

  Adele arrived at the work office where she shared with three other editors and she was shocked to see that Chase had not come to work yet. He was always the first to arrive at the office and he was always made fun of by the male colleagues.

  She greeted the others who were already present and walked over to her cubicle, but with her gaze focused on Chase's. She noticed it was totally empty. His laptop and desktop were gone. Paperwork and stick notes were nowhere to be found. It was as if the place wasn't occupied by any human at all.

  "What… what happened to Chase's cubicle." She asked the girl close to her and she sighed heavily.

  "Well, no one knows. We've been asking ourselves the same thing since we got in. Chase is an early bird, it's shocking that he isn't here already and it's even more shocking that his cubicle looks deserted. Maybe he has been fired."

  "Fired!" Adele screamed, getting the attention of the others.