
The Blacksmith's Path

A flash of light and a vision of a truck ended Matt’s future. However, a second chance was given. Matt found himself waking up in the body of Lucas, an apprentice to a respected blacksmith. What should have been a new clean start turned out to be anything but. Join Lucas as he tries to find his path in a brand-new world. A world of magic that stands on the edge of a new era with monster uprisings overthrowing order and the gods summoning heroes from other worlds. Perhaps Lucas could even find the reason for his second chance if he survives long enough.

Josh_Bowen · Fantasie
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17 Chs

Chapter 5 - Hidden Potential

The news sent a shiver down Lucas's spine, and a sense of unease settled over him.

"Door-to-door?" John repeated, his eyes widening in shock, before scoffing, "The temple doesn't have the power to force anyone to test, let alone go to each person's house. There's no way they don't know this."

"They have guards escorting them," William explained. "Perhaps the lord is supporting the search?"

John narrowed his eyes and lowered his head in thought, choosing not to respond to William's last comment. The silence engulfed the tavern until Amber emerged from the kitchen, carrying a tray. She recognized the father-son duo and placed their meals on the table with a warm smile. Lucas seized this opportunity to settle his bill and make his way out.

Lucas headed across the street and found the shop sign for Mickey's. Being a first-time customer, he didn't have any real expectations for the shop. However, Lucas still found himself unprepared for the shop's arrangement. Lucas stood at the threshold, taking in the unexpected sight that greeted him as he entered Mickey's shop. Instead of the conventional appearance of a typical store, what he found was a cozy room that resembled a warm living space. The traditional walls of wood or stone were noticeably absent, replaced by brightly painted plaster that adorned the room in vibrant colors.

Large landscape photographs, tastefully framed, hung on the walls, interspersed with small ornaments that added a touch of whimsy to the space. The room was thoughtfully arranged, featuring small padded seats scattered around, inviting visitors to take a moment of respite. On small end tables, colorful stones and rocks rested in glass jars, adding a natural element to the atmosphere.

At the heart of the room, a small table took center stage, flanked by two chairs. Seated at this table was a woman, dressed elegantly in a simple yet refined dress. Her light blonde hair was neatly arranged in a bun, and her hazel eyes sparkled with warmth and curiosity. She appeared completely engrossed in the book she held, relishing every word.

As Lucas waited, the woman's delicate hand reached over to a nearby table, retrieving a strip of colored paper. With a graceful movement, she carefully placed it between the pages of her book, marking her progress. Closing the book, she looked up at Lucas, a hint of apology in her expression.

"Sorry about that, lad," she said, her voice carrying a melodic lilt. "Dreadful manners, I know. However, it is my favorite part of the story." She paused for a moment, her eyes sparkling with a mischievous glimmer before continuing. "Now then, my name is Lauren. I am the owner here, and you, sir, are just in time for tea. Please, do join me."

With those words, she gestured towards the vacant chair opposite her, inviting Lucas to take a seat. The air in the room seemed to hold a sense of enchantment and a promise of delightful conversation. As he settled into the chair, Lucas couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation, eager to experience the unique charm of Mickey's shop and the warmth of Lauren's company over a steaming cup of tea.

Lauren lifted and swung a small bell. As the sound twinkled in the air, a door to the back of the store opened and an older man entered the room with a kettle of water. The senior had neatly combed gray hair to the side and an ironed black suit with a crisp white shirt underneath. He approached the table to place the kettle in the center of the arrangement and asked, "Will there be anything else, ma'am?"

"This will do for now," Lauren replied. "Thanks, Mickey."

Mickey gave a small bow to Lauren, with a small nod of acknowledgement to Lucas, and left the room, his presence fading as he closed the door behind him. While Lucas was processing the fact that he just met Mickey, Lauren wasted no time preparing the tea. Every movement she made, from the delicate pouring of the water into the cups to the careful placement of tea bags and the graceful handling of the kettle, transformed the ordinary task into a captivating performance of elegance. With a smile, Lauren handed Lucas his cup and waited for him to try it before taking a small sip of her own.

Lauren waited until the tea was mostly finished before breaking the peaceful silence of the room.

"Now then, good sir," Lauren began with a smile, her eyes sparkling mischievously and with a hint of curiosity. "I believe an introduction is required and an explanation of the assistance you are seeking from Mickey's today."

"Oh, yes. Well, my name is Lucas, and I am an apprentice at Hammered Glory down the street. I was seeking new bedding for the shop, and Master John across the street recommended I come here."

