
The bittersweet memories

This is a story about young love, betrayal, and friendship A story about a girl "Amelia", a story about how she faced high school and the bittersweet memories she had of it Get ready for a roller coaster of emotions This isn't your normal cliche story... This is a story about imperfect people and how they choose to conquer the world in their ways....... So are you ready?

xoxo630 · Teenager
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4 Chs

Chapter One

Amelia Pov

I entered the school, the hallway isn't packed with students yet, so I just headed to my locker, I opened it and dump my bag there

I took my calculus book and slammed the locker shut

I headed to class, the class was just filled with like six people; I saw my seat which was at the back of the room and close to the window

The three seats beside mine belong to my best friends

I took my seat and placed my head on the table while still listening to music

a few minutes later I felt someone tapping me gently

I raised my head and saw Katelyn looking down at me

"Hey sleepy head," she said; 'hey shit hole I quipped back at her as she took her seat "wow way mature uhn," she said sarcastically

Yep I said popping the "p"

"Have you heard about the latest news about BTS"? she asked with her eyes almost popping out

" Yes" I answered her

"it has been announced that they will be going to the military soon," I said in a sad tone

"My poor jin won't survive out there " Katelyn cried out in a strident voice

which made heads turn as they glare at katty

but she just shrugged it off and glare at them back

we love all the members of it but we have our bias

Katty's bias is jin while mine is Kim teayung

"we'll survive don't worry," I said patting her shoulder

we both look at each other for like thirty seconds and then burst out fake crying which involved flapping our arms around like sea lions and us making a fake snorting sound

Am sure the others are wondering why our parents haven't taken us to a mental asylum

"Are they both okay"? I heard a familiar voice ask

" Let's get out of here before people find out that they're our friends "

Katy and I turned to the door immediately and ended our pathetic show

"Hey Danna and Gabby, where are you both going"? katty shouted across the class not caring that she has already pissed many students today already

They both turned back and smiled sweetly but their eyes were shooting daggers at katty as they walked over to us...

"We were just wondering why we are friends with both of you crackheads," Gabby said making Danna burst out a strangled laughing sound that did no justice to our ears

"make that three" Gabby corrected

"As if anyone is normal in our group of friends " I snorted out

"Yeah you're right we're all abnormal, I wonder what our mums will do when they realize that, " Gabby said

"Am probably sure they'll ship us all to a deserted island and name it "Not Normal but Abnormal Island " Danna shot out

Now let me introduce my crackhead friends to you...

Firstly my best friend Katelyn Fox.

we've been friends ever since she choked on her panini when her long-term crush "Peter Anderson" brushed past her, I took pity on her and saved her from dying when no one was willing to, when "Peter Anderson" moved away she was devastated but she moved on but not before I spent all my pocket money to get chocolates for her to heal her so-called " mending heart" i snorted in my head "mending my foot, she just wanted to use me dry"

She's the prettiest amongst us, she has a slender model-like body, is 63.8 inches tall, has chestnut brown hair that's up in a ponytail today, a button nose, and a deep set of gray eyes

Next is Danna Martinez, with pale skin, a close set of blue eyes, and the chubbiest and shortest amongst us; she's 63.2 inches tall, a wavy golden blond hair that's cascading off her back

she joined us in sophomore and we connected quickly

Next is Gabriella Simmons, she's the last to join us but it doesn't feel like that at all, the tallest in the group, about 64 inches tall, she's a long-legged skinny girl with a deep rich dark long hair, a small pointy nose and a wide apart set of brown eyes.

And lastly, I am the same height as Katelyn just skinnier than her but with a chubby face; a deep set of hazel eyes, I got from my mom, and lastly a cute button nose

Katty and Danna are the craziest, most outgoing and gossip mongers in the group, they always find out about the latest gist before it even gets out

While Gabby and I are the miss goody two shoes of the group, we have a lot of things in common like reading, being boring and peaceful but not every time...we were popular for being the 2nd and 3rd smartest in school

Our clique of friendship is quite popular too

we are popular when it comes to looks and quite smart too

we have quite the reputation that we uphold every time

"Amelia, Amelia Amy.... " katty called out to me as I snapped out of my reverie

"uhn" I answered

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"yeah of course" I answered

The class was already full and the teacher was standing in front of his desk....

The bell rung and the class began

"Ugh" I hate calculus katty groans out in frustration

"same here baby girl" Danna mumbled quietly

"Yeah but you don't hate the recent picture of Shawn Mendez that appeared in a magazine last week right?" I asked

she dropped her pen and stared at the ceiling with a dreamy look on her face

" Yep she's hopeless" Gabby giggled in a quiet tone.

We turned our attention back to the teacher but it was short-lived when someone came in and that person was Adrian Rivera the most popular boy in school who's my friend, the boy who has feelings for my friend katty and he's the boy who I have feelings for....

Can it get more complicated than this?

I'm surely fucked up aren't I?