
The blood hunter and the werewolf queen

For 22 years the only threat I had known was the existance of vampires, that they were the only ones capable of destorying the human race, I was wrong. "Why is it that you desire death ? Do you not want to live I'll even go as far as to make you into one of my servants" Her gentle yet sinister hands carressed my cheeks as the blood from my neck ran cold. "Don't worry I wont let you die like this, you will live a long life so come boy you shall become my heir, as my daughter that is." Updates every Tuesday Extras 1) The Mc is cursed with the traditional werewolf curse. He can transform at will but when its a full moon he's forced to transform. 2) The mc doesn't like or hate his transformation, he just accepted it as part of his daily life. 3) The mc is strong but not op. If there was a ranking system he would be in the upper middle.

Dachizzz · Fantasie
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2 Chs


40 years ago in a time of peace the existence of vampires was made known to the world. They pillage and preyed on humans, sucking them dry for every last drop of blood they could muster.

They made slaves of humans and the royal families did nothing about it saying there was nothing that could be done.

Yet behind the scenes they offered people for the vampire's power, giving them virgin blood in exchange for secret arts.

Small villages were sacrificed out of greed with no way of stopping the brutal assaults that came underway.

22 years later twins were born. A boy and a girl were brought into this world with both having an unnatural birth mark of a cross on their left cheek.

They were unlike anyone else born in that village, the boy's blood was different from all the rest; it had the power to kill vampires.

Finally the gods had blessed us with a savior the village celebrated and for years to come he would be trained by the church and climb the ranks of the hunters.

The girl was born with extreme power becoming the founder of holy arts in which then, she was crowned as the holy saint.

The vampire's attacks were becoming less common; they were on the way to victory, or so they thought not noticing that the lack of vampires were not because of their own efforts.

Swinging downward, dying the sky a crimson red Silver ran his blade and sliced down another blood sucker straight down the middle, it was becoming too easy.

He wiped the blood off his blade with his black hood when a man also wearing a black hood to a less flashy extent ran up to his side kneeling down without lowering his head.

"My lord, the mission is going exactly as planned, the Vampires of this area have all been defeated." he said admiring the bloodied scene before him.

Silver had known the Vampires to be cowardly but to be defeated as quickly as they did this time, it was pathetic not even a duke gave him a challenge this time. He closed his cold dead eyes and placed his sword back to his waist giving a prayer for his comrades before facing the man.

"What's our condition; how many have we lost ?" The condition of the troops wasn't as good as they used to be.

Many feared the vampire's brutality cursing them with their tongues but only a small number of humans risked their lives even after seeing the mutilation of human corpses.

Nobody was expendable; they needed everyone they could get, each battle was a tragedy yet their will never faded.

"My lord we lost about 30 people all from the Rose division."

"Dammit!" Silver said with a shout kicking the tree before him. His eyes filled with tears but it wasn't the time to cry.

He wiped his face avoiding looking at the ground, the crimson scenery didn't make it any better, the blood was enough to shock anyone as well as all the bodies that could only be recognized by their teeth.

"My lord calm down, we may have lost a few but you took down a Duke effortlessly, with this achievement they won't be coming back anytime soon so let's regroup with the remaining Rose division."

"I guess you're right, we shall gather our troops and head back to the church where my sis- the saint awaits our arrival. Charlington, I'll leave that to you."

The whistle of the wind rang into his ear but the sound of a human voice never came. The only sounds present were that of the birds and that of the wind.

"Duke Charlington ?" Silver turned his head to face where the man had been yet nothing but air, sticks, and tree's were present, nobody was there besides a puddle of blood where the man had stood.

The blood was from a human he could smell it, drawing his sword Silver took a defensive position waiting for the vampire to strike.

It was his fault for letting his guard down and his comrade and friend paid the price, how could he make such a blunder. He waited with his sword glued to his hand, waiting for the usual attack.

"Come out bloodsucker!" Silver yelled watching as the bushes rustled one by one until he saw it, for a split second he thought he saw a wolf but swinging his sword behind him he managed to parry an incoming attack, an ice attack. Vampires don't use ice magic.

"What!" He stopped the attack but before he could think of how to counter he felt a warmth in his side, it was liquid, it was blood.

A chunk of his side had been ripped out, he felt his vision fade. For how long was he bleeding ? Swinging his sword upward he managed to parry another barrage of ice attacks yet his body was getting tired and he knew it.

Judging by his movements the next attack would surely strike him down and so just as he predicted another ice attack launched itself towards him.