"Master John sent you here?" Lauren's eyes began to light up. "His judgment is rarely wrong, which means you are in terrible need of a lady's touch. Let me ask, are you or your master married?"

"No, I and my master are single," Lucas replied with a sudden sense of forewarning about what was coming.

"I understand, completely. Master John was correct in sending you here." Lauren said, with a sense of a seasoned veteran understanding her marching orders. "Is the bedding you are seeking for one bed or two, single or double?"

"One bed at the moment, double," Lucas replied, completely caught up in her rhythm.

Lauren lifted up and swung her little bell again. With hardly a pause as the tinkle sound faded, the rear door opened to reveal Mickey waiting for instructions.

"How may I be of service, my lady?" Mickey inquired.

"Mickey, our new young friend is in need of a set of bedding. He will need a double pad with a liner. Let's go with the olive wool blanket, brown cotton sheets, and see if we still have a Voster fur cover. As for the pillow, go with something that matches the olive, if possible," Lauren instructed, hardly leaving a moment to breathe.

Mickey gave a small bow and left with his mission. Lucas didn't see his departure since Lauren had turned her attention to him.

"Now I understand how bachelors are, but a little common sense does hurt anyone." Lauren lectured. "The bed pad is to be flipped monthly and the liner with sheets are to be cleaned. You don't have to wash the blanket or cover, but they needed aired regularly. While you may not see the need at the time, just remember taking care of the bedding correctly will save you on having to purchase it all again. Do you understand?"

"I understand," Lucas replied, feeling slightly overwhelmed by the responsibility.

"Good," Lauren said with a pleased smile. "The sheets and liner are simply cotton, so the cost is low. However, the wool blanket and the Voster cover will raise the price. You're lucky that Voster season just ended, and the cost will be at its lowest point. Overall, for the full kit, you're looking at ten silver coins."

Lucas reached into his purse and slipped ten silver coins onto the table. Lauren gave an approving nod as she collected the coins. Just as she finished, the back door swung open, revealing Mickey with a neatly packaged blanket tied with a piece of rope. Lucas stood up and accepted the bag from Mickey with a grateful smile.

"Thank you both for your assistance," Lucas said sincerely.

"Feel free to return anytime you need help outfitting your home," Lauren replied, her laughter filling the room. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Lucas." In the background, Mickey offered a small bow accompanied by a warm smile. With a smile and a small wave, Lucas left Mickey's and made his way back to the shop.

On returning to the shop, Lucas carried his packaged blanket upstairs into his master's old room. Untying the knot, Lucas unpacked the prepared items and set up his new bed. Once he finished, he had to give Lauren credit. The brown sheets went well with the olive blanket, and the Voster cover turned out to be a soft fur cover that almost blended in with the wooden furniture in the room. With the room cleaned from top to bottom and new bedding in place, Lucas could check the task off his mental checklist. From now on, this room would serve as his.

Now that his living arrangements were settled, it was time to focus on the temple hunt. Lucas began pacing the room while considering all the information he had gathered. Conducting door-to-door checks with the guards would prevent him from pretending no one was home when they came. Maybe he should consider bribing the priest to look the other way? But can he even bribe a priest?

Lost in thought, Lucas paced around the room, weighing his options. In an unfortunate turn of events, he inadvertently collided with the edge of the cabinet near his bed. Yet, instead of encountering the anticipated jolt and subsequent rebound against his leg, an unexpected occurrence unfolded. Instead of the feeling of pain, a clink sound was heard. A metallic key, which Lucas had discovered earlier and unknowingly kept in his pocket, obstructed the cabinet's path. He instinctively reached into his pocket, retrieving the key.

The metal key was a simple skeleton key with multiple teeth and a ring at the end. Lucas had discovered it earlier under the mattress of his master's bed. Only one thing in the shop was known to be locked: the mysterious room across the hallway from his old room. Curiosity piqued, he decided to investigate.

Upon reaching the door, Lucas inserted the key into the lock. The mechanism was stiff, likely due to years of disuse. With a bit of jiggling, he heard a satisfying click and pushed open the door. As the door swung open, a cloud of dust billowed into the air, causing him to step back and wait for the particles to settle. Once the dust had cleared, Lucas cautiously entered the room.

Beneath the heavy layer of dust that covered the entire room, Lucas found it to be another bedroom. Simpler in nature compared to Lucas's new room, the room was fully equipped. As Lucas surveyed the scene, his attention was drawn to a closet containing several sets of work clothes, too slim for his master's frame. On the narrow bed were the same simple black sheets and blanket that his master had been using. The only difference was the dust-free hammer lying on the pillow.

