[Mature content] A tale of two princesses unfolds within the pages of this captivating story. Born from the same womb, their destinies diverge dramatically. One, the embodiment of beauty and promise, is hailed as Rosemane's future. The other, hidden away in the depths of the palace, suffers in shackles. As the notorious King of Lowoak, known as the Black Death, unleashes chaos across the five kingdoms, a marriage is proposed to bring peace. But will the lord of Rosemane sacrifice his beloved Cayaline flower? Or will the forgotten daughter, teetering on the edge of death, be thrust into the clutches of the Black-hearted King instead? Journey into a world of untold secrets, profound choices, and a fateful union that will mold the fate of kingdoms.
Freya could care less for the royal tantrum happening behind her. She had no issue with Prince Kian but if he continued she wouldn't mind adding him to the list and killing him alongside his half-brother.
When she reached her room she found a lone figure clad in a pink flowy dress standing outside her door.
Freya gritted her teeth and she continued walking. She walked past her and Amelda unlocked the door for Freya. Rose kept calling her name but she ignored her and intended to close the door in her face.
"Freya... I... I need your help," she yelled anxiously and her voice sounded off.
Freya's steps paused. With a nonchalant look on her face, she turned around and asked, "I don't think you are in the position to ask me for anything."
Rose lowered her head for a second her eyes moist like she had been bullied. She bit her lip till they were bloody red.