˋèllen told her sister trying not to answer her directly.ˋˋthat's why he built the sho he always talk aboutˋˋ.twenty years of her life had beeen spent in new york, they loved it's crowdness,markets and most importantly ellen was going to leave her boyfriend, and since she had compleated highschool, she wanted to join the university of oxford together with her sister.

ˋèllen are you okay?ˋˋRose called, lifting her head to look up into the face of her sister.ˋno im okay dear little sister ,, what do you think will happen to us when the shop dad intends to open dosen't become succesfull as he hopesˋ she answerd looking at the book rose was holding.ˋellen , i don't know better than you he thinks the shop will be a succcess. i overheard him tell his friend he was going to add ipututs at the shop and bussiness is bound to do well. Let us have faith in him hope for bestˋˋ.

ˋì dont want to work at the shopˋˋresian said her pretty face hardening her voice.ˋì want to come back and join the oxford university. i want to become a teacher, iwant to reaad everything and have a graduation at the end of the years.Yes i like to be called Tr.ellen Rose you know im serious are you? i mean itˋˋellen said fervently.

ˋỳou know too well that it is also my ambition to join it siz,how nice would it be to join the university if father was to allow us to join it. since you are his favorite, then passuade him to do so woun't you ellen?ˋ

ˋì cant promise that with cernity ˋ ellen said tore her look from her sister's book.ˋyou know the sturbon nature of dad ˋ

ˋˋplease try to talk to him he always listtens to you and this time round he will.ˋ

ˋi'll tryˋˋellen said doubtfully to close the subject. Behind them and from the adjacent room, came their mother's voice rose ˋˋellen and rose what on earth are you doing there at the window insted of helping me pack?ˋˋtheir mother asked sharply. And to rose run downstairs and what is happening. Are we ever going to leave?"

``they have completed loading lorries mom``rose said nonchalantly.

After few hours they had packed everything and they were ready to go.iris and luke stood there for a moment together with rose and Ellen each of them keeping their thoughts on themselves .

Minutes later when they were all settled in a aeroplane luke had hired for they were at the way to India.