

  Adele arrived at the conglomerate at exactly eight am. The moment she got out of the car, the valet showed up and she gave her car keys to him. She looked up at the mighty skyscraper standing before her and she didn't know whether to frown or smile.

  Jamal was definitely doing well for himself, but he was ruining her life in every possible way.

  She stepped into the lobby and was awed by how quiet and organized the place was. There were men dressed in black at every corner of the lobby. They were surely security personnels. She thanked her stars for having dressed properly that morning. Everyone looked glamorous and elegant.

  "Adele Mackenzie." She heard a female voice call her name and she immediately froze on her tracks and looked around, totally confused. Her heart was racing in her chest. "Behind you." The voice signaled. Adele turned around and her gaze fell on a well dressed woman, probably in her early forties who was staring at her with a blank expression.