
The Black Tome

In a world of magic filled with mystical creatures and plagued by powerful monsters dubbed golems, a young teen finds a book of powerful magic that will change his life and maybe his world forever. Follow the orphan Terry as he grows in his new life as a powerful mage... or more.

AxlesOfFate · Fantasie
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29 Chs


"I found a Tome!" Roger yelled waking up Terry and all the other orphans from their sleep.

(What there's no way he found one too.) Terry thought to himself sitting up and opening his eyes in the direction that he heard Roger. Terry laughed as he noticed that the Tome that Roger was holding was the same Tome that Terry put under his bed. Terry stood up with a smirk on his face, "Where did you find that Tome?" Terry questioned with a smile.

"It was on one of the bookshelves I feel stronger already. You're just mad that you didn't find it and use it Candlelight.

Terry took a step forward in anger.

"Wait." Erebus said, "Let us see what comes from this."

Terry stood still.

"What in heavens is going on in there." Matron Maya's voice could be heard as loud food steps approached the bedroom. Matron Maya opened the door she was wearing a pink nightgown. Dark circles were under her eyes.

She was sleeping. That's not good. Terry thought to himself.

Roger walked forward towards Matron Maya, "I found a Tome Matron we need to call someone. I found a tome and I can already feel it I'm growing stronger."

"Ever heard of the Placebo Effect Terry?" Erebus questioned.

(No.) Terry thought to himself.

"Probably not existent in this reality yet. It's when people believe something is helping them so much that it becomes effective If he lost the Tome, he would feel like he was growing weaker. The Placebo Effect is interesting in the weak human mind."

(I see. What do you mean by this reality?)

"You'll find out soon enough," Erebus said.

"You found a Tome? Congratulations. I will immediately contact the circle." Matron Maya said with an excited smile.

"You will?" Roger said with an excited smile.

(Why do you want me to not say anything?)

"Because he will have to face the consequences of stealing my property."

(Your tome…. It used to be your home. I thought you hated it.)

"I do… but the mere thought of him using my prison for his advancement that sickens me."

Terry smiled to himself and laid back down in the bed ignoring the excitement around him eventually falling asleep amongst the excited young screaming of his fellow orphans. Terry dreamed he was sitting in front of the large eye that he saw when he first merged with Erebus.

"What's up," Terry said looking at the eye.

"How strong do you think you will become with my help?" Erebus questioned.

"I'm hoping enough to earn at least some respect."

"You dream too little. Why fight for respect when you can fight to be feared. Your very name could strike terror into the minds of anyone who has the will to speak it. You could rule this world with my power."

"I think that's too much. The world is too much for one person."

"Too much? The strong take from the weak it's the way of the world. If we are strong enough to make the world it's only natural that we do isn't it."

"I'm generous… I don't see a need to have the world belong to me. It would be much more interesting for it to be shared. One thing I will say is that the current rulers of this world don't care about us. About orphans or children or anyone. An iron fist is not how you rule people. People need compassion. They need hope and love. Not the fear of the law that he imposes on everyone." Terry said to the eye.

"Now we are getting somewhere. Take his place to show the world how it's done."

"Why are you so concerned with owning this world. I'd rather just use my power to make people happy…. And to be adored, I guess. I'm not ashamed of admitting that but what you are suggesting… there isn't any reason for it."

"Fine" Erebus said, "For now I'll let you do things your way. for now."

"Can I ask you a question?" Terry asked.

"You just did but go ahead," Erebus said sounding amused.

"Ha Ha… I want to know about you. What are you?"

"I am Erebus. I am darkness."

"I see…" Terry said.

"You aren't satisfied with my answer?"

Terry sighed, "it doesn't matter for now we can talk later…. We'll be partners for a while, right?"

"As long as you are alive Terry," Erebus said.

"I see. Why were you content in being a partner with a nobody like me? I was weak… I was nothing… a runt you said it yourself. I don't understand why you were ok with being my partner."

"It's true you were pathetic. You had talent but, no energy so you couldn't make use of your talents and your photographic memory of spells. I saw that in you Terry all the spells floating in your head some of them you created yourself… but the biggest reason I chose you is that you were weak. If you were strong you wouldn't have needed me, and our bond wouldn't have been close. Your soul and your heart were begging for help. I answered your soul's call giving us an unbreakable connection in this world."

"You had this all planned out, didn't you. The person you wanted to connect with… you saved me didn't you when I fell down that hole. You slowed my fall so I didn't die on impact."

"Exactly. You are starting to think critically. I sensed you falling, and I stopped your fall. As you know many people fell down that hole and anyone who did besides you never returned. It was because I didn't stop their falls. Their bodies were consumed by the creatures that lived in that subterranean cave.

