
The Beginning part--01

Liana is late because she oversleep. Her brother was trying to wake her up but he knows her sister's sleep.

Liana: umm, Limo let me sleep a little more please.

Limo: No, you can't. It's aready 9am. When will you go to the college. Hurry up!

Liana: What! 9am! Oh no! I overslept again. My teacher will eat me alive.

Limo: Quick, girl! Freshen up ,finish your breakfast and then get ready. You don't have time to lose.

Liana hurriedly freshen up and then get ready. She have no time for breakfast.

Limo: Oh girl! When will you be mature? You are already 17.

Liana: But I am still not 18. Thank you for your advice.

Liana is going to her college. She said to herself tha she may not make up in time. She is walking and singing alone.Her path is long but there is no taxi today. She don't know where all of them gone. While walking she saw a old woman with messy hair covered in blood. This scene was very terrifying.

She go to help the lady.

Liana: Aunty what happend? Who did this to you? Let me take you to the nearby hospital.

But the lady say nothing. Liana touch her to see but got shocked.As if, the lady could not breath but still she looks like alive. When liana look more carefully something happend that stopped her heart beating. The lady looks like her death mother Andrelia.

Liana: Mom! It can't be true. Is it really you?

The lady laughed loudly by hearing her voice. Suddenly, the road turned into a red sea like blood flowing in the see. But how? Liana didn't imagine something like this in her whole life. It is the most terrifying nightmare for her. It took half of her breath. She is gardually sinking deeper and deeper. She tried her best to swim but can't.

She saw the lady vanished and closed her eyes.

What will happen to her? Will she die ir survive?....(To Be Continued)