

life core is everything for demons but what will happen when the demon’s king betrays his own people and give some life cores to human’s king

B0n · Fantasie
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22 Chs


Han stood there, his breathing ragged and labored, his face marked by a trail of blood that ran from his head down to his mouth. He was holding his arm that bled heavily as his vision was blurry He felt dizzy and disoriented, a result of pushing his power beyond its limits

Han watched closely as John effortlessly swung his sword, his eyes fixated on him with a smug smile. Frustration boiled inside Han as he saw that smirk on John's face, hearing his words. John's voice rang out, mocking him,

"Oh my how pathetic could you even get? I barely had to use any of my power to make you struggle so much just to dodge my sword" han bites his lower lip as he was resolute and determined not to give up during the training session. The thought of hearing John's mocking laughter fuelled his determination to fight on

But John suddenly dropped his smile, replaced by chilling eyes fixed on Han. He swiftly moved his fingers over his sword and then dashed towards Han with fast speed.Han couldn't even find a moment to use his power before he felt John's sword pierce his stomach. He let out a sharp gasp, and coughing up blood as John retracted his weapon. The pain was intense

That was the last straw for han as his eyes darkened with a deep yellow hue, his gaze never leaving John's, he slumped forward, losing consciousness. And before he hit the ground Charles holed han's body between his arm "didn't you overdo it john?"

Charles say it with icy tone as he looked at how bloody han's body was "oh seems I missed alot of fun here!" Aria says as she start to heals han under the orders of Charles.

John spoke up, cleaning the blood off his sword. "Your Highness, you did give me permission to train him as I see fit," he reminded Charles

Charles sighed as he walked out to han's room to let han rest. "You should at least call me to enjoy the show! Next time i will train him-" aria words were abruptly halted as john says ""Just mind your own training aria"

John replied as he leave no room for further discussion and he leaves the area, focusing on his own pursuits.

"How delightful it would be to take your life core and make someone like you to be my puppet"

Eric jolted backward in surprise as he felt William's hand touch his life core. He swiftly lunged away. his eyes darkening to a deep red hue as a powerful, dark aura enveloped him. Everyone around was expected to feel compelled to obey him

But something was wrong the aura had no effect on anyone. Everyone remained unaffected, leaving Eric stunned and puzzled he tried to use his power as some guard had run towards him aiming to attack him

Eric unleashed a bolt of fire, but to his astonishment, his magic attack appeared weak and feeble. As he hurled the fire magic, a sudden wave of pain engulfed his body, weakening him further as every time he used his magic

He gets even worse "I need to get out of here" that the only thing was running through his mind as he fought with every ounce of strength he could muster, leaving the guards inside the throne room defeated. He struggled to catch his breath,

coughing up blood as William sat calmly on his throne, taking pleasure in Eric's suffering, a smirk on his face. "How lovely seeing everyone dying here because of you" William chuckled heartily, clearly enthralled by the sight of the fallen bodies around them

"You are indeed strong, my dear demon, I give you that." he titled his head with sadistic smile "but let me remind you that countless guards will soon follow, do you even think that you have enough strength to fight?"

Eric looked angrily at William with a desire to kill him but he can feel that there is something wrong with his life core he shouldn't be that weak to what a humans?

William strolled towards Eric as he witnessed him drop to his knees, defeated. He leaned down, raising Eric's chin to meet his gaze. "Oh, that's so uneventful," William sighed. "I can't have you surrender to me so swiftly, can I?" He shook his head with feigned disappointment

"well i will lets you go before any guards comes" he smiled as he let go of eric face. And walked back to his throne "oh and i had given you a little gift to remind you of me"

eric was feeling ashamed as he just got defeated by a filthy human He stands hardly as he use some of his remaining magic to get back to his kingdom..