"That's sad."

"They weren't worth allowing to connect with me. You piqued my interest when I was imprisoned in my Tome… Terry, it's time for you to wake up."

"Already," Terry said with a sigh.

"Yeah, something is going on that you shouldn't miss… Wake up!"

Terry opened his eyes with a start noticing that he was in a now empty bedroom. (They must be outside training again.)

"Maybe but I wouldn't be too sure of that," Erebus said in Terry's head.

Terry went down the stairs noticing Ms. Maya sitting in the dining room. "Hey, where is everyone, Ms. Maya?"

"They are outside waiting for the Tomefinder." Madam Maya explained.

Which Tomefinder are we going to get?" Terry asked.

"From what I am hearing Dragoncaller is coming along with Phoenix… anyway you must be hungry I cooked some breakfast a bit ago let me get you some leftovers."

"Wait you are saying that two of the strongest mages from the city are coming here for the tome?"

"Yes, it seems that the circle was highly interested in the tome that was found here," Maya explained scooping some scrambled eggs from a large bowl into a plate. She smiled at Terry and sat the plate on the table, "come eat."

Terry sighed and sat at the table. (Those two mages are mages that I've always loved. Seeing them fight in the mirror was the reason I wanted to find a tome and be like them. Finding a tome was my dream.)

"Now you are a Tomefinder yourself," Erebus said.


Matron Maya sat at the table across from Terry and stared at him while he ate his food. "Why are you letting him tell everyone that he was the one that found the tome, Terry?"

Terry dropped his fork and looked up from his plate into Matron Maya's eyes. "I found that tome under your bed and opened it… it was blank. I put it on the bookshelf in your room. There was no power in that book. You found the tome, didn't you?"

"I did," Terry said quietly.

"I was going to let you tell everyone when you were ready. I know you are going through changes right now especially with that voice in your head it's hard to get used to isn't it?" Matron Maya questioned.

"Terry is a Tomefinder as well."

Yeah, I think you are right.

"So, who was in your tome. Who is your partner?" Matron Maya questioned with a warm smile.

"Do not tell her... I'd rather be a surprise to those so-called Tome Finders.... hmm... Tell her she is asking a taboo question and you can't give her an answer." Erebus said.

"You know I can't tell you that Matron," Terry said picking back up his fork to continue eating, (how's that?)

"Good Enough." Erebus sounded amused.

"My apologies that is a taboo question I know I was just curious… but don't worry when Phoenix and Dragoncaller arrive I won't tell them, but they will go on a witch hunt to find you when they see that tome. They aren't going to be happy that someone dragged them out here for nothing."

"I bet," Terry said finishing up his plate of eggs. "May I go outside now. I want to see their arrival."

"I know. Yes, you may." Matron Maya said with a smile. Terry then rushed out of the orphanage. "This may be the last time that we will be able to talk like this Terry." Matron Maya said under her breath with a small smile.

All the orphans were sitting on the side of the dirt road that was in front of the orphanage waiting for their company. Roger sat in the middle with a large smile holding the black tome close to his chest. Terry feeling like an outsider sat on the bench on the orphanage's front porch. Terry's heart was racing in excitement knowing that his idols were coming because of him, not Roger.

"There they are!" One of the small orphans squealed pointing at an ornate carriage being pulled by four majestic horses. The carriage was approaching slowly. With each step, the horses took towards the orphanage the butterflies in Terry's stomach grew stronger.

The carriage stopped in front of the group of orphans. A man in ornate golden armor exited the carriage and a woman with long shining silver hair in a deep purple robe exited from the other side. The two walked in front of the orphans, "Who found the tome?" The man asked in a deep powerful voice.

"I did," Roger said weakly.

"Really?" The man said with an amused look on his face. With two fingers he snatched Roger's arm and lifted him to his face dangling him from his arm. Roger was in pain and was on the verge of crying. "Who was in the book then."

"What? No one was in the book just power was in it and I grew stronger. I just don't know how to use the power in the book yet." Roger said in a shaky desperate voice.

The man laughed, "Do you know who I am boy?"


"Having trouble talking? I am Dragoncaller and she is Phoenix. I would suggest you stop lying to us and tell us who found the tome before I squeeze my fingers together and take your arm with me." Dragoncaller said coldly.

"I don't know! I just found it on the bookshelf!" Roger yelled in panic.

"Hmph. Useless." Dragoncaller said dropping Roger. Roger immediately ran as fast as he could back into the orphanage. Terry smiled.

(Serves him right.)

"Stop wasting our time. Who found that tome?" Dragoncaller roared.

Terry stood up at the porch and rose his hand slowly approaching the carriage."

