
The Black Goat

When the Satyrs fell from favor for serving the defeated Dread Lord, the only way to pull them from the brink is to become an evil even greater. If the other races will not accept us, then we have no need for them. The story of a Satyr who sold his soul for his people.

Aptissimi · Fantasie
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16 Chs


Leto watched the man run through the woods leaving his sword and comrades behind. The dim golden glow from his goat eyes slowly fading as the man vanished between the trees. Turning, Leto saw that the fight with the other human had ended as well. The man lay dead on the ground bleeding while the satyr tended to his young lover's bleeding leg. Leto watched them for a second before his eyes passed over the other humans on the ground. Not all of them were dead... He used his stick to help balance him and walked to each man, pressing his hoof against their neck or heads until the crunch satisfied him that they were no longer a danger to his people. By the time he had stamped out the last of the humans he saw the two satyrs watching him closely. Leto let out a slow ragged sigh, ear twitched as whispers of uncertain fear circled around the two young satyrs, he decided it was best to let them approach him and instead lowered himself onto a rock to rest a bit. His wrist hurt as did his back and he needed to tend to his own wounds.

Leto started by breaking the arrow shaft on his wrist. Once it was broken he was free to slowly and painfully slide it free of his flesh. Yet as he started to pull a bell like voice called out. "Wait!" it said. Leto glanced up to see it had been the young woman. She used the shoulder of her man to lift herself up and then the two moved closer to Leto. She spoke again, her voice clear like chimes on the wind. "Let us help you with that." She said. At her intention her mate seemed to find his own courage and nodded. The two moved to Leto's side and after a small tinge of pain he heard the shaft of the arrow in his back snap as well.

"That won't work." Leto said, once more surprised by how gruff his voice sounded. "Have to cut that one out, breaking the shaft only helps if you can pull the arrow through." He advised. He heard the young man mutter in understanding before stepping over to the bodies of the humans to loot for a knife or other sharp tool. Meanwhile the young lady pulled sharply at the arrow in his wrist and then cried out in shock. Leto turned suddenly and the young man was at her side in an instant, putting himself between Leto and the girl. She held the arrow in her hand but her eyes were on Leto's wrist. His own eyes trailed to his injury that he saw quickly closing up. The flesh seemed to be writhing like a mass of snakes, or tentacles some part of his mind noted, before it closed up all the way. It still hurt but he wouldn't have to worry about bleeding or scars.

"What are you?" The young satyr asked with a mix of anger and fear.

"Its okay Ros, he didn't hurt me. I-I was just surprised." The girl said, putting her palm against Ros' chest to calm him. He seemed relieved to hear that but Leto simply kept staring at his wrist with a confused look on his face. "Its magic yeah? I've seen Gran do things like that.... not exactly like that... but she can do magic too. You're a shaman?" The girl asked with polite interest. She seemed to be less asking and more offering Leto a plausible excuse.

"I... I don't know." Leto said numbly.

Ros held up a small knife he'd picked off one of the dead humans and Leto gave him a nod. After some brief instruction the two satyrs set to work helping pull the arrow from him. The girl held the skin as Ros made a small cut to help give enough room to slowly pull the arrow head out. Once it was free they both let out a small gasp as the skin began to squirm and pull itself back together. For his part, Leto just grit his teeth as he focused on the feeling. It was true that his skin seemed to be closing itself up but the pain was still fresh and vibrant under the skin. He wasn't so sure he was actually healing so much as just... well he wasn't sure what his body was doing save for not bleeding everywhere. He thanked them both as he took time to breath and steady himself. The young lady was the first to speak again.

"Im Falla. This is Rosadis. We're from the Oakhorn clan." She supplied.

Leto didn't recognize the clan but that didn't surprise him too much, lots of clans came together during the war. Just before everything... Just before Leto left the war, many of the satyrs had stopped calling themselves by tribe and just called themselves Dread clan satyrs. Even that was something of a joke in regards to how the humans saw them. Leto gave a low bow of his head to the both of them before introducing himself.

"I am Leto." He said simply.

They seemed to wait a moment before realizing he wasn't going to state his clan. They looked... strangely sad but Leto wasn't sure why. It was far more common to leave your clan off, since if you went about boasting a clan name to everyone then you were just more likely to start pointless fights in the ranks. Then again, these kids were young and probably still in the training camps if they were fighting at all. It was far more natural for them to fall back to their clan name, maybe their clan was one of the few hold outs from joining the war as well. Leto decided it was best to wait and see before drawing any judgement.

"I've never seen a satyr like you before." Rosadis said diplomatically. Falla glared at him but Leto just chuckled. He'd heard comments like that even before his transformation so it wasn't that shocking. Besides... he knew how odd he must have looked. "I don't doubt it." Leto said, his voice like burlap dragged across charcoal and rock. Which is to say, not particularly pleasant. Falla looked at him in consideration for a second before coming to some kind of decision.

"Would you like to return with us?" She asked. Rosadis seemed a bit surprised but backed her up in a second. "Yeah, I bet old Gran could help you with anything you needed and everyone is nice." He said confidently. Leto cocked an eyebrow and decided he had no other options, and if the two were set upon by bandits again they'd have a rough time getting away. Falla still had an injured leg and if they were hunted again, Leto got the impression that Rosadis wouldn't leave her behind. He scratched his chin a bit, his fingers tangling into the long goat's beard dangling from his face. Then he shrugged, regretting it once he did as the tinge of pain in his shoulder made itself apparent once more, and agreed.

"If you two could lead the way I'd be honored." He said politely.

Leto pushed himself up, leaning on his black staff, while Rosadis supported Falla as she limped along. They started off, the two seeming to have an excellent sense of direction in the strange woods. While they walked Rosadis glanced over at Leto a few times before seeming to work up the nerve to ask him something.

"I was wondering... what was it you said to that last human? The one that ran off scared." The young satyr asked. His casual tone did little to hide the curiosity burning in his eyes. Leto let out a snort before avoiding the question.

"Nothing important, just something I heard." Leto replied in a matching casual tone, his own menace as ill covered as Rosadis' curiosity had been. Though that curiosity was withered a bit after seeing Leto's expression.