
the billionaires apple

BOOK NAME: The Billionaire's Apple  GENRE:  gods, Magic, Fantasy, demon, reincarnation. TROPES: Paranormal, gods, Enemies To Lovers SETTING, AREA AND TIME: Paranormal Romance, Heaven, Baston town, past time. TARGETED WORDS: 5,000 Words.  TARGETED NUMBER OF CHAPTERS:  4 Chapters MAIN CHARACTERS NAME: Posius also called Rick Radcliff The Billionaire of Batson town. APPEARANCE: (6'7ft tall), with dark hair, broad shoulders, thin lips with pointy nose lines, broad eye brows, Dimpled jaws when he smiles and blue eyes. Also, he is not maculine, less Muscular and doted chin OCCUPATION: was the god of the forest and wind. Also the peace maker of Batson  RESIDENCE: the heavens and Batson town EMOTIONAL WOUND: lost his father in the war between his Uncle Arrisus from the underworld. PERSONALITY AND CHARACTER TRAITS:  calm, playful, confident and powerful. Has compassion for wounded people and treats them. He also have the power to make herbs to heal BACKSTORY:   Posiua was the younger twin god of the elder god Mariot and Safira. At an early stage he lost his father in the act of war against his uncle who was know as Arrisus. Posius became stranded and heartbroken because of his attached feelings with his parents. He get strange dreams took him to a journey to Earth where he wished to have a new beginning in the search of one who caught his heart. On Earth he was called Rick Radcliff of Batson town and he had the most beautiful castle even seen in the world. unknown to him, what he search for lives close to him and on discovery of this person it plunged him into an unknown battle with his own twin brother but letter destiny was revealed and Posius served his purpose....  NAME: Malden: god of war and mischief. APPEARANCE:  Celestial being always with an Axe OCCUPATION: prince of the heaven  RESIDENCE: The heavens EMOTIONAL WOUND: father died in his arma in a war between his Uncle Arrisus from the underworld. PERSONALITY AND CHARACTER TRAITS:  powerful, war like, anger, always easily infuriated, always wanted to please their father. BACKSTORY:    Malden was the God of war and mischief. He was the elder twin to posius and the heir apparent to the throne by birthright. He was a father pleaser who wanted the favour of his father at all times, despite all odds, did not get it because of his rootless attitude but seen as the ideal king by all other angels because of his might and craftiness in battle, to the favor of the heavens. He fought with his Brother posius over perceived betrayal and destiny took it's cause in the process. NAME: The Arch Angel  APPEARANCE:  Celestial being always with an a spear OCCUPATION: chief commander of the heavenly army RESIDENCE: The heavens EMOTIONAL WOUND: None PERSONALITY AND CHARACTER TRAITS:  powerful, tricky, antagonist,, always wanted to be the number one  BACKSTORY:    The Arch angel was the hidden Antagonist of the story. He conterminated the minds of the elder gods to fight and kill and after fulfilling half of this purpose, saw it as an opportunity to make the twins kill themselves as well. Posius never had an eye on the throne by any means necessary but by the nterpretations of the Arch angel, this made Malden to join forces with his uncle Arisus to fight Posius and also destroy Earth for protecting their home. While he succeeded in using Malden to murder Posius known as Rick Radcliff on earth, he never knew that a connection has already been made with the aple itself. Sadie's true form emerged, sentenced the Arch angel, revealing the story from the first war of the elder gods to the recent happenings. By virtue of Arisus Killing Marriot, he remained miserable in the underworld whilst the Arch angle locked in the abyss to remain in an everlasting tournament.

Justice_Chima_6880 · Urban
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4 Chs

chapter three: destiny repeat itself

The aggrived god Malden seeks counsel from the Arch angel who told him to go to his uncle in the Underworld to lend him the armies of the underworld to join with him in battle against Posius. Malden His uncle gladly joined forces with him to match against earth realm. The armies of heaven and those from the underworld mouted siege on Batson town. Rick rallied the Batson forces and rode to battle. The feared Batson battalion fought bravely against the gods and demons and then Rick stood before his brother. he asked his brother what he had done wrong and why he came to wipe out an innocent creation. On seeing him, malden attacked him furiously and stroke him through his heart. Sadie felt the blade sticking her own heart and she cried out from Rick's castle and her cry caused a quake on the earth. Her true form came out and behold she was the "God maker",  the apple speaks through her and it narrated how it landed on Earth, after the death of Marriot, while in space the apple stayed on a plan Galaxy without a home, it found earth and it's presence in earth created everything in the earth. Most especially it created Humans. It knew that the gods were crafty and might put humans to slave and  that human cannot protect their selves from the god so it place a separation between the earthly realm and the heavens. Due to the intelligence of human she hid herself and picked the form of a plan but humans were still Clever to spot her out. She instantly turned into a human child just to be spotted by a person. She was spotted by a couple who took her in. Days past, months and years. At the death of her parents she seeked refuge in Batson forest close to the billionaire's castle. 

She narrated the tale of the first fight between Marriot and Arisus, a war plotted by the Arch angel just to watch the two elder gods kill themselves in the ploy to take over as king. The Arch angel deceived Arisus to steal the apple and charged war against them. The Arch angel knew Malden felt cheated and also told him posius wanted to become king in his stead. Judgement was passed on the Arch angel by lightning, which placed him in the deepest part of hell, caused to hold the foundation of the earth forever while Arrisus and his demon  remained the underworld.

 Rick laid dieing, Malden cried and begged for his forgiveness. As  he faded to Oblivion, he makes a dieing wish that he wants to be with his  beloved Sadie  again as a mortal and that the earth should be spared to live it's purpose because he fell in love with humans not know that's she was the long lost apple. The apple granted his wish but he cannot be reunited with Sadie in this life time. Rick faded to Oblivion and all the people of the town morn his passing. The apple revisec back to its original form and Malden was placed as the king over the heavens, at the reign of Malden, Temple was built for the gods as a sign of reverence to them as superior beings. This temple made the gods to come to the aid of anyone who prays to them in trouble. The death of Rick Radcliff also known as Posius drew the gods closer to mankind and the strength of the gods through their praises ever grew stronger. The tales of legends, Rick Radcliff was worshiped as the god of Baston town and his ark of gold was a place of worship. His story was all around the world as a good who fought for men and the love he believes in.

Many years after this tale of legend, a young man who bears the same trait as Rick came to the city of Batson to sell spices to the local traders, it was his first time of being in the city and while touring round the awesome city he stumbled on a damsel who was a sales lady in the market. She had a white hair and a silky skin as he approached her, his celestial form was compromised..