"Ah." Dragoncaller smiled, "You seem like a much better candidate… Who was in the tome that you found?"

"You know I can't tell you that," Terry said with a smile.

"Definitely a response fitting for a Tomefinder" Phoenix said with a laugh.

"Whatever spirit was in your tome it was a smart one. It knows how the world works and why you should never tell any person that could become an enemy anything about you that could give them an advantage." Dragoncaller said. "I can't believe that kid tried to fake being the first one finding your tome…. Why did you let him?"

"Because I was told too. My spirit was upset with Roger, but we assumed that whoever would come when Roger faked finding the tome would punish him enough. It would also let me, and my spirit sees how strong my Tomefinders would be." Terry explained.

"It seems the spirit that resided in this tome is a serious schemer," Dragoncaller said with a laugh picking up the black tome from the ground. "I want to fight it." Dragoncaller flashed a large smile. "It's been a while since I had a challenging fight."

"I'm interested in this spirit too," Phoenix said with an intense look on her face.

Terry grew wide-eyed, "Fight me? I just found the tome yesterday you two are the strongest in the circle in this district. I wouldn't stand a chance."

Dragoncaller smiled, "C'mon it'd be fun. We gotta break your powers in somehow." Dragoncaller reached into the carriage and pulled out a large golden sword, "Besides if you don't think you have enough skill to fight me or Phoenix you could give control to your spirit and we can judge how strong you are."

"Let… him... take over my body… isn't that just allowing possession."

"Kind of… but you set the rules. You could tell it how long it can have control over your body. You can choose its target. That way your body can get used to your spirit's fighting style giving you insight into your true potential… ask your spirit what it thinks of all this and tell us exactly what it says.

"I can hear him… tell them no. I do not hold back I'd kill both without a thought… they are your idols and I don't want you to kill your idols… We are above their league."

(Do you know how strong they are they kill high ranked golems like they are nothing?)

"I know, I can read your memories remember?"

Yeah. Terry looked up at Dragoncaller and spoke, "He uh… thinks it's not a good idea because he would kill both of you without effort. He doesn't want me to kill the ones that I idolize."

"Seriously? It said that it is too powerful for us? Now that makes me even more interested." Phoenix said with an even larger smile. "Here's the deal." Phoenix yelled out passing by Terry, "This is about to become a danger zone for all your kids. All of you need to go inside that building and take cover in the basement, so the helpless does not get hurt."

Terry's eyes grew wide, "Wait… you don't want to do this."

Dragoncaller smiled and said, "She's already made up her mind and when she makes up her mind you can't change it." The orphans were running back to the orphanage in panic fearful of what the three Tomefinders were about to do and the very idea of being caught up in the crossfire was terrifying.

Phoenix walked back and stood behind Terry, "Which one of us do you want to fight first… You don't have a choice if you are fighting or not."

"I don't want to hurt you guys," Terry said.

"We aren't made of paper."

If I give you control would you promise you won't kill them?

"It'd be tough to hold back but, fine... but let them fight together so it'll be easier holding back," Erebus said with a grumble in Terry's mind.

Terry sighed, "We'll fight both of you at the same time."

"Confident huh?" Dragoncaller said with a laugh.

"Tell Dragoncaller to call his strongest dragon at the beginning of the fight he'll need it to even have a chance no starting at half power like you seen him do inside the mirror.

"He wants you to call your strongest dragon before we fight so everything will be fair… but first can we go in the back? There will be more room for us to let loose and not worry about damaging the road or catching the orphanage in the crossfire." Terry said.

"Lead the way," Phoenix said. Terry walked towards the back with his heart racing knowing that he was about to fight his two biggest idols. So, will I see what you see?

"Yes," Erebus said.

How will I give you control?

"It'll take ten minutes tops…. So just say in your mind, Erebus take control for ten minutes… and mean it."

It's that easy?

"Yeah, that easy."

Terry walked to the furthest reaches of the back yard of the orphanage stopping at the charred ground from his fire orb the day before. "This should be far enough… so we don't have to worry about anyone getting hurt. Is this fine with you guys?"

"No objections here," Phoenix said.

"Same," Dragoncaller said sounding almost bored.

"Are there any rules that we need to know about before we get this started?" Terry questioned.

"This won't be like a normal duel. There will be no taking turns in casting every spell at any moment is the free game. Fight as your life is on the line and we will too." Dragoncaller said with a toothy grin.

I'm starting to have trouble seeing why I idolized these two so much.

"I know they don't seem like much."

(It's their personalities that I can't get over.)

Terry focused and took a deep breath speaking in his mind. ( Erebus, I give you control for ten minutes to prove our strength!"
