I am being followed by a monster, putting everyone's lives in danger everywhere I go. A rogue in hiding. I don't want to be killed so I live every day on the run. When will this nightmare end?
First attempt,
"Esme I would like to see you after this meeting," Lucien said to me. I froze knowing the stares that followed along with his words. I was starting to get fed up with them.
"I'm sorry alpha the orphanage needs support in today's training class" I responded immediately shutting down his proposal with a straight face.
Second attempt,
"Are the supplies enough? Winter is almost at the corner," he said to the man who brought the supply cart into the pack.
Then Lucian looked up at me.
"We should go later to confirm this ourselves," he said to me.
"uh sorry I remembered just now that abuelita needs me later in the kitchen with her '' I scratched my chin with a nervous laugh before going away to avoid other questions.
Third attempt,
Knock knock
"enter" I heard his masculine voice behind the door.
"You called for me," I said as I entered.
"How is the clinic going, maybe you could bring over the clinic log and show me how it's going," he said,