
[Bonus chapter] Introductions

"Hoho! If it isn't the World Eater!" A soft voice chuckled in a mocking tone from the center of the armed guards. Although the Empress' face could not be seen, one could still feel the youth and vitality that radiated off her body.

"Hello, Empress Ursula." Leonidas greeted with a wry smile on his face. He had not expected her to act that way, and expected more formality from her side.

"Long time, no see, Leonidas. I had not expected you to request my aid in fighting the Demons. You did not bother too much during the Great Shift." Ursula replied, stepping out of the circle of guards that surrounded her.

"That is a different matter. There was no need for the Gublin Empire to meddle too much back then. This time, it is different. A full scale invasion of the Central Continent is at hand." Leonidas said seriously.