
The Billionaire's Proposal {A Fake Engagement}

A billionaire hires a jeweler to be his pretend fiancée to fulfill his mother's last wish. She refuses at first, but when her mother falls terminally ill and she's unable to pay the bills, she has no other option than to accept the offer to be his pretend fiancée. As their fake relationship deepens into unexpected love, secrets unravel and hearts are tested in this captivating tale of romance and destiny.

Renee_Writes · Urban
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21 Chs

Timid Cute Missy

"Who's the girl?" He asked.

"My Ms. Ryder. You mean," He chuckled.

"Always so perky. Follow me."

They arrived at the board room couple of minutes later and they settled down to have the meeting. He was among the directors and so, was listening to them talk when he stole a glance at the waiting room, through the glass that demarcated the board room from the waiting room. She was seated with her legs crossed, having a monologue and showing some facial expressions. He looked away, rolling his tongue in his mouth as a smirk played on his lips. He tapped his pen on the table, stealing another glance at her. This time, she was seated on the table, making some funny moves as she vibed to the song coming from her ear pod. You could tell she was listening to a sex swoon or seductive type of song by the way she demonstrated it in her dance steps. He observed her a little longer, smiling to himself.

"Mr. Ryder! Anything funny?" John asked, returning his focus to the meeting.

"Actually, the concept is. How do you expect to make much sales with such a wacky concept?" He asked, tapping his pen on the table.

"So, what do you suggest, sir?"

"I suggest Sunbae does its research properly and find the best marketing strategy. I don't want my company to go bankrupt due to incompetency from the other party. Call me when you have a good marketing strategy and you're ready to sign with me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've other things to attend to." He glanced at her.

"Sir," Tara called out after picking up his laptop and tablet.

"Yes, Tara." He said not pausing or looking back.

"You seem to like her." Tara started.

"Yes, Tara. Why?"

"Oh, nothing. I know it's really not my business but I haven't seen you this happy since Cassandra," She bit on her lower lip, praying he wouldn't yell or dismiss her.

"Tara?" He called out and she answered. "You're right, it's not your business. I know you detest Cassandra but can you at least attach Miss back to her name? It's like calling me Shawn, or Ryder." He said.

"Ew, God, no. It's nothing like calling you your name without titles, sir. Cassandra….sorry, miss Cassandra…" She furrowed her brows. "No, I can't do this. It's Cassandra and sir, with all due respect, it stays Cassandra. I can't respect someone that disrespects my boss even in public." She said.

"Enough, Tara! I don't want to hear you speak about Cassandra in such sort again. Understood?" He yelled.

"Understood?" He asked, bringing her back to reality.

"Yes, sir."

"Good, don't forget how I told you to do it, okay?" He said. She was lost at this point. 'Do what?' she wondered. She was too busy having a monologue in her head about how things would go down if she asked about this new girl or even spoke about Cassandra that she didn't hear what he said all these while.

"Sir," She called out, running after him.

"I'm sorry, but I didn't take notes. Can you go over it, one by one, please?" She shrunk, looking at him with bubbly eyes.

"I'll have it sent to your email." He walked up to Jazmyn and stood there, leaning against the wall with his arms folded as he watched her display her dance moves.

"She's full of life," Tara smiled.


"I've never seen you this happy, since…."

"It's okay, you can say it." He said.

"Cassandra. She's different. She's so adorable and lovable and…sir…"


"No. I'm not going to call you….your name. Sir, I bet you hit the jackpot this time." He smirked. "I'm just gonna head out, arrange the slides for the presentation in the next meeting. Don't bother coming, go out with her, I'll represent you." She said, heading out.

He watched her walk out of the waiting room, smiling to himself before redirecting his gaze back to her. She stopped immediately and descended the table when her eyes met his.

"I'm so sorry," She said, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "I guess I was so carried away with the song, I totally forgot I was in an office. I'm so sorry. How long have you been watching me for?" Her cheeks turned crimson as she lowered her head.

He laughed. "Ten minutes." He said. "It's okay."

"Ten minutes…more than enough to see enough. Can you not tell anyone? Don't do that. Don't laugh at me,"

He laughed, then tried holding it back. "Your secret is safe with me, missy." He said.

"I'm so embarrassed." She said. "Everyone would be staring at me."

He pulled her close and put his jacket over her. "Would they?" He smiled widely.

Her cheeks flushed pink as she bit down a blush.

"Let's go." He said.

"I'm so shy to walk out of here."

He looked at her. "Fine." He carried her over his shoulder as he walked out of the room. Her cheeks became crimson.

"Put me down, Shawn. This is even more embarrassing." She said. He lowered her to the ground, wrapped his arms around hers as they walked out of the waiting room. She tried to pull away but he only tightened his arms around hers that she couldn't pull away.

"Shawn! Shawn!" She said, trying to stand back as he kept moving on, but his arms were tightly wrapped around hers, forcing her to move with him.

"Would you rather I carry you?" He asked and she shook her head.

He signalled his bouncers and they carried her to the SUV. He pulled open the door for her to enter.

She furrowed her brows. "Why did you do that?"

"You weren't gonna move because you were embarrassed you looked like a stuffed teddy bear trying to dance." He teased and she became angrier.

"Has anyone ever told you how cute you look when you're upset? With those lips pouting out so cute? You look like a kitten, an angry kitten who doesn't even know how to look mean or angry when they're angry." He laughed.

"Tara. Where is she? I could really use her company instead of yours right now." She said, looking out the window.

"She left, so it's just you and I."

She stole a glance at him. He was smiling widely and it irritated her the more. He had the most beautiful, charming smile and it gave her butterflies but then, she remembered she had to stay mad at him till he tenders an apology. She looked away.

"I'd like to stop at the hospital, to see my mom." She said.

"What's wrong with her?" He asked.

"None of your business. Now, back to why I asked to meet."

"No, hold on. I really do care about your mom. What's wrong with her?" He asked.

"Does the offer still stand?"

"Yes. You haven't answered my question." He said.

"I accept your proposal. I'll be your fiancée. I'm only doing this, for my mom. I want her to get better. I don't have insurance and I don't have enough to pay for the bills." She said.

"I'm so sorry about her."

She glanced at him. "Keep the pity. She's all I've got and I'm not ready to lose her. I wouldn't be doing this if she weren't sick." She plugged in her earphone.

'Why is she so mean?' He wondered. He placed his hand ontop hers but she pulled away. She took out a side of the earphone and looked at him.

"What?" She asked.

"I want to ask you for a favor." He said.

"A favor? What is it you possibly want? I mean, what's there to give to someone who already has it all?"