

  The next day at the conglomerate, Adele was welcomed by Grace yet again and this time around, the look on her face was even more deadly, but Adele couldn't care less. As long as she did not disrespect or humiliate her, they were going to be at peace with each other.

  Grace led her to the same tenth floor where her office was located, but this time around, they did not go into her office. She was taken to an office space which had over ten cubicles in it.

  "This is where you will be working." Said Grace as they entered the office. Everyone else in the office rose to their feet on seeing her walk in and greeted her almost in unison.

  "Good morning everyone." She responded to their greetings, still not smiling and Adele wondered if the woman ever smiled in her life.

  From the way everyone had stood up when she walked in and how composed they looked, Adele confirmed that she was doing a great job terrorizing the people below her and for that, she disliked the woman.