
The Blood Magic User

Soul, a forbidden blood magic user, is driven by a desperate need to save his cursed sister. To break the curse, he dares the unthinkable: resurrecting the Demon Queen Lilith and asks for her help. But Lilith's assistance comes at a cost, one that only the most self-centered would agree to pay. 'She leaned forward and pressed her forehead against mine. I thought I was about to get lost in the blackness of her eyes. “Become my champion.” she had a frightening smile on her beautiful face. “You and I… We will kill all the worthless idiots that call themselves gods. The false gods.”'

Niemena_eyes000 · Fantasie
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81 Chs

Listen Carefully

Nia woke up in a cold sweat, her nightmare still vivid in her mind. With a sigh, she got out of bed, changed into a fresh shirt, and made her way to the window. The cool night air helped to clear her head, if only slightly. It seemed Ayame hadn't returned yet, but she knew she was safe with a blood magic user and a skillful swordsman like Esvor.

She put on her coat, opened the door, and descended the stairs slowly. The corridors were deserted; it was late, and everyone was likely asleep in their rooms.

Nia found herself face-to-face with a teacher guarding the double doors of the girls' dormitory. "What are you doing out at this hour?" the teacher demanded.

"I couldn't sleep," Nia explained. "I thought I'd take a short walk."

"There's a blood mage roaming around," the teacher warned. "Go back to your room. It's forbidden to go outside at night. Professor Yuu's order."

"But –" Nia hesitated, but ultimately obeyed. "Okay."

"Check room 105 on your way. I told them to extinguish their candles and sleep, but I think they are still up. If they're awake, come to me."

"Yes, ma'am."

Nia climbed to the first floor and made her way to room 105. She noticed a faint light seeping from under the door. Stepping closer, she knocked gently.

"Hello?" Ruby answered, opening the door slightly. "Oh, Nia, right?"

"Hey, uh, the teacher downstairs told me to check on you. She wants you to sleep."

"I know – but I can't. I lost nearly all of my necklaces and bracelets when that maniac Topple attacked."

"And? Just buy new ones."

"No, I was making bracelets and necklaces to sell in the market," Ruby explained, her tone desperate. "I need money, man. Like, serious money."

"Ooh, I get it." She nodded. "You – need help? I'm good with that type of stuff."

Ruby's face lit up with relief. "Oh, that'd be awesome! Thank you. Here, come in!" She stepped aside, opening the door wider to let Nia in.

Ruby shut the door as she entered. Nia slipped off her shoes, hung her jacket on the peg and glanced around the room. The small space was cozy, with two beds pushed against opposite walls, a wooden table cluttered with beads, threads, and half-finished jewelry, and a single candle providing a warm glow.

Ruby sat on the chair next to the bed and reached for the box full of beads and threads on the table.

"Here, these are all the materials I have left," Ruby said, handing out the box.

Nia took the box and sat on the floor. "Let's see what we can make," she said with a reassuring smile. "We'll get you some new pieces in no time."

"I hope. I can't stay here forever. I will have to find a place to live eventually…"

"Yeah. I get it."

Ruby opened the table drawer and took another box, this one containing fewer beads and threads.

"Soul will get 600 golds from Hyun-Ki. You know that, right?" Nia said, threading a needle carefully.

Ruby paused in her beading, her expression thoughtful. "Yeah, he mentioned it. But with that amount, we can't afford a house." She sighed softly. "I've always dreamt of having a place of my own. Somewhere I could plant a garden and watch it grow. We used to talk about it when Soul was locked awa –" Her voice trailed off, a wistful tone coloring her words. "Yeah – I really shouldn't talk about that."

Nia paused, her fingers hesitating over the beads as she looked up at Ruby. "Locked away – how long?"

Ruby's attention momentarily drifted. "It's probably best if I keep my mouth shut. Soul wouldn't like it."

"Are you afraid of him? Is he hurting you or something?"

"Gods, no." Ruby shook her head, strands of her hair fell around her face. "He is probably the last person on earth that would hurt me. He is a good guy, really."

"Good guy? Only to you, I guess." Nia's tone carried skepticism as she continued threading the needle. "He is a jerk to everyone. And those half-open eyes of his? Weird."

"Okay, I admit. He isn't a good guy. But still – yeaaah. I don't know. I agree he is a jerk," she said with a small chuckle.

"How long have you guys known each other?"

"Too long for me to remember, really. Maybe seven?"

"Be honest – has he always been like this? A stone-faced jerk. I never saw him changing his damned facial expression. Not once!"

"He used to laugh, smile – make jokes." She tapped out a melody with her fingers on the table. "I don't know… let's not talk about him right now."

"Sure, of course."

As the hour passed by, the two girls exchanged only a few words, finding comfort in the shared silence. The snow outside continued to fall, the wind picking up slightly and causing the window to rattle gently. Despite the cold and darkness outside, the room felt cozy and safe, a small haven.

"Ruby?" Melissa knocked on the door, whispering. "Are you awake? I saw the candle."

Ruby sighed in relief and got up to open the door. "Hey, Melissa. Couldn't sleep?"

"Yes." Melissa entered the room, glancing around nervously. "I keep thinking about Soul. Will he be alright? He killed Marcy! The champion! People will surely do something to him! Ur's fanatics scare me!"

"Yeah, I know. He thinks nothing will happen." Ruby shut the door behind Melissa and introduced her. "Oh, and this is Nia. Nia, this is Melissa. My nurse... well, she was my nurse. I'm not sick now."

"Nice to meet you, Nia," Melissa said.

"Nice to meet you," Nia replied. "You were... concerned about Soul?"

"Yeah… Why did you ask?"

"Isn't he a total dick to you, too?" Nia chuckled. "Excuse my language."

"No? He is the sweetest guy I've ever met. Yeah, he is dense. Doesn't pick up social cues... or rather, he doesn't want to pick up social cues because he is a boring man. But I love him –" Melissa's face flushed red. "I mean like. As a friend."

The room fell into an awkward silence for a moment before Nia spoke up again. "It's interesting to hear that side of him. He seems so different to everyone else."

"So, uh," Melissa coughed, her cheeks still red. "What are you guys doing?"

"Making jewelry," Ruby answered, holding up a half-finished bracelet. "I'm going to sell these in the market. We were nearly done."

"Yeah, I should head back," Nia said, getting up from the floor. "Ayame should be back soon, too."

"Who is Ayame?" Ruby asked, curiosity piqued.

"My roommate. I'll introduce you one day," Nia replied with a smile. "Goodnight, Ruby. Melissa."

"G'night!" Ruby responded cheerfully.

"Goodnight," Melissa said, her smile warm.

Nia slipped her shoes back on and left the room quietly, leaving Ruby and Melissa to continue their conversation.

"Oh, gods, you are here." As soon as she exited the room, she collided with Ayame. "Soul is a blood mage! Blood mage! I mean – I have no proof that he is. But he is. Also, I saw another blood mage! She had silver hair, too! And her name was also Soul. It's connected! Only idiots would assume otherwise. Because when you think about it –"

"S-stop!" Nia held her hands in the air. "What are you talking about? Slow down."

"Okay – I'll tell you what happened…" They heard footsteps coming from the stairs. "Crap, that might be the teacher. Hide!"

Nia grabbed Ayame's arm and pulled her into a nearby alcove, just out of sight. They held their breath, waiting as the footsteps grew closer and then slowly faded away. When it was safe, Nia turned to Ayame, her expression serious.

"I'll tell you everything." Ayame sighed, trying to calm herself down. "Listen carefully, okay?"