This hammer possessed an undeniable aura of uniqueness. Its sheer size hinted at its blacksmith origins, while its head, forged from an enigmatic black metal, seemed to flicker with miniature flames dancing within. A dark wooden handle extended from the head, wrapped in vibrant green fiber that appeared almost animated, as if possessing a life force of its own. As Lucas spent more time focusing on examining the hammer, an impulse to hold it was growing. After a few moments, the impulse seemed to take over as Lucas reached down to pick up the hammer.

The moment Lucas's hand tightly clasped the handle, a profound stillness descended upon the world, rendering him immobile. Before him materialized a translucent blue window, its ethereal presence captivating his gaze. Like an unfolding revelation, a stream of words gradually materialized within the window, capturing Lucas's attention.

<< Primordial Artifact Discovered >>

<< Starting System Boot-up >>

A surge of energy coursed into Lucas's chest, spiraling in a mysterious pattern that infused him with a comforting warmth. The sensation radiated through his arms and legs, enveloping his entire being. It felt like something that had been missing this entire time was coming home. However, just as the energy approached his head, an abrupt halt disrupted the flow.

<< Error – Code ?^@#&! >>

<< Cancel System Boot-up >>

In an instant, the once-soothing energy transformed into a chilling coldness, seeping out of Lucas's chest and permeating his body. Immobilized by the icy pain, he could do nothing but endure. Yet, as the final remnants of the energy dissipated, time froze once more.

<< Primordial Artifact Discovered >>

<< Starting System Boot-up >>

Once again, Lucas experienced an influx of energy, this time in greater magnitude. It seemed that the previous attempt had opened a gateway to a more substantial force. The energy swirled within him, saturating every fiber of his being with its intense presence. Compared to before, it was as if he had been plunged into a scorching hot spring, unable to escape the searing sensation. Yet, just as the energy neared his head, it abruptly ceased once more.

<< Error – Code ?^@#&! >>

<< Cancel System Boot-up >>

From the scorching heat of the hot springs, Lucas's body was thrust into an icy bath as the energy streamed out of his chest once again. This time, a stifled cry of pain escaped him as the sensation gradually subsided along with the diminishing energy levels. Before the energy could fully dissipate, everything came to a halt once again.

<< Primordial Artifact Discovered >>

<< Starting System Boot-up >>

Lucas's consciousness was consumed by an overwhelming inferno, his body subjected to an unrelenting wave of scorching heat. His mind drifted, his perception engulfed in a metaphorical lava bath that seemed to have no end. As he teetered on the brink of mental clarity, his body seized up, succumbing to the expected outcome.

<< Error – Code ?^@#&! >>

<< Cancel System Boot-up >>

Lucas's conscious awareness evaporated, replaced by an agonized state where silent screams echoed within him, unheard by any other. The gasps of pain from before had escalated into an internal symphony of suffering.

Far to the north, nestled deep within unexplored mountains, an ancient tunnel led to a cavern veiled in impenetrable darkness. Suddenly, two sources of light pierced through the abyss, emanating a radiant crimson beam and a resplendent emerald glow. Gradually, as the brilliance waned, the reveal unfolded, exposing a pair of colossal eyes bearing the same fiery hues, widened in profound astonishment. From the depths of the darkness, a voice resounded.

"A successor? Impossible! The hunt left none unscathed."

The eyes slowly narrowed, revealing mere slivers of their vibrant gaze.

"Yet, regardless of the improbable circumstances, can I truly afford to dismiss this opportunity? Time grows scarce..."

With a determined gleam, the eyes assumed a resolute expression.

"Victory demands payment in advance, and greatness exacts sacrifice. I have no alternative but to engage in the game once more. This may be my final chance. There is no room for restraint."

The eyes radiated a darker, purer luminescence that permeated the cavern, transcending its boundaries and cascading through the tunnel, stretching upward into the sky.

At the same moment, Lucas's cycle of torment froze and all messages disappeared as the translucent blue window faded from before his eyes. A few seconds went by before a new window opened before him. Unlike the previous frame, the new window had a dark red clear background. Before he could wonder at this change, a new message began to appear.

<< User: Guardian *#^@%!&@ Authority Approved >>

<< Prime System Adding New User >>

<<Prime System Beginning Boot-up >>

In that instant, Lucas's instincts surged, awakened to a new feeling.

<<Prime System Boot-up Complete >>

<<Welcome New User >>

The oppressive force that had rendered him immobile dissipated instantly as Lucas collapsed and blacked out.