Instead of parrying he had managed to duck and pull out a piece of paper from his side.

"Oh great spirit of light, please grant me protection."

He said as a barrier of light encircled him. Despite his physical state he was barely managing, he was the strongest Hunter yet he had never seen an attack like this.

If he died here there wouldn't be any hope left for humanity. He held the piece of paper close to his heart watching every angle waiting to catch who was attacking him.

Another barrage of ice flew towards him but was quickly stopped by the barrier which represented his faith.

Feeling heat in his hand he looked down and the shock on his face broke his will, the paper he clutched was fading, it burned. "How is that possible I didn't lose faith!"

"Why?" Unlike vampires humans didn't have the necessary mana reserves to use magic so they had to get their power from other beings, forming contracts with them allowing use of their mana.

As the barrier faded he felt another pain to his side as he collapsed onto the ground. The other side of his body also had a piece of flesh ripped from him.

He felt his eyes grow heavy as the only thing he could think of is why. Why had the gods abandoned him? He was the chosen one, right ?

The crimson moon in the sky was at its peak when he had awakened. His body was badly bruised and the puddles of blood around him had long since dried.

When he attempted to move his hands he felt the sharp thorns of something dig into his arms and neck. He was tied to a pole.

The holy robes he wore that prevented vampire bites were stripped from his body leaving him in an ungodly state of scars and bruises of all the battles he had endured.

In the corner a bucket of dirty water stayed with a blood soaked towel on the side, it looked to have been there for weeks judging by the smell.

"What happened ?" He said before lowering his head down to his waist breaking the code of the hunters to never lower thy head.

"Right, the gods have abandoned me." In a cold voice he felt a wave of guilt not batting an eye to the door that had just been opened.

"Oh you're awake now, it's been a few weeks. Those pesky humans have been ruining our plans ever since you disappeared.

It had brought him joy to know that his people were still striving but when he looked up he could not process what was in front of him.

The woman in front of him held her side in an elegant pose and stared at him with a joyful look like she had been waiting for him to awaken.

She had amber like eyes and skin as pale as snow. She had jewelry on and white hair but the most out of place thing was the white wolf ears and tail with a sliver of black on its tip.

With a cough of dryness Silver managed to voice out his curiosity which brought a pain to his side that he had forgotten.

"You're not a vampire aren't you." His face looked as if a corpse had been talking instead of a living human.

"Of course I'm not, I'm the queen of the werewolves, you shall call me her highness if you value your life, I will tell you that much.

She said twirling her hair, her tail moved effortlessly and very fluid. Silver could tell it wasn't fake.

"So Human what will it be, death or living as my servant for the rest of your days." Her face was filled with a sadistic smile.

Silver scrunched his face. He felt angry that she would even suggest anything other than death.

"Stop bullshitting me" He said, spitting out a heap of blood that landed on the queen's dress earning him a kick to the chest in return.

"I will tell you one more time, watch your tongue. I am not as patient as the other wolves." She clasped her hands behind her back and walked in a circle before a look of realization struck her.

"My name is Sapphire Valdomir, the 25th queen of the wolf territory. What is yours ?"

"As if I'll tell you my name." The corners of Sapphire's smile twitched and he could tell she wasn't happy.

Silver denied her question once again, closing his eyes and with a satisfied look he waited for his death.

After what felt like minutes he felt a cold sensation on his cheeks, this was it, until he felt her hands caressing him instead of snapping his neck.

Opening his eyes the queen was only inches away from his face. Her face had a look of worry and sadness and yet he didn't understand.

"Why must you desire death ?" She said in a soft voice not once showing her sadistic side. Silver felt confused, was this not where his life ended.

"You might want to die but I do not desire that. You will live, but not as a human."

"W-what do you mean ?" Like before when he denied her answer she returned the favor and denied his, sinking her canine fangs into his neck drawing blood as his body became weak.

"You may not have known but I had wanted you to be a part of my family ever since you were born. I've been watching you for a while and all you had to do was accept being my servant and you would've lived a wonderful life."

'W-what did you do ?" He screamed letting out a voice of disgust pulling and ripping at the thorns on his wrist and neck drawing blood. But for some reason his wounds didn't stay.

"It's a full moon out tonight."

"What are you talking about, I swear if you did something to me you will not see the light of day" He struggled pulling at his hands not noticing that his body and his voice was becoming sharp and delicate while two pairs of white ears with black tips sprouted on the top of his head.